Child Life Certifying Committee 
In This Issue
Certification Statistics
Certification Highlights
Exam Information
Dates to Remember
Quick Links

There are currently 4333 Certified Child Life Specialists throughout the world.


Breakdown by Country:


Australia - 4

Canada - 250

Georgia - 1

Guam - 1

Guatemala - 1

Hong Kong - 2

Italy - 1

Japan - 33

Kuwait - 1

Mexico - 1

New Zealand - 4

Puerto Rico - 1

Philippines - 1

Romania - 1

Singapore - 3

Switzerland - 3

Taiwan - 3

Trinidad - 1

United Arab Emirates - 1

United Kingdom - 2


United States-4018


AK - 5

AL - 45

AR - 22

AZ - 101

CA - 383

CO - 56

CT - 57

DC - 9

DE - 16

FL - 165

GA - 118

HI - 7

IA - 45

ID - 13

IL - 182

IN - 86

KS - 39

KY - 40

LA - 51

MA - 193

MD - 77

ME - 11

MI - 102

MN - 125

MO - 120

MS - 16

MT - 2

NC - 163

ND - 7

NE - 23

NH - 18

NJ - 140

NM - 10

NV - 17

NY - 265

OH - 211

OK - 27

OR - 27

PA - 140

RI - 17

SC - 55

SD - 18

TN - 109

TX - 370

UT - 60

VA - 78

VT - 14

WA - 68

WI - 89

WV - 4


Dear Certified Child Life Specialist,     


I would like to welcome Lucy Raab as the Chairperson-Elect for the Certifying Committee. Lucy has already served in many roles on the committee (and other CLC committees) including writing items (questions) for the exam, Item Development Coordinator, Practice Analysis Work Group and participation in the Recertification and Internship Task Forces. As you can tell she is well versed in the inner-workings of the Certification Program. Excited to have her serving in her new role!


At the same time, we would like to thank Kitty O'Brien for her years of service on the Certifying Committee. With all of the new initiatives that were taken on in her term, we cannot thank her enough for her attention to detail, interest in being fair and extremely thoughtful with all of the decisions and charges that were given (e.g. requirement of one child life course taught by a CCLS, updating the recertification process, and the professional practice policy). 


Please see below for an update on what the Child Life Certifying Committee has been working on since the last newsletter edition.  We hope you enjoy the CCLS Connection!  Please send your feedback to [email protected].    


Warmest Regards,


Quinn Franklin, MS, CCLS


Child Life Certifying Committee


Child Life Certification Program Highlights
Top Click on the links below to learn more about some of the recent and upcoming CLCC projects.

WorkGroupProgress Recertification Update


Number of CCLSs due to recertify in 2012:   576

Number of applications submitted to date:   488 (85%)


Late applications are accepted through October 31, 2012 as follows: 


The deadline to apply to recertify through professional development hours is June 30 of the final year of the five-year certification cycle. Late applications will be accepted through October 31, with a $50 U.S. late fee added after June 30.


Because they will not be part of the pool of those potentially audited, individuals applying after June 30 are required to submit their supporting documentation along with their application.


Applications submitted between July 1 and October 31 must be mailed to the CLC office with all supporting documentation. Online applications will not be accepted after June 30.


Applicants who apply after the June 30 deadline and whose applications are not approved will not be able to recertify by taking the November certification exam if the application deadline for the exam has already passed. In situations such as this, the CCLS's certification will expire on January 1 of the following year. To obtain the credential again, the individual will be required to re-establish eligibility under the current requirements, take and pass the exam.

Application for Recertification by PDH  



PDH Audit


In order to uphold and enforce the standards that have been set for child life professional development, a random audit of submitted applications is conducted annually. Shortly after the June 30th deadline, a computer-generated sample of applications is produced and these are given further review by members of the Child Life Certifying Committee (CLCC).  


This year 25 applications are being audited.  Supporting documentation submissions were due on August 13, 2012.  CLC staff is working with those individuals whose applications are being audited to provide the necessary materials to the auditors. Participants will be notified of the results in the next fees weeks.


It is essential to maintain a complete file of documentation of PDHs in the event your application is selected for the audit process.  The auditors review documentation submitted verifying the successful completion of each PDH session and confirm the appropriateness of the sessions' content in relation to the Exam Content Outline.


Audit of PDHs does NOT mean that there is a prior doubt about the honesty or accuracy of a claim. It is merely one part of the process to ensure its integrity.



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NewInitiativesNew Initiatives


As a result of the CLCC meeting in May, two new working groups were assembled.

  • References Working Group- this group will review the list of references used for the exam in an effort to reduce the number of references and update the list with current literature.
  • Practice Analysis Needs Assessment Working Group- this group will determine whether or not a practice analysis is needed. Our last Practice Analysis was in 2008 and typically it is revisited every 5-7 years.

Other items on our 'to do' list are:

  • Item Development and Exam Assembly
  • Examining the Certification Calendar to make the process more streamlined for CCLSs
  • Refine the Course Work Review process
  • Implementation of changes to the recertification program. We hope to be able to provide more information soon!

We will share more information as these projects evolve!


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PolicyDevPolicy Development Update


Code of Professional Practice

In 2011 a working group was assembled to develop two distinct policies: 1) regarding criminal activity for certificants and certification applicants and 2) a disciplinary policy for ethical breaches.  Members of the group began by reviewing existing policies of other like professions.  This benchmarking revealed approaches to these issues that appealed to the group and the policy that has developed is modeled after elements from different professional associations. 


It rapidly became evident that these two policies should be linked and incorporated into one document that also included the Code of Ethical Responsibility.  The working group developed the Code of Professional Practice that encompasses ethical dilemmas, behavior that reflects on the child life profession, and conduct that may put the general public at risk. 


CCLSs will be asked for their agreement at critical points in the certification process - at the time of application for the certification exam, applying for recertification, and when making the annual certification maintenance payment.  All CCLSs will be required to provide confirmation of their consent to abide by the code prior to the end of 2013. 


CLCC No Longer Accepting Paid Work Experience to Satisfy the Clinical Experience Requirement

The May 24, 2012 Child Life Professional Certification Exam was the final administration for which candidates who have not completed a child life internship or fellowship were seated for the exam.  


All applicants for the fall 2012 and subsequent exams are required to complete the required clinical experience through a child life internship or fellowship; paid work experience is no longer accepted.


As the profession of child life continues to mature, and as the demands on CCLSs become more rigorous, it becomes increasingly important for those representing the profession to present to other professionals in a consistent and predictable manner.  For child life to truly establish itself as a viable and defendable service to children and families, those responsible for employing, collaborating with and advocating for child life should be able to have specific expectations about the amount and type of training received by each individual holding child life certification.  


CLC does not have the authority to require academic institutions to coordinate or consolidate their programs, and CLC has endorsed diversity in the academic backgrounds of its practitioners.  However, CLC does have the authority and responsibility to require consistency in the clinical experience an incoming CCLS receives prior to certification. That consistency can best be achieved by standardizing child life internship and fellowship training, and requiring such training prior to certification.



CLCC to Require One Child Life Course Taught by a CCLS in 2013

All applicants for the fall 2013 and subsequent exams will be required to successfully complete a minimum of one child life course taught by a Certified Child Life Specialist as part of the course work requirement. 


CLCC seeks to ensure that individuals pursuing a career in child life will be proficient in their future practice by requiring an academic background that includes knowledge essential to child life practice.  Academic courses that prepare, support, and provide a solid academic and practical foundation for students allows them to build a foundation of knowledge in the core competencies of child life. 


When preparing students for areas of specialty such as child life, having content experts providing instruction is of great value.  Those who have earned the CCLS credential by successfully completing the Child Life Professional Certification Exam have demonstrated a level of expertise in child life that makes them uniquely suitable to instruct aspiring child life practitioners.


CLCC recommends that the newly-required course have a focus on children in the healthcare environment.  The definition of the parameters for this course can be found here.  CLC has compiled a list of academic institutions offering a class taught by a CCLS that may meet the criteria. The list is self-reported and CLC is not responsible for, nor does it endorse, the content or quality of any of these courses.  It is up to each student to determine if the CCLS teaching the class is a current CCLS (we encourage students to check the CCLS Directory), and confirm with the instructor that the class meets the requirements set forth by CLC.  CLC does not pre-approve any courses. Students should contact the institutions listed to ask any specific questions, such as determining if any pre-requisites are required.  View List


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RevisedRequirementsUpcoming Changes to the Eligibility Requirements for the Certification Exam 


The following changes to the eligibility requirements for the Child Life Professional Certification Examination were approved by CLC's Board of Directors in November 2010.

1. All applicants for the fall 2012 and subsequent exams are required to complete the required clinical experience through a child life internship or fellowship; paid work experience is no longer accepted.

2. All applicants for the fall 2013 and subsequent exams will be required to successfully complete a minimum of one child life course taught by a Certified Child Life Specialist as part of the course work requirement (More...)

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RecentFutureExamInfoExam Information 


May 24, 2012 Exam Administration Results

The Child Life Professional Certification Examination was administered on Thursday, May 24, 2012 prior to the start of the Child Life Council Annual Conference on Professional Issues in Washington, D.C.  with the following results:


270 Candidates Seated

220 New CCLSs

82% Passed 


Future Certification Exam Dates and Locations

  • November 1-15, 2012 Computer-Based Examination Approved Candidates may select their location from more than 300 testing centers worldwide: the deadline to apply was August 31, 2012. 

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ImportantDates2011Important Dates to Remember




15 - Withdrawal deadline for fall exam

31 - Deadline for LATE PDH submissions


November 1-15, 2012 - CBT exam administration


20 - Maintenance fee invoices sent

31 - Deadline to apply for reinstatement of inactive certification  

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The CCLS credentialing program was established in 1986
to increase the proficiency of child life professionals by identifying a body of knowledge;
establishing a level of comprehension and performance necessary for certification;
and increasing the value of practitioners to their employers.