
This is a letter from my friend, Laurie Gudnason, one of the most powerful psychics and mystery school teachers I know.

Don't miss this unique opportunity!  Scroll down to learn more...


I've decided to stop teaching...

Now that I have your attention, I'd like to clarify.  I'm going to stop teaching you "ABOUT THE HIGHER SELF."  I can teach, and teach, and teach till I'm blue in the face, but it doesn't do you any good until you actually EXPERIENCE your Higher Self firsthand.

Over the past 13 years I've served as the founder and Head Teacher of a  Mystery School .   For the most part mystery teachings and healing modalities are for the purpose of preparing a you to Integrate and Anchor the Presence of your Higher Self. 
In other words, I have served as your teacher so that you may learn to teach and guide yourself.  You are, after all, an Infinitely Wise Being.

2010 is "The Year of the Higher Self."   Your Higher Self is YOUR Individuality, also called your Higher Intelligence and the Soul.   The presence of the Higher Self gives you the essence of healing and empowerment.  The Higher Self is your true Inner Teacher and the source of all knowledge.  (This is why we say spiritual teachers are only "reminders" of all what you already know.)  
Personal Spiritual Evolution, healing, direct knowledge, enhanced intuition, creativity, and abundance are just a few of the benefits you may experience as a result of contact with this divine aspect of your being.   

In the Mystery Traditions there have always been methods to Anchor the Presence of the Higher Self within the physical body.   These traditional methods utilize the tools of ceremony and ritual.  In honor of you and your Higher Self, I've decided to offer these Anchoring sessions and "just do it!"   These group sessions, which Anchor the Presence of the Higher Self, activate the aspects of your Soul (Qabalah) and establishes the Sacred Geometries within your energy field.  The result is manifestation of your "inner temple" (adytum) that becomes the home of your Higher Self.

Each person has 4 Personal Angels who assist us through life.  The Personal Angels work under the direction of your Guardian Angel and they give you divine personality qualities, physical talents, and Spiritual Gifts.  Your Angels hold the pillars of divinity located in your energy field.   Your Angels give us the key that allows us to present this modernized version of these ancient ceremonies and Anchor the Higher Self.   
During this group session, I will evoke of 3 of your Personal Angels; the Heart  Angel, Soul Angel, and Intellect Angel.  These angels bring divine Intercession to set aside Karmic limitations allowing the Higher Self to Anchor within your being.
I offer Anchoring the Presence of the Higher Self Sessions online in small groups of 4 - 5 people .  These sessions require your presence online.  Your birthdate, and birth location are necessary to calculate the names of your Personal Angels.  A complimentary report on them will be emailed to you.  Register online and details about the next group session will be provided to you.  In some cases we can accommodate your schedule!

During the Higher Self Anchoring Online Group Session You Will Experience:

·      Full connection to your Higher Self, Heart Angel, Soul Angel, and Intellect Angel. 
·      Empowerment of your Divine Soul Lineage and your Spiritual Gifts. 
·      Deep healing through spiritual connection to your Higher Self.   
·      Unlimited ability to manifest and work in the light. 
Anchoring Your Higher Self can help you:
·    Create excellent health
·    Discover your Life Purpose
·    Build fulfilling relationships
·    Acquire the money and resources you need to carry out your Life Mission
·    Make good decisions
·    Be a powerful resource for others
·    Connect to your angels, spirit guides and other unseen loving forces
·    And more!
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It isn't possible to predict your results from the anchored presence of your Higher Self, but as I have performed and experienced these group sessions I have found miracles manifesting in my life and the lives of my clients and students!
Here's how to receive your Higher Self Anchoring Online Group Session:
      1.  Call 435-723-5442 or email to schedule your semi private session.
      2.  We will need your birthday, birth time and birth place to calculate your Intellect, Soul and Heart  Angels serving you.
      3.  Anchoring the Presence of Your Higher Self Sessions require your attendance online or by phone.  Enjoy the session from the comfort of your own home or office with your computer microphone and speakers or by phone.    
      4.  DNA Reading, DNA Activation, Karmic Matrix Removal, Cord Cutting, and Etheric Healing are very beneficial before your Higher Self Anchoring Session!
moving arrow      Pre-Register for our SPECIAL PRICING NOW!  
Sessions are $100 until March 10th - (Normally $144)  
       Sessions are booking NOW
·      February 25th    (8 pm EST, 7 pm CST, 5 pm PST)  
·      March 4th  (8 pm EST, 7 pm CST,  5pm PST)   
·      March 10th  (8 pm EST, 7 pm CST, 5 pm)    

The Higher Self Anchoring and Integration anchors your Higher Self permanently within your heart chakra.  This brings you clear intuitive guidance and facilitates remembrance of your plan for this life.   Your true profession, highest potential path, divine relationships, and true purpose manifest naturally. 
Your soul integrates with your personality and allows you to experience your true self.   As a result of this process, you will Experience Peace within and in the world around.     We welcome all adults and repeat sessions are very supportive. 
These two and a half-hour sessions are conducted by me, Laurie Gudnason. I have been involved with metaphysics and work as a psychic for over 35 years. My training began with Astrology at the age of 15.  I began offering Astrology Chart Reading Services at 16 and served as a non-professional reader from that time until 1988. In the 1980's, as a result of a near death experience and traumatic psychic opening, I began formal training as a healer and bodyworker.  In addition to being the founder of The Spiritual Mystery School, I am featured regularly on TV in Japan where I am also a bestselling author and a highly respected channel. 

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I am passionate about connecting you with the Gifts of Spirit and your Higher Self.

In Joy and Service,
dynamic duo
Laurie Gudnason
Comments from those who have participated in Anchoring the Presence of Your Higher Self sessions:

"The higher-self anchoring was incredible! Honestly one of the most powerful and intense spiritual experience I have ever had. I would highly recommend this to anyone seeking attunement with their higher self.  Thanks again Laurie and I look forward to taking more classes from you in the future."   ~Jeff, Washington

"I have participated in the Anchoring the Presence of the Higher Self, and I must say this was the greatest thing I have ever done!  This stuff is real! I could actually feel my Higher Self as she moved into my body and was anchored there.  I did not know until after the event that I had always had a "hollow" place in my heart area until after this ceremony was done.  I feel her presence now all the time, and knowing this will always be is very comforting to me.  One of the miracles occuring for me since doing this is that without fail, all I need do to get guidance is' ask the question'.  Immediately, the answer is there, even before I can complete the question!  I know this is because I now have a direct clear access to my HS like never before.  I  feel that if one never did anything else in life, this is the one thing you should do for yourself!"    ~Pamela, Montana
"Your Light and energy shone through my computer screen. It was as if you were here with me in person. It is truly an amazing experience.
I am in a space of 'standstill.' I feel all potential. My thoughts have already started to organize themselves in a different way - actually in an organized way - like they are lining up or are continuous rather than disjointed. I am exhausted, yet in a way that says I worked at letting go. It was an honest labor and I deserve to be tired. I could step back from my reactions today in a new way, perhaps more of the Observer and let go more quickly.   My energies are also organizing differently. There is definitely a shift in how I am now using my energies. I am more relaxed. I have been asking/praying to be aligned with the Will of God. This Alignment was a completion for me. I am not the same person I was yesterday. I am eternally grateful." ~ L F, Chicago

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