The Deaf Entertainers Documentary

See What I'm Saying:  The Deaf Entertainers Documentary
PRODUCTIONSee What I'm Saying
I am proud to announce that the Deaf Entertertainers Documentary, entitled SEE WHAT I'M SAYING is now in production! 

If you are receiving this newsletter, that means I think that you're great because I have met you, corresponded with you and count you as someone I want to stay in touch with.
We have filmed 135 hours of footage to date and produced a spiffy promo up on our new website on the trailer page.

Photo:  Deaf actor Robert DeMayo while filming in Arizona. 

The Challenges                                                                
After directing 12 short films this year, touring the festival circuit with 3 of them and being selected out of 12,000 filmmakers to appear as a director on Steven Spielberg's TV show ON THE LOT, it was time to make this film.
I have since filmed Robert's journey from sleeping on a park bench in Philadelphia to teaching at Juilliard, followed CJ to North Carolina to film him perform at the National Black Theatre Festival, have been filming Bob as he gears up to perform at the El Rey Theatre with the world's only deaf rock band Beethoven's Nightmare, and am filming TL on her extraordinary journey to record her first CD "Not Deaf Enough."  I have been challenged by much in the past few months as but have been rewarded tenfold by being allowed to film such personal stories.  To have the deaf community behind me as well as so many hearing supporters from the beginning has kept me going, as well as knowing in my heart that these stories must be told.

 See What I'm Saying
Photo:  Hard of hearing singer/performer TL Forsberg (photo by Chris Voelker)
SEE WHAT I'M SAYING has been accepted into the International Documentary Association and donations are now tax deductible.

An ace crew has been assembled including Marcus Taylor who quit his job at DreamWorks to edit this film (talk about poetic justice); Lisa Leeman, an Emmy nominated filmmaker who has worked on such films as LOST IN LA MANCHA, BIG MAMA and WHO NEEDS SLEEP has signed on as our story consultant; and Jeff Gatesman who shot and edited DITTO, ROUCHAMBEAU and I'M HILARI SCARL with me is back as my cinematographer.

I have had a few "surprise" celebrities pop up unexpectedly during filming, including "Incredible Hulk" actor Lou Ferrigno (who is deaf) who attended the ASL Expo where CJ was performing, and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made an appearance before Bob Hiltermann received an award for cultural achievement at the Deaf Festival in Woodley Park.  There are a few other surprises coming up later this year, so stay tuned!
How You Can Help
  • Come support these artists by attending their events!
October 6 - Los Angeles - Beethoven's Nightmare at the El Rey Theatre
October 19 - 21 - Philadelphia - PaH! Deaf Festival opening weekend
October 25 - 27 - Los Angeles - CJ's International Sign Language Theatre Festival
October 28 - November 4 - Miami - World's largest all deaf cruise - over 4,000 deaf passengers
November 16 - 18 - Philadelphia - PaH Deaf Festival closing weekend

All links to these events are on our website.
  • We need to raise another $30,000 to get us through production.  Our grant writer has written 50 grant application over the summer, and we have contacted almost as many corporate sponsors for funding.  The money is slowly starting to come in, but additional support is greatly needed immediately and will go directly towards production expenses.  It's tax-deductible! 
    • $25 donation - yes, you are a crazy dreamer.  I will buy you 10 hours of tape stock.
    • $50 donation - I am grateful that I have a steady job and I love a good story.  I will buy you a week of groceries until your grants come in.
    • $100 donation - I love your trailer and believe in you.  I will help you buy a hard drive to hold some of your 300+ hours of footage.
    • $250 donation - Sign language is cool.  I will help pay for interpreters for your production to maintain accessibility for both deaf and hearing on the production.
    • $500 donation - your performers are amazing and need to be seen.  I will help pay for camera rentals.
    • $1,000 donation - I support this project and all that it stand for.  I will help you pay for post production expenses to get you through editing.  [You will receive a special thanks credit for any donation of $1,000 and above.]
    • $5,000 donation - this project is important and I support you through this incredible challenge.  I will pay for a week of production expenses.
    • $[fill in the blank]  Because every dollar counts, is tax-deductible and I believe in you.  Please invite me to the opening!
  • Please donate via PayPal, through the IDA or by mailing checks by the following:
  • (non-tax deductible, sent directly to us)
  • (tax deductible - funds will be sent to us)
  • Mail checks to us:  (please make checks out to Worldplay, Inc. - not tax deductible, but no extra service fees for us!)
Hilari Scarl
Worldplay, Inc.
1320 N. Martel Avenue #6
Los Angeles CA  90046
  • Mail tax-deductible donations to IDA (funds will be sent directly to us): 
International Documentary Association (please write "Deaf Entertainers" in the subject line)
1201 West 5th Street, Suite M320
Los Angeles, CA  90017
  • If you work for a corporation that might be interested in corporate sponsorship, please let me know and I will send you corporate sponsor information.  We are also looking for in-kind donations.
  • Do you travel?  Willing to donate some frequent flyer miles to our production?  Our travel has been made possible through generous donations from individuals assisting us by donating their frequent flyer miles.  We have a few trips left that could use some assistance!  Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. 
  • Know of a group?  A sign language class?  A deaf club?  A school interested in helping?  Please have them sign up on our mailing list at the bottom of our home page so we can invite them to the film when it's finished next year.

I will continue to keep you posted on the progress of the film.  Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, comments or questions, or if you would like to add or remove any email addresses.  I'm trying out this new system so any feedback is appreciated!

"You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
-John Wooden

You have all lived that perfect day.

With deepest gratitude,
Hilari Scarl
Hilari Scarl
Worldplay, Inc.
See What I'm Saying
The Deaf Entertainers Documentary
[email protected]