Venus Rising Institute for Shamanic Healing Arts
Star Wolf's Book is Now Available!
Shamanic Breathwork:  Journeying Beyond the Limits of the Self
Please order an extra copy from Amazon on her birthday,
December 14.

If you have had a transformational experience through Shamanic Breathwork™, we hope you'll order this book from on Star Wolf's birthday, December 14, 2009.  For all of you who have wanted a way to explain Shamanic Breathwork™ to your parents, kids, partners, friends, and colleagues, this book will help! If a large number of people order a book from Amazon all on one day, Amazon will take notice and recommend it to people who purchase books about related topics - thus spreading consciousness of Shamanic Breathwork™ to millions of people seeking transformation for their own lives or for their loved ones. 

Here is the link to order from Amazon on December 14:
Shamanic Breathwork: Journeying Beyond the Limits of the Self
(We'll send out another reminder closer to December 14)

Solstice Giveaway
Opening to the Light Within the Darkness:
In gratitude for all who support the work we do at Venus Rising,
Star Wolf is offering a free teleconference in December! 

Details for the teleconference will be sent out in mid-December to those who email us to let us know that you would like to participate.  Please email and ask for details about the Solstice Giveaway.  Please feel free to forward this invitation to your contacts who may be interested in experiencing Star Wolf's work.  Just ask them to email us to get the details.

In Loving Service,
Star Wolf, Brad, and the Venus Rising Team

New SHIP starting in 2010!
First Segment:  February 19 - 24
SHIP Are you feelings stuck?  Have you recently had a wake-up call in your personal life?  Do you recognize that, on a planetary level, there are signs all around that we need to heal ourselves and change the outer conditions of our world?  Never on our planet have we needed to awaken our consciousness more than now!
The S.H.I.P. Program is a series of transformative initiations designed to help initiates release self-defeating patterns, heal old wounds, remove energetic blockages, and connect to their source in a profound way.  Each of the four events feature the Shamanic Breathwork™ Process, which leads the seeker to "Awaken the Shaman Within."  As the blocks to higher love and wisdom are released and soulful integration occurs, individuals are set free to stand in the truth of their authentic being and step into a life of POWER, PASSION and PURPOSE. 
To learn more about SHIP, click HERE

If you are considering ApprenticeSHIP, this is great time to start!  Extended payment plans are available.

To register or ask any questions you may have, please call us at 828-631-2305 or email us at:
Breath of the Andes:  A Mystical, Magical
Shamanic Breathwork™ Journey to Peru

Machu Picchu March 1 - 11, 2010
Join Linda Star Wolf,

Brad Collins, Lee McCormick,
and Maestro Jorge Luis Delgado
for a Mystical, Magical
Shamanic Breathwork™ Journey
to the Sacred Sites in Peru. 

As we breathe in the Element of Air in the beautiful Andes, downloading the archetypal energies of the Condor and the Eagle, we connect to the Bigger Picture of what is unfolding on our planet during this portal leading into 2012.  Shamanic Breathwork™ will be used as our sacrament throughout this sacred journey to expand our consciousness and open to our larger selves.  Working with the Alchemical Spiral Map of Shamanic Consciousness and the 5 Cycles of Change, we will focus our intention on the Element of Air - that we may stay awake when we return home, bringing expanded consciousness into our everyday lives.

Price Per Person: US $2,995 (double occupancy, single occupancy extra)

For Itinerary and more information, please click HERE

To register contact Gretchen:
Phone 615.557.5245 or Fax 440.775.1070

In This Issue
Star Wolf's Book is Available!
New SHIP Starting in February 2010
Sacred Journey to Peru in March 2010
Northwest Book Tour
Linda Star Wolf with Wolf DrumStar Wolf's Book Tour
Coming to a
city near you!

Star Wolf will be traveling extensively next year to promote her  new book and spread the word about Shamanic Breathwork™.  If you are interested in
hosting Star Wolf for a book signing and Shamanic Breathwork™ journey in your area, please contact us at 828-631-2305 or email us at:
Northwest Tour Dates:
January 22 & 23
New Renaissance Books in Portland
Author Event Friday Eve
Shamanic Breathwork™ Journey
on Saturday
Call 503-224-4929 to register

January 24
Private home in Portland
Full Day Shamanic Breathwork™
Call 828-631-2305 for details

January 29 & 30
East West Books in Seattle
Author Event Friday Eve
Shamanic Breathwork™ Journey
on Saturday
Click HERE for details

February 1
Banyen Books in Vancouver
Author Event / Book Signing
Click HEREfor details

February 2
Introductory Shamanic Breathwork™ Journey in Vancouver
Contact Bevy for details:

Feb 5
Open Secret in San Rafael, CA
Author Event / BookSigning
Call 828-631-2305 for details

Feb 11
East West Books in San Rafael, CA
Author Event / Book Signing
call 1-800-90-6161 for details

Feb 13
Open Secret in San Rafael, CA
Shamanic Breathwork™ Journey
with LIVE music by Matt Venuti!
Call 828-631-2305 for details

Details coming out soon!

Southwest Tour TBA for Spring!
Quick Links