Video Wisconsin The Dean Group
OR: How I learned to love video... and stop hating the internet.
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Online Video Seminar

There's no more powerful medium than video, especially when used online. Profit from online video by attending our next free seminar. The Dean Group and TSR Solutions hosts a 2 hour seminar you won't want to miss on January 29th. To register, click here.
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Welcome to News You Can Use - About Video!
Actually, we don't hate the internet - but we do believe many organizations are missing an opportunity by not using dynamic, professionally produced video on their websites. We remember what we see. Video is the most powerful medium available, so why not? Below, a few tips on same. But beware, video from The Dean Group can be habit-forming!
camera lens"Putting video on websites has been a huge success." In a recent study by MarketingSherpa of companies using video on their marketing websites, an amazing 57% said the use of video was a huge success with a positive impact on sales, lead generation, site use and improved customer relations. The study found even the 29% "unsure" users were very optimistic, saying they just didn't have the data yet to say one way or another. And the small percentage with no impact - blamed themselves for not doing a good enough job. That sounds like 100% positive to us!

Want to know more about how video can work for you? Call us.
Case Study - Online Testimonial
Video testimonials work, producing great ROIYour customers are your best sales staff!
Video testimonials are a proven power that increase sales. Third party credibility generated by satisfied customers can't be gained elswhere. It whets prospect appetites for more information and can be the dressing on the cake to close sales.
   Gleaning the right soundbites in an interview, then weaving them into the in an effective story, is where most do-it-yourself testimonials  fail. Click here or on the camera lens above to see how we blended multiple testimonials from a single client into an eye-catching online and trade show presentation. Then call to ask what else we did to increase our customer's ROI!
It Needn't be Costly - It's Cost Effective!
Wisconsin video camera by The Dean GroupProbably the biggest myth about video is cost, especially where online video is concerned. Getting a small collection of professionally-produced, effective testimonials can be done for under $800! Often, a single sale can more than offset the cost of video. But wait - there's more! Proper planning can also reduce costs, plus increase future utilization, further increasing ROI. To get your video rolling, call us for a no-obligation creative analysis and cost estimate. And click here or on the camera, above, to go to our video gallery.