Happy New Year!!!
All of us at Advanced Laparoscopic Specialists wish our patients, their family and friends a healthy and happy new year!! Drs. Richard, Edward and Anthony Pucci and Staff
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11 N. Airmont Road
Suite A10
Suffern, NY 10901
70 Hatfield Lane
Suite 205
Goshen, NY 10924
61 N. Maple Ave
Suite 205
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
11 Pocono Road
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Winter Newsletter | January 21, 2011 |

Dr. Richard Pucci, Dr. Edward Pucci, Dr. Anthony Pucci Join us on Facebook for updates and more information!!
Tips for a Successful Year of Weight Loss!! |
Happy New Year!!! We would like to remind you to schedule your yearly follow-up and blood work. Dr. Pucci looks forward to seeing you again!!
Tips for Success!!
1. Avoid sugar, sweetened drinks or junk food- avoid candy, soda, cake, cookies, brownies or ice cream, unless it is sugar free or made with a sugar substitute.
2. Exercise!! You must start an exercise regimen that you will continue for life. This is an essential requirement for long-term weight loss. Don't worry, as you loose weight, exercise will become easier to do!
3. Attitude, attitude, attitude. You have struggled your entire life with a weight problem and surgery can be the answer for you. But you must work with it. Never lose sight of the fact that this surgery is a "tool".
4. Eat an abundance of food high in protein.
5. Remember to take your vitamins and minerals every
6. Follow up with your surgeon.
| Activity
Exercise is a key to continued success after weight loss surgery. Exercise, which improves overall health, decreases risks of heart disease and other diseases, improves sleep pattern, improves energy and burns calories, is only considered "exercise" when you go above and beyond your every-day activities. Having a strenuous job is not enough-it has to be in addition to your normal routine. Starting with 15-30 minutes per day is acceptable, but eventually should increase to 60 minutes per day.
As always, check with your physician before beginning any rigorous exercise program.
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