The Trail Foundation Board of Directors |
Bill Kerr, President Kelly Hart and Hallman
Colin Wallis, Vice Pres. Lance Armstrong Foundation
Jack Collins, Treasurer Frost Bank
Peter Huff, Secretary Blue Sage Capital
Dave Andreas Silicon Laboratories
Corey Blahuta vcfo
Bill Curra, P.E., Blue Ocean Energy
Lynn Currie Mercury Mambo
Shirley Domicoli PureAustin
Mike Elhaj Simple Power
Asher Flynn Asher Flynn Realtors
Lisa E. Huddleson LEH Philanthropy Advisors
Christopher Kennedy LCRA
Jon Levy PlainsCapital Bank
John Loudamy Demand Media
Brian Ott TBG Partners
Sarah Russ Communications Consultant
Steve Saunders Saunders, Norval, Nichols & Atkins, L.L.P
Stephanie Shoemaker Maxwell Locke & Ritter
Jim Sud Whole Foods Market
Margot K. Thomas Community Activist
Jesse Weiss Greenberg Traurig
Bob Wynn Oxford Commercial
Susan Plettman Rankin, Executive Director
Join Our List
Johnson Creek Survey Results
 We asked and you answered! Last month, we sent out an invitation for input through a survey for our upcoming Trail enhancement near Austin High. We received over 700 responses! The Trail Foundation is working with Bosse & Phairs, a local landscape architecture firm, to design the Johnson Creek Trailhead Project. Your survey responses will help guide us during the design phase. To learn more about the Johnson Creek Trailhead project and to see the survey results, click here. |
TTF Honored with Beautification Award
 The Trail Foundation was honored to receive the Beautification Award from Keep Austin Beautiful for our recently completed Between the Bridges project.
To learn more about the Between the Bridges project, click here.
Photo (from left): KXAN Chief Meteorologist Jim Spencer, TTF Executive Director Susan Plettman Rankin, TTF Board Member Brian Ott and KAB Board President Todd McCay at the KAB Award Luncheon.
Decker Volunteers Needed
 The Austin Runner's Club has once again named The Trail Foundation as a beneficiary of their Decker Challenge! The Trail Foundation will have the mile 6 water stop at the event, and we need your help. We need volunteers to help staff the water stop and give water to the hill-running participants. To volunteer, please email Susan with your name and contact information. To learn more about the event or register, click here. |
Volunteer to Keep the Trail Clean
TTF will be hosting a cleanup on December 5 in partnership with Keep Austin Beautiful and the City's Watershed Protection Department. Volunteers are needed at the four starting locations for shoreline cleanup. There will also be boats available for on-the-water volunteers. Please come out and keep our Trail clean! Registration will be open in mid-November. Click here to access the registration page.
Photo: TTF Volunteers celebrate a job well-done at the Trash & Treasure cleanup on October 17.
Tag the Trail: November 7 & 8
Look for TTF on the Trail November 7th and 8th at Tag the Trail. This membership and awareness event allows us to share our mission and passion for the Trail with other Trail users. You will notice TTF signs at the locations of our projects and gardens all over the Trail.
If you are a TTF member, don your TTF or Maudie's Moonlight Margarita Run shirt and come out to see us! We hope to see you at our info table at the Johnson Creek Trailhead under MoPac on the north side of the Lake.
Trail Plant Walk with Local Author
Come learn what's growing in the Trail woodlands that you walk and jog through every day. Join Matt Turner, local naturalist, teacher and author of Remarkable Plants of Texas: Uncommon Accounts of Our Common Natives (UT Press 2009), for an informal plant walk along Lady Bird Lake. Learn the names and lore of our common native trees, shrubs, and flowers.
This event is free. Join Matt and other plant enthusiasts on Sunday, November 8 at 10 a.m. beneath the MoPac Bridge on the south side of the Lake. Look for Matt in an orange shirt and tan, floppy hat.
Trail Etiquette Campaign
TTF is working with the City of Austin on the pilot Trail Etiquette Campaign led by the Department of Public Works Bicycle & Pedestrian Program.
Look for a commuter station from 7-9 AM on the Pfluger Bridge every 1st and 3rd Thursday until the end of this year.
Come by and grab coffee, breakfast, some information on sharing the Trail and get a fast, free onceover of your bicycle by a certified bicycle mechanic from a local bike shop.
Photo: A bicyclist enjoys the view from the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge.
Bird Walk led by Audubon Society
 Before or after your run or walk at Lady Bird Lake, come identify those birds that you see in the area. Stan VanSandt of the Travis Audubon Society will be leading two bird walks on November 14th at 9am and 10:30am. Beginners and experts alike are welcome. Bring binoculars if you have them. Each walk will last an hour or less. No registration required for this fun bird walk! Meet in the parking lot under the Mopac bridge on the south side of the Lake. Look for someone wearing binoculars around his neck!
Photo from Travis Audubon Society: "A mother and baby Northern Cardinal near their nest." Photo by Evan Quenon.
Support the Future of The Trail
 As we enter the fall and winter seasons, we can begin to appreciate a change in weather and the thoughtfulness the season provides. The Trail Endowment Fund offers an opportunity to support the Trail in perpetuity through a growing, permanent endowment. Your gift will be matched by the Austin Community Foundation, leading to an even greater impact on the Trail's future. Give to The Trail Endowment Fund today. Your donation is critical and will grow over the years and ensure that we can continue to improve the Trail. Click here to learn more about The Trail Endowment Fund. |
iGnite Your Life at The Trail
iGnite is a fitness and wellness group that frequently trains at the Trail. Neissa Brown Springmann, iGnite founder, wanted to help improve the Trail and worked with TTF to develop a successsul group membership drive. Please contact Theresa if your training group would like to help with a membership drive. Learn more about iGnite or become a TTF member.
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The Trail Foundation PO Box 5195 l Austin, TX 78763 l 512-733-3989