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Summer Barbecue
By Katie Gorman, Dietician
Advanced Laparoscopic Specialists
Hotter days, air conditions whirring away, flip flops thwacking down the street, yes it most certainly is June! As the summer is approaching, there is only one thing on my mind: what's for dinner? The all-American Barbecue is a longstanding tradition that signifies the summer season perfectly. However, when faced with the challenge of eating healthy and trying to lose weight, a barbecue can be quite intimidating. Follow these tips to enjoy a healthy, delicious barbecue.
Be Smart with Protein
Choose lean cuts of meat and low fat protein sources such as flank steak, chicken(without the skin!), veggie burgers (Morningstar Farms, Boca Burgers etc.), grilled fish, and burger patties made with 98% lean ground beef. Avoid higher calorie options such as sausage and Bubba Burgers which contain 420 calories per patty and a whopping 35 grams of fat! Also avoid processed meats which are high in fat (sausage) and sodium (hot dogs).
Get your 5 a day, the Grilled Way!
Struggling to get the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables this summer? Try grilling them for a delicious side dish! Grilling fruits and veggies brings out their natural sweetness, making them that much more enjoyable. To top it off, fruits and vegetables are naturally loaded with water to help prevent dehydration in the summer heat! Some of my favorites are grilled bananas, pineapple, peaches, onions, peppers, mushrooms and asparagus, but be creative!.
Choose the Right "Salads" Barbecues are infamously known for high calorie, high fat, Mayonnaise based salads such as cole slaw, potato salad, and macaroni salad. When it comes to salads, choose healthier, equally delicious options such as cucumber salad, spinach salad, garden salad, and pasta salads made with low calorie dressings. |
Don't Drink your Calories! Your choice of beverage has a huge impact on the healthiness of your barbecue! In place of sugar laden drinks like sodas, iced-tea and lemonade, choose healthier options like water with lemon and unsweetened iced-tea. |
Delicious Recipies!
Grilled Flank Steak

2 to 2 1/2 pound flank steak
1 1/4 cups Newman's Oil and Balsamic Vinegar Salad Dressing
Ziplock baggie
Preheat broiler. Place steak in baggie, add 1 cup salad dressing; close bag and set on counter to marinate for 15 minutes.
Remove steak from bag, allowing marinade to drain, and place on broiler rack. Broil for 8 minutes on first side, turn and broil an additional 8 minutes or until desired doneness. Allow meat to rest for ten minutes then thinly slice across grain, piling slices on platter. Drizzle with a fresh 1/4 cup of salad dressing.
Makes 6 servings
Calories 220, fat 16g, carbs 0g, protein 24g.
Feel free to share your favorite recipies on our Facebook page!!!
