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your time + your experience = a better GR

Are you at that "traditional retirement" age, and wanting to make it anything but?


You have the skills, the experience, and the know-how to make a difference in the world, and we want to help you find a meaningful opportunity to do just that.


Join us for this fun, interactive workshop (with lunch!) and discover where your skills and interests fit into the equation!  


Meet other community-minded individuals, and learn more about new skills-based volunteer opportunities, including Encore Project Teams!


After the workshop, meet with local non-profit representatives who are seeking talented experienced adults like you, and connect your skills with need. 



Please join us!  

Thursday, June 2nd

12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Heart of West Michigan United Way

118 Commerce SW

Grand Rapids, MI 49503




Questions? Contact Teresa Zbiciak


(616) 459-6281 ext 664 

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