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In This Issue
February Classes!
The "Friday Night Knit Club"
March Newsletter!

Wow, we thought February was full of exciting news ... now as we are trying to head up all the details for everything about to kick off in March and April, we realize it's gonna be a stitch at a time process.  However, you are going to want to stay with us, because every detail is important and may just lead to the next "clue" ...


First things first.  We would like to thank everyone who attended the February "FNKC ... a Ravelry Party" for helping to make this event such a great success.  It is so sweet to see so many knitters (about 30) of all skill levels come together and enjoy true community.  We would like to extend a really HUGE THANKS to "heyjenrenee".  Jen did a fabulous job of sharing about herself and how she got interested in knit wear design and we are truly fortunate to have such a cool Ravelry personality and friend in our community.  We look forward to partnering with Jen again soon ... in the meantime, you should check out her blog HEY! JEN RENEE   


Next we'd like to give a shameless plug for Nancy's blog.  K2TOG with Nancy Wyatt is the official blog of Knitted Together and now that the Holidays are over, Nancy has found a new passion for blogging.  There are many reasons to stay connected to Nancy through her blog ... she's funny, she's passionate about knitting, she has great compassion to help knitters, she gives free gifts away from time to time and you may just hear about new yarns and promotions in the store before the rest of the crowd.  Recently she invited her friends to "join us for the 20 years of Trekking KAL."  You should definitely check this invitation out.  


Looking for just the right button ... try a DILL button.  We have recently added Dill buttons to our button collection.  these are very tastefully done buttons that range from natural wood and metals to plastics, giving them a nice look with a less expensive price point.  We love 'em and hope you will too ... check them out when you're finishing your next project that needs a special button for just the right touch ... over 70 styles to choose from, including children specific.  


Dill Buttons   


Now ... Don't slow down ... Just take a deep breath and follow along as we share the the rest of the story ... 

The Friday Afternoon  

* S P A R K L E R S *

The Friday Afternoon Sparklers (as we affectionately refer to them) are a group of gals who meet at our shop on Friday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm to knit together and truly encourage one-another.  These girls have so much fun together, yet are so warm and welcoming to newcomers that it doesn't take long for a newbie to feel like part of the gang.  Some Fridays are relaxed and low key ... while others, well you can feel the energy rev up when one of them shows up a bit early with a "party in a box", usually consisting of a bottle of wine and some tantalizing treats.  Regardless the scenario, or the mood one is in upon arrival ... everyone always leaves feeling loved and refreshed and even better about that knitting conundrum they came with.

Starting Friday March 25th the "Sparklers" are going start a new project together and they want you to join them. We are even giving charge to Denise who is an employee and knitting instructor here at Knitted Together to give leadership and technique instruction to this "knit together".  Denise came to us with great credentials from a LYS north of Chicago and you may have already noticed her name on the class lists as well as several new classes being planned for up-coming months.

This is the project.  It's called Desert and it's a beautiful and versatile vest from Rowan booklet Savannah Collection.  Honestly, the girls fell in love with it the moment they saw it.

This is the yarn.  It's Savannah by Rowan.  This is a 94% cotton and 6% silk yarn that is really hard to describe ... you really have to see it for your self ... but don't wait too long or you'll be waiting for our next shipment, as most everyone that has seen it has purchased it.

Plan ahead if you intend to join "The Friday Afternoon Sparklers" for this project as supplies of the Savannah are truly limited.

March Classes ...
Well ... actually there is only one left on the calendar for March.  We had promised a couple of fun classes from Kim for March and it definitely  created a stir (Kim always offers such fun classes with interesting  projects), unfortunately she had a small accident with her hand and has not been able to knit :( so we have been praying for the healing of her hand and hope you will too.  In the meantime, Denise has come up with a quick idea for a class (listed below) ... but you should check out the WEBSITE for all the details (this class is so new it won't post until Thursday afternoon) and we have several other classes already being developed for April, May and June ... so keep checking back and we'll keep you posted:
  • Simple yet effective shawl:  Saturday, March 26th, 1-3pm.  This class will definitely help you grow your skills and Denise will show you how to do this project with the versatility of different weight yarns, from a fingering weight to a chunky.  Cost is $25.  Call or stop by the shop to sign up.  

*NOTE:  Please call or stop by the store to register for classes as we do not take registration via e-mail and our website is not wired to handle this task.


is celebrating birthdays ... 

Around here March just seems to be a celebration kind of month.  We celebrate everything from Nancy and Tim's wedding anniversary, their daughter Katie's birthday, Knitted Together's birthday (which happens to be the same day as Katie's birthday ... 3-16, we think that's special) and now the anniversary birth date of the "FNKC".  That's right, Knitted together is turning 5 years old and the "FNKC" will be 1.

To celebrate all that God has done in our lives and our community together with you ... we have an entire spring and summer of contests and activities that will have you so JAZZED-UP, you'll think we live in New Orleans.  So to kick things off, we are having a ...
on March 25th at the "FNKC".

The Monster Birthday Bash will actually be a CONTEST for all of our customers, so you don't have to attend the "FNKC" to participate and there will be multiple ways to win.  *The key is going to be that you MUST stay tuned for a special message from Nancy and Megan on March 21st.  You will receive an e-mail from Knitted Together titled MONSTER BIRTHDAY BASH / RSVP.  This special web-letter will contain all the details and we can guarantee YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS IT!  So whether you plan on attending the "FNKC" or not ... be sure to read the invitation.

We can't wait to see you there.

As you may already know, Cascade Yarns has been a staple in our store since we first began.  Now to celebrate our 5th Anniversary at Knitted Together we have restyled the shop to display all of our Cascade products on one wall ... Oh yeah, we also added many new colors.  So whether you're looking for the best basic wool in the industry, a superwash version of that same fabulous wool, cottons and baby alpaca ... we've got you covered.  Stop by check it out today.
Cascade Wall 2

Here are  just a few of the Cascade featured yarns we carry:  220, 220 Superwash, 128 Superwash, Sierra, Ecological Wool and Chunky Baby Alpaca.
Images ... having trouble viewing?
We would like to make a few comments on images.  If you are having trouble viewing this e-mail or if it doesn't look great ... you may need to add us to your safe sender list ... which will allow the images to download automatically.  Also, with the design and implementation of our web-store, the e-mail format and Nancy's blog, we have found that Mozilla Firefox web-browser seems to provide the most consistent viewing experience.  We tried to make everything compatible with as many browsers as possible ... but somethings will never be perfect ... these are just our suggestions.

We have also added a link at the top of the page to view our Web-Letter in a web browser.  This could be extremely helpful if you are like Tim and have Microsoft Outlook 2007 for your e-mail program.
ENOUGH said!

There is probably still more we could tell you about, with so much going on around here ... but this is really starting to look like one of Tim's really long stories ... so we're putting a halt to this right now!

So just COME & SEE  what we're up to ... you won't be disappointed.

God bless,
from all of us at Knitted Together

Knitted Together "a yarn store & learning experience"