Header5a - RH
Issue: Vol 2  # 12-2
December, 2010   
In This Issue
Put These Dates ...
Open the Door ...
The Gift Tha Gives ...
Applause To All ...
Put These Dates on Your Calendar in 2011

Sunday, January 30 12 noon - 3 pm
Rock 'n Bowl

NOBA's YLS is sponsoring a Charity Bowling Tournament to benefit The Project.
Full registration and sponsorship information, including registration and sponsorship forms, is at: YLS BOWLING.  Find full event details and credit card registration for Teams, Individuals and Law Students at YLS BOWLING 2011.  If you wish to pay by cash or check, please download a form from: YLS BOWLING.

Registration deadline is January 28th.
  Individual and law student tickets will be available at the door, see YLS BOWLING 2011 for 'at the door' information.

Tuesday, February 8
12 noon - 1 pm
The Bar Center

Professionalism CLE: "Thinking Outside the Box: Creative Ways to Solve Your Pro Bono Client's Problems"   

Presented by Kathlyn Perez and Erin Pelleteri of Baker Donelson, Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz.

Please register by sending an email to LINTON CARNEY.

Sign Up For A Clinic

   Fall is a busy time for The Project.  Volunteers are needed to staff several clinics in the metro area.  For more information and exact locations, please download the complete schedule from: FALL CLINIC SCHEDULE.

Open the Door: Be A Partner for Pro Bono

LA Giving B&W

Please open the door for our clients and volunteers and support The Project by clicking on the Louisiana Giving logo above. 

Become a
Partner for Pro Bono
by checking the
"make this a recurring donation" box on The Project's donation page when you click the above link. Make your Annual Donation over 12 months.

 Help us plan for the future by contacting
Rachel PIercey at 504.581.4043 about the Pro Bono for Life Planned Giving program.

Follow-up Links
JFAB 2010

    What are you giving to the person who has everything?  Why not consider a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year?  We'll tell you more below.

     A hearty congratulations to all our honorees who were recognized last week at the Annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Awards event! 

     Our thanks to Jones Walker for once again hosting this event.  As well, our heartfelt thanks go out to The Honorable Helen Ginger Berrigan, who served as our Master of Ceremonies and to Tim Averil, Esq., who presented the year-end CLE, which preceded the Awards presentation and reception.  See article below for details.

In the spirit of giving,
Rachel Piercey
Executive Director

PS -- Spread the word about The Pro Bono Project by using the new social media buttons and connect this newsletter to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media page. Thanks!
The Gift That Gives ...

    Just what kind of gift do you give to the person who has everything?  Let's face it, material stuff is nice to get, but just how many i-pods, HD TVs, Rolex watches and BMWs do we need?  Stuff, is after all, just stuff and it's always replaceable with the latest, newest, better almost anytime of the year.

    But what about giving a gift this Christmas that continues to give all year long? A gift that benefits the giver and the receiver, as well as people neither giver or receiver even knows, and for which the ultimate receiver is forever grateful?  A gift that benefits the community at large both now and in the future?  A gift that makes a real difference in people's lives?

   Of course, we're talking about giving the gift of a donation to The Project in the name of someone -- whether it's a friend, family, client colleague, or whether it's someone you want to especially honor or someone that you want to remember.

   By giving this kind of a gift, you and the person in whose honor you are making the gift, will know that all year long, you are supporting The Project in helping to rebuild the lives of those in need within the greater community.  Often times these are seniors, children and families, as well as the homeless and individuals who simply cannot afford the services of an attorney to resolve a civil legal problem that has their lives turned upside down.

   So you've decided you want to do this, now what do you do?  There are three easy ways to give a gift of a donation to The Project:
  1. Donate securely online at HOLIDAY GIVING, where you can indicate to whom you wish to give your gift and whether it's in honor of or memory of someone.  Be sure to include your contact information so we can follow-up with you and send a special Holiday acknowledgment to the individual(s) or family regarding your gift in their honor or memory.
  2. Call The Project directly at 504.581.4043 or via email at HOLIDAY GIFT and provide the amount, your credit card information and the individual(s) or family's name(s) and contact information so we can then send an acknowledgment. Please put 'Holiday Gift' in the subject line of your email.
  3. Send a check to The Pro Bono Project, 615 Baronne, Suite 203, New Orleans, LA 70113 with the contact information for the individual(s) or family; please let us know whether it's in honor or memory of the recipient and we'll send an acknowledgement.

    Whether it's $5, $50, $500, $5,000 or more, every dollar counts toward making sure that we are there for those who need civil legal services.  Please consider giving a gift to The Project in honor or memory of someone special as you celebrate the holidays. Thanks for your continued support and Happy Holidays!


Applause to All ...
Vol Appr 2010 Group Photo
Photo by Walt Pierce

    The Pro Bono Project celebrated in high style on Thursday evening, December 9th at its annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Awards Ceremony, held at the law firm of Jones Walker and presided over by The Honorable Helen 'Ginger' Berrigan, Judge, United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana.


    Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC took front and center, once again, as recipient of the 2010 Law Firm of the Year AwardThe Honorable Rosemary Ledet, Judge, Civil District Court, Orleans Parish and The Honorable Patricia Joyce, Commissioner, 24th JDC, Jefferson Parish were honored as 2010 Distinguished Jurists of the Year.

    For complete details on the top award winners, a complete listing of all honorees, please visit: 2010 HONOREES.

  • Capital One, N.A., named as the 2010 Pro Bono Corporate Partner
  • Tulane University Law School was named 2010 Law School of the Year
  • 2010 Distinguished Donor is Woodward Design + Build
  • Henry Bennett as the 2010 Friend of Pro Bono
  • Lydia Casiano (Loyola Law School), this year's Pro Bono Law Student of the Year
  • Brian Hoerner, The Project's 2010 Paralegal of the Year
  • The 2010 Leadership Award went to board member and Resource Development Committee Chair, Norm Rubenstein of Zeughauser Group

    The 2010 Distinguished Service Awardees include: 

  • Michelle Purchner, Associate at Gordon Arata
  • Denise Redmann, Assistant General Counsel, Entergy
  • Peter Sloss, Partner, Murphy, Rogers Sloss & Gambel
  • Ryan Wallis, Associate, Cotton Schmidt and Abbott LLP
  • Daniel Zweben, Associate, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
     For the second year in a row, The Project recognized Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC as the Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year.  In 2010, members of the firm provided almost 700 hours of volunteer service to The Project and its clients through the participation of 19 attorneys who worked on over 20 cases.  In addition, several of the firm's members worked on the 2010 Justice For All Ball, helping to make it the biggest success to date.  The firm also took the lead in the local activities surrounding National Pro Bono Week in October, presenting a CLE on the importance of cy pres awards to non-profits, such as The Project.

    "Baker Donelson understands clearly what it takes and why it is necessary for The Project to open the doors to those in need of civil legal services within this community.  They have made the kind of commitment to The Project, to pro bono and to this community that has given us the ability to reach out to many more people and keep metro New Orleans moving forward," explained The Project's Executive Director Rachel Piercey.

    Attorneys and other professionals were also honored for their volunteer services over 100 and 50 hours during this year, as were the Contributing Out-of- State Law Firms and Contributing Law Schools.  The 2010 Pro Bono Honor Roll acknowledged the more than 500 volunteer attorneys, paralegals, companies, professionals and other individuals who contributed legal or other pro bono services.  For a complete listing, please visit: 2010 HONOREES.

Our Mission

The Pro Bono Project's mission is to provide free, quality civil legal services to the poor by engaging volunteer attorneys to render pro bono services.
  The Project serves Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany and Washington Parishes with funding from the Justice For All Ball and other sources.  The Project works in collaboration with other legal and social service providers to improve the quality of life for our clients and our community.