Independence House
In This Issue
Gov. Patrick Signs Bill
New Independence House Website
"Bits" from the Board
Noteworthy Events
Independence House HOTLINE:
Get Involved
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Awareness Months
Feb: Teen Dating Violence Awareness
Apr: Sexual Assault Awareness
Oct: Domestic Violence Awareness
Welcome to the Independence House March e-news edition. Independence House is the only comprehensive community based resource on Cape Cod providing free and confidential services for survivors of sexual and domestic violence.   

We help individuals re-establish lives free of fear and violence with a philosophy of empowerment and self-help.  We believe individuals have the ability to make the best decisions for themselves and for their family.

Independence House's success and longevity comes from the many committed people and organizations who have contributed their time and knowledge in addition to the generous donations that sustain the services we provide to clients. 

Please enjoy our latest news and visit our new website at
April 22- one day only
Independence House fundraiser for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Uno Chicago Grill will donate up to 20% of your check to Independence House.
CLICK, PRINT & bring coupon
Organize an office lunch to support Independence House
Click to find out how

When: 4/22/10- All Day
Where: Uno Chicago Grill Take Out or Dine In
Airport Rotary - Hyannis
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Gov. Deval Patrick signs into law "An Act Relative to Harassment Prevention Orders".
Boston - State Rep. Cory Atkins, D-Concord, announced that on Feb. 9, Gov. Deval Patrick signed "An Act Relative to Harassment Prevention Orders," which will fill an important gap in Massachusetts restraining order law and promises to provide much needed protection for victims of stalking, abuse and sexual assault. more 
New Independence House Website Strengthens Services to Clients
The Independence House new website now offers a variety of options for clients, donors, and the surrounding community.  Included features:
  • one-click language translation for the full content of the website in 18 languages;
  • numerous resources including important web-links, local, state, and national hotline numbers;
  • overview of services and programs provided by Independence House;
  • listing of upcoming workshops and events.
  • options for getting involved or volunteering including donating securely online
"Bits" from The Board
The Independence House Board of Directors welcomes it's newest member of the Board, Lauren Kanzer in February, 2010. Lauren has been an active voice for Independence House for many years as a volunteer, Development Officer and an active participant in fundraising
Noteworthy Events
  • Massachusetts White Ribbon Day - March 2, 2010 
  • Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center,  March 9, 2010 (12 Noon-3pm) @ Barnstable High School.  Cyberbullying Train-the-Trainer $35 includes all take back materials for training.  ...Click to read more
  • "Transforming our Community through Positive Change" hosted by Barnstable County Council for Children, Youth & Families & Cape & Islands Youth Congress, March 12, 2010 @ the Harwich Community Center, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.    Workshops include: Going Green, Community Service & Volunteerng, Social Networking, Suicide Prevention, Substance Abuse, Violence Prevention, Mentoring, Local Government, Bridging the Gap across Generations, Diversity, Musical Sessions, Local Resources & more.  For additional information click here and to pre-register for the Summit please e-mail or call 774/766-6916.
  • Independence House fundraiser "Dine & Donate" April 22, 2010  Uno Chicago Grill, Airport Rotary, Hyannis.  Take out or eat in.....CLICK, PRINT & bring coupon 
  • Community Partnerships for Children: Parenting Skills Workshops:  Parenting for Grandparents.  Bourne Middle School.  March 23 and March 30.  6:30-8:00pm  Childcare offered to Bourne residents. For reservations call Bournedale Elementary at 508-743-3800 X 4003