Independence House

New Supporting/Sponsoring Member Opportunities

Independence House, Inc. now in its 30th successful year has provided help or positively impacted over 4,000 victims and their children per year who have faced at home abuse and sexualized violence in our community.  
Independence House locations include Hyannis, Orleans, Falmouth and Provincetown, helping individuals throughout Cape Cod. 
Independence House specializes in reducing the negative and harmful impact of domestic and sexualized violence as well as encouraging, leading and participating in efforts which will eventually eradicate domestic and sexualized violence. Our services are responsive to every area of a person's life impacted by domestic and/or sexual violence and are tailored to each person's individual/family situation.

As a non-profit enterprise Independence House needs the support of our local community, ensuring that we all work toward the same goals, providing a safe, caring and loving environment for all victims in our community.  .

To continue to uplift and strengthen our community, we invite you to enroll your business in a new program designed for our community business members which offers an opportunity to be a involved in this solution by becoming a sponsor of Independence House for 2010-2011 year (September-September).

As part of your supporting sponsorship, your organization will receive:
  • A listing with your company logo on the Independence House website homepage, and a direct hotlink to your business website.
  • Recognition with your company logo and hotlink on all Independence House monthly e-news.
  • The opportunity to attend educational workshops throughout the year or tailor a workshop to educate employees and others at your business about domestic violence and Independence House services.
  • A supporting sponsor of Independence House emblem to display at your company's location.
  • Advance opportunities to sponsor fundraising events and market your business/organization while showing support for Independence House.
  • Advance registration opportunities for all events.
Help Independence House and our community by becoming a supporting/sponsoring member for our 2010-2011 fiscal year.
Business/Organization Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Contact person ________________________ Tel:__________________________ Fax___________________
Email _________________________________________Website:___________________________________
(check)   ___  Please use the logo from my company website. 
              ___  I will email you a company logo (email to )
(check)   ___  Enclosed is my check for $250. 
              ___  Please charge my member fee of $250.  
                     Credit card number _________________________________________________________
                     Expiration Date________  Sec. Code_______ Signature ___________________________

Thank you!
For a printable version of this page click here
 Fax or mail to:
Independence House |  160 Bassett Lane  |  Hyannis, MA 02601
Fax: 508 778 0143
For questions email:  Tel: 508-771-6507