
  Spring 2011Newsletter



Every year about this time, I start to develop amnesia about what the past winter was like.  By next year, I will have no recollection at all about our record snowfall, ice dams and frigid temps.  Keeps me safe; works for me!  My focus now is on the greening grass and sweet, fragrant blossoms on trees, on bushes and in garden beds.  So I say "Yes!" to spring!  Yes! to more hours of daylight, to warmth, to fresh air and to the feeling of renewal.  In cultures across the globe and spanning centuries, spring has been a metaphor for rebirth, of the chance to begin - again or for the first time. 


For many of us, spring often brings on the urge to clear out the old and bring in the new.  As for me, I've pared down my business name to reflect the essence that is at the core of all the work I do - providing the services and the space for you to grow and to shine from your own Inner Light.  Did you notice that I have a new logo?  Please drop a line to let me know what you think of it.    


As spring breezes blow through my home and plant kisses on my cheek as I walk outside,  I feel awakened to possibility, to the opportunity to see and do new things.  Spring fever?  Most definitely!  What's awakening in you this season?






In This Issue
What's it worth?
Learn to Eat Like the Buddha
Debra Bloom, Certified Life Coach!

What's it worth?


woman contemplating


Dinner and drinks for two= $60-100+
Louis Vuitton Handbag = $750-$4500

  Disney vacation for four = $3,000-5,000+

Body/Mind/Spirit Self Care = ??


We all have our price.  You know, the price we're willing to pay for what we want.  And that price is a reflection of our values - what a particular item, service or experience is worth to us says a lot about how we are choosing to conduct our lives, what our priorities are and what  level of quality  we feel we're entitled to and willing to hold out for.   


Now, not every purchase can be considered equal.  The commitment to quality that we make when considering a major purchase like a car or our home is not given the same consideration as a more minor purchase like the brand of plastic wrap or hand soap we choose to use.  But when it comes to caring for ourselves, staying healthy in all the ways we know will let us walk through the world as our best selves, how much are we willing to pay for that?


Looking and feeling our best starts on the inside, with a commitment to our health and well being.   Massage, energy healing and life coaching are modalities we may choose to integrate into our self care routines, helping to bring us back to and maintain  health on multiple levels. 


What is self care worth to you? 


Learn to Eat Like the Buddha


Nourishment Cleanse


Join me in a group experience to cleanse and detoxify your body, concentrate your intentions and learn more about yourself at a deeper, spiritual level. 

Benefits of Nourishment Cleanse Detoxification:


  •  Strengthens your immune system to become more resistant to illness
  •  Reverses the negative effects of stress and slows the aging process 
  • Induces deep relaxation and peace of mind
  • Enhances your self-reliance and self-esteem 
  • Helps you become more enthusiastic for life
  • Inspires you and others to take better care of yourselves
  • Lets you feel more connected by getting in touch with nature's cycles
  • Fosters creativity


WHEN:       April 28, May 5, 9, 12, 19  (5 group meetings)  7:00-8:45 PM 

WHERE:    My Home.  15 Court St., Mansfield              

COST:       $175 (incl: workbook, food combing chart, supportive materials and meetings)*



 Other materials:  Before cleansing the required reading is If the Buddha Came to Dinner by Hale Sophia Schatz



 *(suggested supplements to support the cleansing process not included--cost is approximately $45)


LEADER:Diane Scheinman, CHHC, AADP, Pathways for Health,  Franklin, MA                  

REGISTRATION: Contact me debra.bloom@verizon.net or Diane at dscheinman@comcast.net.   Payment is made to Diane Scheinman, 10 Birchtree Cir. Franklin, MA 02038

PARTICIPANTS:    Limited to 10 



To schedule your session, please call or email me:

Debra Bloom, LMT, EMP
Inner Light
15 Court Street
Mansfield, MA  02048


prof. me

Debra Bloom

Certified Life Coach!


I did it - I am  a Certified Life Coach!  And now I'm ready to add new services and life exploration experiences to my client offerings.  My intention is to create workshops and group coaching sessions in the near future.  As always, I am happy to offer a complimentary coaching session to anyone who wants to give coaching a try.  No issue is too big or too small; anything and everything can be a topic for discovery in coaching.  Drop a line or give me a call.  I would be honored to accompany you on the next step in your journey!

Mother's and Father's Day

ma and pa 

Gift Certificates

They toil, they sacrifice, they juggle the sometimes conflicting demands of the average household.  Recognize Your "hero/ine of the hearth" with the gift of relaxation and tender loving care this Mother's and Father's Day.  Gift certificates are available for 60- and 90-minute sessions.  You may pick them up or they can be mailed to you. 



reaching for a star 











Many thanks to "J," a small business owner and coach, who sent in the following testimonial after her experience with Life Coaching:


"I started working with Debra to further my personal development.  As a coach, I value when others illuminate areas in my life that need attention.  When I started with Debra, I felt overwhelmed and stretched in too many directions.  Through our conversations we uncovered tactics I could employ to create better boundaries and share the tasks of my growing business.  Debra is a gifted listener.  She has the ability to put the pieces of the puzzle together and with one question help you see things in a new light.  Since our sessions, I've found my business coming into clearer focus.  Best of all she helped me see new parts of myself that I will continue to explore.  Thank you again!"


Many thanks to "J" and to all of my amazing clients! 


 If you have had a positive experience with the work we do together, I would love to hear from you!  And please let me know if it would be OK to share your experience with others in this newsletter.