The Dilemma of The Failed Maxillary Anterior Bridge
Trauma to the maxillary anterior teeth can cause significant dental and alveolar damage lasting a lifetime. Many patients who were in their teens thirty years ago and sustained trauma to their anterior teeth had their damaged dentition replaced with fixed partial dentures. Very often we see those patients in the dental office after going through two to three failed fixed partial dentures. Throughout that progression, additional teeth are usually incorporated into the new fixed partial denture to provide extra support and compensate for weak abutments and lost teeth. Not surprisingly, a missing central tooth in youth can lead to the loss of more teeth thirty years later with devastating consequences.
The use of dental implants provides an escape from this cycle with excellent and permanent outcome. The biggest challenge in placing implants on patients who lost teeth due to trauma and failed endodontic treatment is the loss of bone and soft tissue volume.
In the following case presentation, I will demonstrate how the use of proper diagnostic tools and a surgical-restorative team approach to treatment planning will lead to very satisfactory results.
Wade A. Diab, DDS, MS