New commemorative bricks at Lou Neff Point
Sandy Silver browses bricks in search of Trail friends' names
On November 13th, workers from Kiwi Company installed more than 350 new commemorative bricks at Lou Neff Point. We thank Kiwi for generously donating their time and expert installation services.
The next set to be placed--reflecting those donated by November 19 --will go in as soon as installation can be scheduled in early 2009. We have made improvements to our process so the time between purchase and installation will now be significantly reduced, while keeping the associated expense low.
To use our searchable database to locate specific bricks or to donate a brick, click here.
Visit Lou Neff Point and enjoy the commemorative bricks of your Trail friends and family. These bricks have a wonderful way of connecting Trail users to the cherished Trail we all love. |
Riverside Boardwalk will close gap As most Trail Foundation members are aware, The Trail Foundation has been working to help close the roughly 1.1 mile gap in the lakefront Trail. The Riverside Gap, from just east of the Austin American Statesman, crossing IH-35 to Lakeshore Boulevard, is all that stands in the way of achieving the original vision of a continuous lakefront loop trail that safely serves all of Austin.
Thanks to the many Trail Foundation members who attended the City's Boardwalk open houses this fall and completed the online surveys about what amenities and infrastructure we need in the Boardwalk.
The City's chosen contractor, Jacobs Engineering, is now in the process of developing the alignment and design options. The Boardwalk is going to the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Land and Facilities Committee on December 8, 6 pm at the Parks and Recreation Department Board Room, 200 S. Lamar. Also, there will be a briefing soon to the City's Design Commission and to the full PARD Board mid-December (it usually meets the fourth Tuesday, but holidays will likely cause that to be moved). After PARD, the City Council will get a briefing, but that has not yet been scheduled.
The Trail Foundation is deeply engaged in the public process, and the continued involvement of Foundation members and partners will be critical to the completion of the Trail. Click here to keep up with the public process.
A Quantum of Praise for Adopt-a-Gardeners
Matt Turner and Paul Waller with their Pfluger Bridge garden in full fall flower.
Every November, The Trail Foundation singles out six adopted gardens for special recognition. We look for beauty, originality, and most of all for dedicated maintenance. With gratitude and warm congratulations, we present the following 2008 action heroes who rock our world down on the Trail:
- The Butterfly Garden, adopted by Griffin Davis and Heather Keating
- Lou Neff Point Garden, adopted by Lynn Smith
- Pfluger Bridge, Garden No. One, adopted by Bonsack Phrasavath and David Weaver
- Pfluger Bridge, Garden No. Two, adopted by Matt Turner and Paul Waller
- Pfluger Bridge, Garden No. Four, adopted by Gregory Blume and Rubi Sidhartha
- Stratford Drive Garden, adopted by Debra Watkins and the First Baptist Church of Austin
Each of these gardening teams will receive a gift certificate for the Great Outdoors Garden Center.
For information on the Lady Bird Johnson Adopt-a-Garden program, click here.
Construction Ahead: This Winter
Watch for that orange construction fencing at Between the Bridges this winter! We will need to fence off the areas where we are installing a buffer of serpentine retaining walls and native plants as part of "Between the Bridges" on the south side of Lady Bird Lake between the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and the railroad bridge.
is the Title Underwriter.
Additional project sponsors: Lakefront Sponsors: TBG Partners, the Austin City Limits Fund of the Austin Parks Foundation, and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation.
Woodland Sponsors: Texas Gas Service, Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation, Sheridan Lorenz, Bonnie Mills, and the South Coast Foundation.
Path Sponsors: Frost Bank, the Good Life Team, the Pape Foundation, Pam and Michael Reese, Mary Margaret Farabee, and Heather Keating and Griffin Davis and Duke. |

The Trail Foundation partnered with the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department, and the Austin American Statesman in the Lady Bird's Legacy wildflower planting campaign.
TTF volunteers Jan Witt and Cookie Phillips spread seeds.
Bridge Cleaning
TTF volunter groups accomplish team-building while having fun cleaning the Trail under the MoPac bridge of pigeon poop and feathers. Trail users bless the volunteers and the view can't be beat! We salute the many volunteers who have helped clean this bridge.
Dell volunteers cleaning the Roberta Crenshaw Pedestrian Walkway.
Volunteers found plenty of trash and a kitten to adopt!
At our Trash and Treasure Cleanup, 95 volunteers cleaned the Trail of 250 bags of trash. They were thanked profusely by Trail users...and the Trail sparkled! Hidden envelopes allowed volunteers to claim treasures from REI, Bicycle Sport Shop, Texas Rowing Center, Rogue Running, Daily Juice, Schlotzky's, Austin Duck Tours, Freescale Semiconductor, Alamo Drafthouse, and the Great Outdoors.
The Brackenridge Tract: Stay Tuned
The Trail Foundation has participated in the University of Texas' Brackenridge planning process as it relates to a possible Trail extension on the Brackenridge Tract. While there are many issues of concern to both the University and area residents that are beyond the scope of our mission, a new recreational path through the Tract that connects with the Trail at Lady Bird Lake would be an attractive enhancement. We will continue to encourage the planners and stakeholders to consider this idea.
Waller Creek Tunnel project and the Trail
The Trail Foundation has participated in the Waller Creek Tunnel planning process as it relates to the Trail and the Trail's Waller Creek bridge adjacent to the planned Tunnel outlet at Waller Beach.
The Trail Foundation is advocating for the Trail to remain open in the Waller Creek area during the lengthy construction process. Safety and convenience are both key considerations here. The Trail Foundation supported the Creek bridge option that was chosen using the existing bridge location with a wider renovated bridge. This option allows Trail users to remain close to the beautiful and mostly natural delta area. Click here to learn more about the Waller Creek project.
Morning Restroom Stops
If you are using the Trail restrooms early in the mornings, please be aware that in inclement weather, transients are sleeping in some of the restrooms, particularly the ones at Metz, Rainey Street. Lakeshore, and Festival Beach. Please approach these restrooms with caution and call in any issues to 311.
Volunteer opportunities:
- Water Stop: Sunday, December 7, 6:45 am. To volunteer at the TTF water stop at the Decker Challenge, email The water stop is a fun way to give back to the Trail and the running community.
- Flexible times. Clean-up on the Roberta Crenshaw Pedestrian Bridge. Can accommodate group of 8-15, ideal for students needing community service hours or a company team-building project. Email
- TTF is looking for an Online Community Intern to help establish a TTF presence in online communities and an Online Photography Intern to help us build an ongoing photographic presence online. Ideal candidates are university students and avid Trail users who understand the beauty and uniqueness of the Trail and are experienced with connecting and promoting programs online. Hours are flexible and TBD. These unpaid internships begins in January. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Liz McGuire at
Board of Directors | The Trail Foundation Griffin Davis, President,
Bill Kerr, VP, Kelly Hart and Hallman
Colin Wallis, Secretary, Lance Armstrong Foundation
John Loudamy, Treasurer, Pluck Corporation
Dave Andreas, Silicon Laboratories
Cory Blahuta, vcfo
Jack Collins, Frost Bank
Bill Curra, KBR
Mike Elhaj, Simple Power
Lisa E. Huddleson, Dell
Peter Huff, Blue Sage Capital
Christopher Kennedy, LCRA
Elizabeth McGuire, Writer Sara Moore, Botanist
Brian Ott, TBG Partners
Stephanie Shoemaker, Maxwell Locke & Ritter
Jim Sud, Whole Foods Markets
Margot K. Thomas, Community Activist
Maura Thomas,
Jesse Weiss, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
Susan Rankin, Executive Director
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Quick Links...
We are now accepting donations for our Endowment Fund at the Austin Community Foundation. Endowment funds will assure the long-term maintenance of our projects at the Trail.
Donate to the Trail Foundation |
PO Box 5195
Austin, Texas 78763 512.733.3989
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