Greetings! |
"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Courage is a necessary virtue in order to succeed in business and in life. Just as a wobbling infant musters up the courage to take his first steps, we too must be willing to overcome our fears and courageously face the challenges of everyday life. Some people are, by nature, more courageous than others, but we can all gain more courage by developing the necessary mindset.
In this month's newsletter, you'll get some pointers on building courage through your leadership challenges. Practice these and, like the lion in the Wizard of Oz, you might just earn your badge of courage!
Building The Courage To Make Changes!
By Danita Johnson Hughes |
 Leadership takes courage. It has been said that the lack of courage, in management and in life, is perhaps the most critical factor in determining whether you will succeed or fail as a leader.
Organizations today need leaders who are unencumbered by fear. Leaders who can guide the company through troubled times and help turn it around in spite of the challenges.
Courage isn't something that just happens. Courage is a lot like a muscle. To build courage through your leadership challenges you must develop the attitude, skill and ability to use it. Read More... |