Special Announcement: Piece by Piece Midyear Update Scheduled for May 10 at The Carter Center
Last November, the Atlanta region launched the Piece by Piece Initiative, an unprecedented response effort to address the metro area's ongoing foreclosure crisis. Today, the Piece by Piece Initiative has grown to more than 140 national and regional partners who share a commitment to helping more Metro families keep their homes and bringing new life back to vacant and abandoned properties. Since November, partners have been working both individually and collaboratively on public commitments to combat foreclosure in the region. In recent months, some Metro jurisdictions have launched their own efforts tailored to the unique needs of their residents and neighborhoods - in direct response to the Piece by Piece Initiative.
As we reach the midyear point, it's time to reconvene to assess our progress to date, share highlights of successful activities underway and continue this critical regional discussion. We invite you to join us Tuesday, May 10 at The Carter Center for the Piece by Piece 2011 Midyear Update. We are delighted to announce that the Honorable Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will provide the keynote address. In addition to Secretary Donovan's remarks, the morning's agenda will include:
-Progress report on Piece by Piece commitments received to date and anticipated
-Spotlight on specific response activities from across the region -Preview of upcoming Piece by Piece related events -Roundtable discussion among local leaders on unique foreclosure challenges and opportunities within their jurisdictions -And More!
The foreclosure crisis is complex and there are no easy solutions. The Atlanta region is offering a response model that can be shared nationally. This work requires our ongoing focus and collaboration to protect the health and vitality of our communities. We look forward to seeing you on May 10th at the Carter Center.
Sincerely Susan Adams Piece by Piece Coordinator
P.S. Please mark your calendars for the Clayton County Regional Housing Summit - May 12,13. Details here.