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In This Issue
November Classes ... there's just one!
The "Black Friday" ... Friday Night Knit Club
Holiday Workshops
Featured Yarn
Images ... our advice for viewing
November News

Welcome to another edition of our Knitted Together Newsletter.  It's our goal to keep you up to date with all the excitement and buzz that's happening around here.  One of the newest arrivals to our family is the birth of Megan's son ... Yep, she had the baby!  You may know Megan, as you've seen her in the store and she does a great job working with all of our customers, but Megan is also our website manager, project coordinator and truly part of the family at Knitted Together.  Megan's son, Maddux blew into town on a very windy day on the 27th of October.  We thank God for Maddux, a treasure in His Kingdom, and for the health and well being of both mother and son.

Well, we continue to experience the beauty of this amazing fall season we are in, and hope that everyone is still enjoying the fruits of the harvest as we move into the celebration of Thanksgiving.  Be sure to keep reading and get all the info on how we'll celebrate together at the "Friday Night Knit Club" ... I can promise you, you won't want to miss it.

Yes, the Holiday workshops are here.  The following is a partial re-post of the information about the workshops, as well as a link to our website where you can get all the needed information for each individual workshop, what to buy and what to bring.

Holiday Workshops.  Starting on the first Saturday in November, the 6th to be precise, we will be offering one hour workshops to help get you started on a project that you may want to use as a gift for someone on your list.  Each workshop will get you started, teach a technique and then prepare you to finish on your own.  Each project will be fairly quick to knit, allowing you to complete gifts for multiple people on your list.  So just CLICK HERE  to be redirected to our webpage with all the info ... Then COME SIGN UP!
November Classes ... there's just one!
Due to the Holiday Workshop schedule,  there will only be one class offered for the month of November.  We always recommend visiting our Class List page frequently to see what's new on our schedule. 
  • FIRST SOCK CLASS: (2-4 students availability - first come - call to register). 
    • Dates: Thursday, November 11th and 18th (class is completed in 2 sessions, no make-ups).
    • Prerequisites: Student must be proficient in knitting and purling, including working in a ribbing pattern.
    • Description: This class will walk you through making a mini-sock start to finish, that can be used as an ornament or toddler's sock.  You'll learn the ins and outs of  sock knitting, including knitting on double-point needles (dpns).  For this class you will work on larger needles and yarn and you should complete one sock.  There are two 2-hour classes.
    • Fee: $35
    • Supplies: Size 5 dpns & a small ball of DK-weight yarn.
    • Time: 6pm - 8pm
*NOTE:  Please call or stop by the store to register for classes as we do not take registration via e-mail and our website is not wired to handle this task.
The "Black Friday" ...
 "Friday Night Knit Club"!

Count on this Black Friday event being the most relaxing part of your day.  Sleep in and take it easy, because Black Friday Knitted Together style doesn't start until 6PM.  Come and join us on Friday November 26th as you meet up with your friends and enjoy some shopping, savings, door prizes, good food and relaxation around the fireplace, clickin sticks and throwing yarn.  Seriously, this is going to be a great time ... so mark it on your calendar because you won't want to miss it.  We'll send out your chance to RSVP about a week in advance with more details.  See you there.
Holiday Workshops!
Just in case you missed it CLICK HERE to see the workshop list in it's entirety, plus all the details of what you need to buy and what to bring.  This is your ticket to learning, laughing and cleaning up that Christmas gift list.  The following is the list of workshops, but you will have to click the link and go to the website to see all the details:
Well, what are you waiting for ... come & sign up.
Featured Yarns!
The current Rowan trunk show on display in our shop has the most awesome garments.  The yarns are a really big hit this season and the patterns are inspiring with the beautiful needle work.  We can easily say that thus far, this trunk show ranks on top as "customers favorite" simply by response and the amount of people now knitting garments from this Rowan Story.  You should Come & See

Two trunk shows ago, there was a garment knitted out of the Rowan Drift and many people fell in love with it ... we are happy to say that we now have the Drift in our shop, in all 8 amazing colors.  Drift is accompanied by it's own pattern book and the bonus is all the patterns are interchangeable with Rowan Big Wool.

ROWAN DRIFT:  this is a 100% merino wool in a super bulky weight that is very soft and supple.  The coloring is brilliant as not only are the colors gorgeous, but there is also a combination of slight striping and varigation taking place as the yarn is knitted.  We apologize that there is no photo ... we haven't even had time to put this one on the website yet.

P.S. If you have fallen in love with the ruffle scarf in Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts issue like we have ... you'll be happy to know that we have more of the ChaCha from Trendsetter Yarns arriving soon. 

Images ... having trouble viewing?
We would like to make a few comments on images.  If you are having trouble viewing this e-mail or if it doesn't look great ... you may need to add us to your safe sender list ... which will allow the images to download automatically.  Also, with the design and implementation of our web-store, the e-mail format and Nancy's blog, we have found that Mozilla Firefox web-browser seems to provide the most consistent viewing experience.  We tried to make everything compatible with as many browsers as possible ... but somethings will never be perfect ... these are just our suggestions.

We have also added a link at the top of the page to view our Web-Letter in a web browser.  This could be extremely helpful if you are like Tim and have Microsoft Outlook 2007 for your e-mail program.
Think Globally, Act Locally ... Part Two!
Currently we are working out the details on what Megan calls a "mitten tree".  This tree will allow you to knit scarves, hats and of course mittens for a local charity we are partnering with.  In return, if you purchase the supplies for your donation at Knitted Together, we will help save you some dough on your next purchase.  Stay tuned for more details.

We told you last time how we look for ways to partner with global companies that give us as buyers and you as consumers the opportunity to make choices that have global impact.  As we have now been talking about this more in the shop, we realized that one company Frog Tree Alpaca, owned by T & C Imports is quietly doing just that.  So many people love the Frog Tree Alpaca yarns, including our newest one for fall - Pediboo sock yarn (80% washable merino, 20% bamboo) ... but very few realized that this company is a 100% non-profit corporation, that gives back all of the proceeds from their products to help the people in the communities where their fibers are harvested.  We thought it was time to end the silence, as we all understand that it's not about power and control, but rather the freedom that comes through choice.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

God bless,
from all of us at Knitted Together

Knitted Together "a yarn store & learning experience"