As the holidays approach, We are looking forward to visiting during the upcoming Holidays. There are so many opportunities to dress your pets up in their holiday finery. Feel free to dress your dog or cat for the season. A Santa hat for Christmas, then hearts for Valentine's Day, then Mardi Gras Beads, then St Patty's Day green or any other holiday wear will help your pet celebrate the holidays. The residents and patients will enjoy seeing their little furry visitors all decked out in holiday outfits.
The January-May, 2011 schedule is now on the website Please note that due to Mardi Gras parades, holidays, and special events, such as the VPP Annual Volunteer Appreciation Day Picnic on April 3rd, 2011. Visit dates for many facilities have been changed.
Be sure to consult the schedule for your visiting dates! We need to know your plans for each individual month. You can confirm your visit schedule using the on -line confirmation form (members only page) or email your confirmations to or fax to 504-324-0963 or call 504 432 8349. Your visit confirmations for the months of Jan thru May are due before December 15th, 2010.
Thank you for your commitment to VPP and service to the community. I hope you and your beloved pet have a wonderful winter-spring visiting season.
Claire Sommers
Program Coordinator
Quick Links
Schedule for Spring 2011
To Claire to schedule your visits
To the web site
Pet Program web site
Message from the President |
Just like the rest of your family, the 4-legged members of your family want to be included in the festivities. Here are a few ways to make sure it is a safe and happy season for your pets:
Include your pet in your Holiday photos and cards. If your dog, cat, rabbit or guinea pig is not the type to sit still for a family portrait, there are photo software programs that you can use to edit Fido of Fluffy into the family photo without anyone being the wiser. You can also visit Santa with your pet for a special portrait; have your pet dress up for the holiday if s/he enjoys wearing special collars or hats.
Keep your pet safe this holiday season by keeping poisonous plants such as poinsettia, holly and mistletoe out of your pet's reach. Do not let pets drink water from the tree stand as it may contain traces of fertilizer or other chemicals which could cause intestinal upset or worse. Sweep up loose pine needles which could easily get caught in a pet's throat or intestines if ingested.
Hang a Christmas stocking for you favorite pet and fill it with something fun to play with, as well as something yummy. Here's a hint: Let your pampered pets "open" their Christmas presents first. This will keep them occupied and content while the rest of the family opens their gifts.
Treat your favorite pups this season with home-made gourmet treats. Try this one from
Homemade Gourmet Dog Treats
12-16 oz. raw liver
1 1/2 lbs. white flour
8 oz. Quaker Oats
3 bouillon cubes, (meat or chicken flavored)
Approx. 1 cup water
2 eggs, beaten
Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 3 baking sheets. Chop the liver finely, by hand or in food processor. Mix flour and oats, crumble in the bouillon cubes; add eggs and the chopped liver. Add enough water to make a firm but slightly sticky dough. Spread evenly on the sheets about 1/2" thick. Dip a small dog-biscuit cutter in flour before cutting out each portion. Remove uncut parts. Spread out on another cookie sheet and repeat. Bake 1 hour. Store in airtight container in fridge for 2 weeks.
Finally, if you are thinking of getting or giving a pet as a Christmas gift, remember that this is often an extremely busy and sometimes stressful time of year, and as such, is not the best time to introduce a new animal into the household. A good alternative is to give a gift certificate or an "IOU" for a pet adoption at your local SPCA. That way, you or the recipient can choose the best time to adopt and take the time to make sure that the pet selected is a good match for the family.
Happy Holidays to all our special volunteers and their beloved pets!
Patty Spampneto
VPP at Delgado Animal Expo |
The Visiting Pet Program was well
represented at the annual Delgado Animal Expo on
October 16, 2010. Volunteers Patty Spampneto, Fay Schultz, Dawn Hagman, Helen Schneidau, Gayle Kroeger , Kevin Hand, and Malay Hajra all helped spread the word about the
value of
Animal Assisted Therapy.
The event fell just before our fall
orientation, offering a
golden opportunity to invite people to the
Over 600 people attended the event and many
of them
stopped by our booth.
Our thanks to Patty Spampneto for offering to
take on the
effort of organizing the booth and volunteers.
Another job really well done!
More Than Neighborly |
VPP member Connie Back, director of Louisiana Boxer Rescue, may at any time, have as many as 20 dogs in her kennel behind her house. She has devoted her life to Boxers and saving them.
On a recent beautiful Friday afternoon, just as Connie got home from work, one of her neighbors discovered Connie's shed, next to the kennel, was on fire. Her neighbors all banned together and helped Connie save her personal dogs as well as all the dogs in the kennel. Dogs were stashed in every yard up and down the block. No human or K9 was injured. Her house and kennel were saved. The shed, filled will all of her dog supplies for rescue, was a total loss. Had it not been for the efforts of Connie's devoted neighbors, the situation could have been much, much worse.
As if saving all those lives was not enough, the children in the neighborhood went door to door asking for donations to help Connie and Boxer Rescue replace the shed and the items lost. In exchange for a donation, the kids made and delivered homemade cookies to each person who opened their heart and their wallet to Connie's plight. The efforts of these young philanthropist resulted in a $200 donation to the cause!
Now that's more than neighborly!
A donation was received
from Fay Schultzin honor of
Denise Mehurin's dog Daisyfor her many years of service.
A donation
received from
Marcia Voors
her dog, Max.
A donation was received
from Fay Schultz
in memory of Lee and Tom Gaffney's dog,
The VPP received a grant from the New Orleans Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run
A donation was received from Jill Dolese.
A donation was received
from The Science Dept of Northshore High School in Slidell, LA
in memory of grandmother of VPP member Jennifer Mueller,
About the Visiting Pet Program |
The Visiting Pet Program is an all
volunteer 501
(C)(3) non-profit animal assisted therapy
organization serving Orleans, Jefferson and St.
Tammany parishes.
For the past 23 years, the volunteers of the
VPP have
lived up to their motto of "Bringing Love and
Smiles" to the residents of nursing homes and
Our literacy project, Reading
to Rover,
offers young readers the opportunity to practice
their reading aloud skills to the gentle therapy
If you would like to make a donation to
the Visiting Pet Program, please click on the
below or mail your check to 5831 S. Johnson
New Orleans, LA 70125. Please note if your
is in memory of a person or a pet. We will be
to send an acknowledgment of your donation to the
family. Please include the name and address
to send
the acknowledgment. Because we are a 501(C)(3)
organization, your donation is tax deductible. We
are an all volunteer organization. Your donation
goes directly to the support of our mission.
Thank you
Take Note! |
Daisy's Legacy
Renowned for her elaborate wardrobe, our beautiful Daisy Mehurin has decided to retire. "Bringing love and leaving smiles" has been Daisy's motto since 1997. She was a long time visitor to St. Anna's home and one of our very first Reading to Rover pets. Now 17 years young, her legacy is strong.
No other pet in the history of our organization has motivated us to create a special event. Hounds 'n Hats, an Easter parade for dogs inspired by Daisy's penchant for fashion, helped boost the VPP coffers in the early days of our independence. At the event, we sold beautiful hats made by Denise Mehurin and her mom, Katie Charbonnet, and modeled by the very proud Ms. Daisy. Our K9 guests, all dressed in beautiful spring attire, followed the Second Line band as they paraded around the grounds of Popps Fountain in City Park. It was great fun and profitable for VPP at a time when we were trying to get our financial paws off the ground.
All of this because of a cute little Jack Russell/Beagle mix adopted and loved by Denise Mehurin. Thank you Daisy. We'll never forget you.
Saturday, January 8th, 2011 and September 10th, 2011
Harahan Senior Center 100 Elodie
Pre-registration required Contact Barbara
Hyland to register at
or 504-
481-6288 if you would like to have an
pet tested.
Reading To Rover
On the East Bank
Held on the third Tuesday of each
at the East Bank Regional Library
4747 W. Napoleon in Metairie
On the West Bank
Held on the second Sunday of each month
2751 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey
from 2:00pm-3:00pm
Events are now being planned in conjunction
with the
STAIR program. Please contact Fay for
times and locations
Contact Fay Schultz
to confirm your slot at any of these
Reading To
Rover events.
Holiday Pet Photos
December 11th, 12th, 16th, 18th & 19th
10:00am-3:00pm Saturday& Sunday and 3:00pm-6:00pm Thursday at Jefferson Feed, Pet & Garden Center, located at 4421 Jefferson Hwy. Give a special gift of love for only $25.00. Receive a CD of ten (10) digital photos of you, your pet/or family. Two scenes to choose from. All proceeds benefit the programs and services of Gulf Coast Doberman Rescue and The Louisiana SPCA. Call 733-8572 for more information or visit
VPP Volunteer Appreciation Day
Mark your calendar now and plan to bring the whole family to the VPP picnic on Sunday, April 3rd 2011 to be held at Soniat Playground (6601 10th Street, Harahan, LA 70123) from 1pm-3pm.