September 2012 |
Welcome to the September Issue of the ASQ-LA Newsletter.
I look forward to seeing you at our September 12th Member Meeting which will be at: Phenomenex 2341 West 205th Street Torrance, CA 90501 NOTE: Do not go to the Lido Restaurant as previously announced. Do not go to the Phenomenex main entrance on 411 Madrid. The Meeting will be on the 2nd floor of 2341 West 205th Street. Near Crenshaw and 190th. If you plan to attend the meeting, YOU MUST RSVP to Lane Parrott 310-489-9018 or e-mail LaneP@phenomenex.com, no-later-than Noon on Monday, September 10th, so she can get the list of attendees. Looking forward to your attendance at this month's program.
Harold Martinez Newsletter Chair
ASQLA MEMBER MEETING - September 12, 2012
"Wine and Six Sigma
Please join the ASQLA Section 0700 for its monthly member meeting on Wednesday, September 12th. The meeting will be at Phenomenex in Torrance. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality professionals and to learn about current techniques & technologies. Our speaker this month is Mr. Joe DeSimone speaking on "Wine and Six Sigma."
Joe DeSimone will share with us a Six Sigma project he successfully conducted at a winery. The winery had a problem...
When customers popped the cork there was a lingering aroma of chemicals. A chemical odor is common with inexpensive wines but unacceptable in expensive wines. Uncorking the bottle and smelling the cork is an essential part of the wine serving experience. If the aroma is unpleasant, it does not matter how delicious the wine is, it is perceived to be of poor quality. If customers perceive poor quality they will not pay top dollar. To break-even the winery needed a more consistent process. To make money they needed to consistently produce wine with an excellent lingering aroma. Was it the cork? Was it the bottle? Was it the grapes? Joe will describe how he conducted the project and will reveal how the winery changed their process to eliminate the lingering chemical aroma. Wine samples will be available for those interested in tasting the quality results of Joe's Six Sigma Project.
Joe DeSimone is the owner and President or DeSimone Engineering, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in six sigma, quality and productivity specialties. Joe has been training and consulting in the following disciplines for over 20 years: SPC, Lean, Six Sigma, DOE, GD&T, RCCA and Continuous Improvement/Problem Solving.
Joe is a degreed Quality Engineer (BSIT) with ASQ Certifications: CQE, CRE, CMI, CQT, CQM, SSBB, and Master Blackbelt, as well as PMP and a DMI Certified Trainer. Also Joe has been conducting review courses for the ASQ for these various exams since 1989 with
high success rates. In addition to these disciplines, Joe conducts courses in Project Management and reviews for the PMP Professional examination.
The program will be held at Phenomenex 2341 West 205th Street in Torrance. Click here for a Phenomenex Map. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality Professionals, learn about quality related topics and earn 0.3 Recertification Units. Registration and networking starts at 5:30 PM. The meeting runs from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Crackers, Cookies, Coffee & Water will be provided at no charge.
You MUST RSVP to Lane Parrott 310-489-9018 or e-mail address to LaneP@phenomenex.com, no later than Noon on Monday, September 10th. |

Message from the Chair - Lane Parrott
In July the Leadership Team took a hard look at our annual performance in preparation for developing our objectives for 2012-2013. We met all of our goals except member retention. "Well that isn't too bad" someone said. "Aren't all of the sections losing members?" During the meeting we did not have all the facts, so we changed the subject and went on with the process of setting goals.
After the meeting I looked up the membership statistics for the other Region 7 Sections. A long, long time ago, Los Angeles was the largest section. Then I remember being second to Orange County. Well, we dropped to 4th largest out of 14 sections. What happened?
I looked at the LA Section's member retention rate. Not only did we not meet our goal, we slipped to 3rd from the bottom. What are the other sections doing that we are missing?
41% of Region 7 Member's have an ASQ Certification. However only 34% of LA Section Members have an ASQ Certification. Members with certifications are more likely to attend meetings, so they can get Recertification Units!
To turn things around we need to get serious about ASQ Certifications. We need to increase the percentage of members with certifications and we need to increase our total number of certifications.
We all know that attending a course costs money and taking a certification exam costs money too. Many of our members are unemployed. Many companies do not pay for outside courses. Money is tight!
The Leadership Team believes in the value of the ASQ certifications. During September and October, we will brainstorm on how the section can help members obtain certifications.
In November, International Quality Month, the presentation will focus on the benefits of obtaining ASQ Certification. We will present the section's certification ideas during the November meeting.
I look forward to seeing you and hearing your thoughts at the September Meeting.
Lane Parrott
Section 0700 Chair
Membership Chair Report
By Lisa Uhrig
MR |
Jerald A. Smith |
Firth Rixson |
MS |
Lisa Fleckstein |
Alcoa |
MS |
Andrea Church-Kreisa |
Hertz Corporation | |
Kevin P. Jardim |
Zodiac Aerospace | |
Dhiraj Kumar | |
MR |
Peter Kim |
PSC Biotech | |
Armen Carapetian | |
MS |
Eunina F Newkirk |
Pharmavite LLC | |
Aylin Asatourians |
Sakura Finetek USA, Inc. |
California State University, Dominguez Hills
FALL 2012 - Internet Program Schedule - Subject to Occasional Changes
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class To Register of Class
Sept. 4 Aug. 31 Dec. 4
Course Title Instructor
QAS 200.41 Fundamentals of Quality (3 units) David Vu (dvu@csudh.edu)
QAS 220.41 Introduction to Measurement Science Emil Hazarian ((ehazarian@csudh.edu)
QAS 330.41 Statistical Quality Control and Inspection Dan Dunahay (ddunahay@csudh.edu)
QAS 331.41 Manufacturing Processes (3 units) Craig Carpenter (CCarpenter@polkaudio.com)
QAS 335.41 Quality Auditing (3 units) David Vu (dvu@csudh.edu)
QAS 347.41 Dimensional Metrology (3 units) Emil Hazarian (ehazarian@csudh.edu)
QAS 427.41 Quality Improvement (3 units) Minoo Hosseini (mhosseini@csudh.edu)
QAS 499.41 Senior Project (3 units) Robert Spencer (rspencer@csudh.edu)
QAS 510.41 Advance Probability/Statistic (3 units) John Miller (jamiller@csudh.edu)
QAS 511.41 Quality Function Management & TQM William Trappen (btrappen@csudh.edu)
QAS 511.42 Quality Function Management & TQM Bhavan (Bob) Mehta (bmehta@csudh.edu)
QAS 513.41 Sta Quality Control Samplg (3 units) Dan Dunahay (ddunahay@csudh.edu)
QAS 514.41 Advanced Experimental Design (3 units) Dan Dunahay (ddunahay@csudh.edu)
QAS 515.41 Human Factors in Quality Assurance Jim Clauson (jclauson@csudh.edu)
QAS 518.41 Quality Project Management William Trappen (btrappen@csudh.edu)
QAS 523.41 Software Reliability (3 units) Catherine French (cfrench@csudh.edu)
QAS 525.41 ISO 9000 and Audit Function (3 units) Robert Spencer (rspencer@csudh.edu)
QAS 531.41 Customer Satisfaction & Quality Assurance Robert Spencer (rspencer@csudh.edu
QAS 538.41 "Evaluation and Outcome Bhavan (Bob) Mehta (bmehta@csudh.edu)
Analysis for Healthcare Delivery" (3 units)
QAS 598.41 Directed Research (3 units) Milton Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
QAS 599.41 Thesis/Project (3 units) Milton Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
To enroll contact the Extended Education Registration office, please call (310) 243-3741, fax (310) 516-3971, or by email at eereg@csudh.edu.
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class To Register of Class
Oct. 9 Oct. 5 Dec. 4
Course Title Instructor
QAS 495.41 Mathematics for Quality Assurance John Miller (jamiller@csudh.edu)
ASQ Certification Refresher Courses - Internet Program Schedule
Subject to Occasional Changes
FALL 2012
Course Title Instructor
NBQA 701.41 Certified Quality Management/Organizational Milt Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
NBQA 704.41 Certified Reliability Engineering Exam Prep. Michael Falk (michael.d.falk@kp.org)
NBQA 702.41 Certified Quality Engineer Exam Prep. Catherine French (cfrench@csudh.edu)
NBQA 703.41 Certified Quality Auditor Exam Prep. Milt Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
NBQA 705.41 Certified Software Quality Engineer Exam Prep. Catherine French (faxcntn@cox.net)
NBQA 709.41 Certified Calibration Technician Milt Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
Engineer Exam Prep.
To reach the Extended Education Registration office please call (310) 243-3741, fax (310) 516-3971, or by email at eereg@csudh.edu. .
For On-Site or On-Campus NBQA 701, NBQA 702, NBQA 703, and NBQA 706 Please contact the MSQA program. |
ASQ Certification Exams
Application Deadline
October 12, 2012
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
October 17, 2012
Exam Date
December 1, 2012
Quality Engineer(CQE)
Quality Auditor(CQA)
Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB)
Software Quality Eng. (CSQE)
Quality Improvement Assoc (CQIA)
Calibration Technician(CCT)
Quality Process Analyst (CQPA)
Application Deadline
January 11, 2013
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
January 16, 2013
Exam Date
March 2, 2013
Six Sigma Black Belt(SSBB)
Mgr of Qual/Org Excel (CMQ/OE)
Quality Inspector(CQI)
Quality Technician(CQT)
Biomedical Auditor(CBD)
Reliability Engineer(CRE)
HACCP Auditor(CHA)
for more information.
Cal State Dominguez Hills BSQA & MSQA Programs
sponsor certification preparation courses, See certification
Is it time for recertification? Send your package to Joe DeSimone, Recertification Chair at P.O. Box 1291, San Pedro, CA 90731.
Time: 5:30 - 6:00 Networking & Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 Meeting
CSUDH Extended Education Bldg
1000 Victoria St., Carson, CA 90745
Contact: Lane Parrott, Chair
(310) 489-9018
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the Month
Officers & Committee Chairs of ASQ Los Angeles Section 700
CHAIR: Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
SECRETARY: Catherine Martin - 310-616-0936 Catherine_Martin@raytheon.com
TREASURER: Jim Morrison - (310) 541-1417 - jamamorr@aol.com
PAST CHAIR/Executive Advisory: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com Arrangements: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com
Job Listing: Armen Yeghoian - 818-912-9272 - Armen2049@yahoo.com
Website Chair: Open
Membership: Lisa Uhrig - - 310-283-1197 lisa@uhrigconsulting.com
Education: Bill Trappen - (760)723-7718 -tankerwht@aol.com
CSUDH Liaison: Milt Krivokuca - (949) 892-7994 - Milt619@cox.net
Certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 -jrdesimone@msn.com
Re-certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 - jrdesimone@msn.com
Newsletter: Harold Martinez - (310) 214-1606 -martinez2004@verizon.net
Awards and Recognition: Imre Fischer -(949)493-3914 - imrefische@aol.com
Quality Management Process (QMP): Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
Financial Audit: Michael Schaffer - (310)895-0802 michaels@psychemedics.com
Simon Collier Quality Award: Imre Fischer - (949) 493-3914 ImreFische@aol.com
Programs: Open
Publicity & Advertising Chair: : Alan Wang - (310)383-2393 - awang@spectrumchemical.com
State of Section 7 Membership
by El�as Monr�al
I would like to extend my �FELICIDADES! and CONGRATULATIONS! to my fellow quality professionals celebrating their section's anniversary. To know where we are going, we need to know where we came from.
Region 7 Sections |
Established |
(2012) | |
February 15, 1946 |
66 |
May 19, 1960 |
52 |
November 1954 |
58 |
0703 SAN DIEGO |
January 1952 |
60 |
0704 PHOENIX |
July 1, 1957 |
55 |
0705 LAS VEGAS |
May 1968 |
44 |
May 22, 1962 |
50 |
0707 TUCSON |
March 23, 1955 |
57 |
0708 PALOMAR |
May 1971 |
41 |
May 1963 |
49 |
Aug 1975 / Feb 2000 |
25 |
May 17, 1994 |
18 |
0712 TIJUANA |
November 26, 1996 |
16 |
May 18, 2002 |
10 |
0714 NOGALES |
November 9, 2006 |
6 |
Currently, Region 7 is the 5th largest section in the nation with a total membership of 4,930. If you include the 1,075 pending/renewal members, then the potential total membership could be 6,005. Please view the below graph of Region 7 membership segmentation: geographic, country, membership, market, job title, certification, and division interest.
- 82 new members to region
- 98% from USA, 1% from M�xico, 1% other
* 76% from CA, 17% from AZ, 2% from NV, 4% other * 50% Regular, 36% Senior, 7% Student, 5% Associate, 1% Fellow, 1% Org/Site * 44% Manufacturing, 30% Service, 15% Unknown, 5% Healthcare, 2% Unclassified * 22% Engineer, 20% Manager, 9% Director, 8% Unknown, 3% Student * 24% CQE, 23% CQA, 13% CMQ/OE, 10% CSSBB, 5% CSSGB * 60% do NOT hold one(1)certification and 40% hold at least one certification
Region 7 Membership Distribution |
Reflecting on the region's past directors: Duckworth, Maio, Blixt, D�az, Calhoun, Underwood, Pape, Durgin; I am struck by the passion, devotion, leadership, and commitment to the quality movement they provided the region. We are all aware of the dedication and the sacrifices that go into planning, organizing and executing a section event. I ask you: What are you willing to work hard for? We all view education as the direction for the future. I ask you: Have you outreached and mentored a student branch member? We all have been part of a highly functioning team where everyone's contribution was vital to the team's success, and how everyone's collaborative efforts advanced the team. I ask you: Will you join such a team - our team - now?
What advice can I give for the next 50 years: �Darle Ganas! This loosely translates to giving your all in your assigned/volunteer task with passion, emotion, and commitment. Vince Lombardi said it best, "The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Work is the key to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything." With this attitude, I foresee Region 7 will: diversify its market share, engage its members to greatness, strengthen its student chapters, foster its young quality professionals, educate its members in our chosen profession - Quality, and be the first in the nation to sponsor an ASQ Jr. Chapter for high school students. Please join me as we chart a course to new heights through the next 50 years.
El�as Monr�al
ASQ Board of Director
ASQ Region 7 Director
ASQ MQD Membership Chair
R7 Membership Data