Piece by Piece Update
July 13, 2012
Please take note of the following news and calendar items.
July 31 Transportation Referendum Questions Answered
(Courtesy of Atlanta BeltLine) The Atlanta Regional Commission has done a yeoman's job of compiling (just about) every single frequently asked questionregarding the July 31 Regional Transportation Referendum and providing detailed, thoughtful answers. Here's just one example, dealing with the frequently raised issue of the Georgia 400 toll and how the Transportation Referendum is different: There has been recent ... MORE
African Americans Suffer Long-Term Financial Scars from Subprime Lending Explosion: Washington Post
The implosion of the subprime lending market has left a scar on the finances of black Americans --- one that not only has wiped out a generation of economic progress but could leave them at a financial disadvantage for decades. At issue are the largely invisible but profoundly influential three-digit credit scores that help determine who can buy a car, finance a college education or own a home. MORE

Atlanta has Worst Income Inequality Problem of Any Major City
(Courtesy of Atlanta Business Chronicle): Atlanta has the highest Gini index -- and hence the worst problem with economic inequality -- of any major American city, according to an On Numbers analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. MORE
Enterprise Offers Extensive Database of Foreclosure Response Resources
PBP partner Enterprise Community Partners offers an in-depth, online selection of publications, reports, toolkits, and recorded webinars related to foreclosure response/neighborhood stabilization and a host of affordable housing and community revitalization issues. Foreclosure topics include "Using Local Market Data to Support Neighborhood Stabilization" and "Greening NSP Rehabilitation." MORE
Real Estate Market has Legs
(Courtesy of ULI)The rental sector's run at the top of the housing ladder has more staying power than most observers think, according to industry experts speaking at the National Association of Real Estate Editors' annual conference in Denver. MORE
Miss the 2012 Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference?
If you were not one of the 600 plus practitioners and stakeholders in attendance at last month's Center for Community Progress Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference in New Orleans, don't despair. You can access the presentations from the conference's workshops and training sessions at the Center for Community Progress website. The Conference has gained a reputation as one of the nation's leading destinations for those working to transform vacant and abandoned property to productive reuse. MORE
Summer Reading from the National Community Stabilization Trust: Guide to Understanding Mortgage Financing for NSP-Assisted Homebuyers
(Courtesy of NCST) The NSP Mortgage Guide returns to the basics on permanent mortgage financing to help NSP grantees and other housing professionals navigate the current mortgage landscape and design and implement local NSP efforts that increase the successful purchase of NSP properties. The NSP Mortgage Guide also features a compilation of insights and best practices gathered from participants in the HUD-sponsored NSP Mortgage Financing Roundtables led by Enterprise Community Partners and the National Community Stabilization Trust in the summer of 2011. MORE
National Housing Conference Hires New Leader
(Courtesy of NHC): PBP partner the National Housing Conference (NHC) recently announced that Chris Estes will join the 81-year-old housing organization as its new president and CEO effective July 23. Estes is currently the executive director of the N.C. Housing Coalition, a post he has held since 2003. In his new position, Estes will lead NHC's policy and advocacy work both in Washington and throughout the country. He will also work closely with NHC's research affiliate, the Center for Housing Policy, to make the case for affordable housing and develop effective housing policy solutions. MORE
ONE DeKalb Lives Complete and Sustainable Communities Summit hosted by DeKalb County; 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 21 at Saint Philip AME Church, 240 Candler Road, Atlanta, GA, 30317. The summit will focus on DeKalb's proactive comprehensive strategy to revitalize and stabilize neighborhoods that were impacted by the foreclosure crisis. Participants will gain information about initiatives that are in place to keep families in their homes, neighborhood stabilization and revitalization, and moving new families into vacant homes. For more information about the Summit, call Tonza Clark at at 404-371-6379.
Susan Adams
Piece by Piece Coordinator