Important Dates!
SABM 2009 Annual Meeting Kansas City Marriott Kansas City, Missouri
20th Annual ELSO Conference Ann Arbor MI Contact: Peter Rycus, MPH email: Phone: 734-998-6601
The North Carolina Society of Perfusion 2009 Annual Meeting Embassy Suites Hotel Greensboro Airport
AmSECT's 17th Annual Symposium on New Advances in Blood Management
Westin Crown Plaza Hotel
Kansas City, MO
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The value of our services will beat any competitor's bid.
Trident's Guarantee is backed by the strength, experience and competence of our personnel. In 21 years we have never failed to deliver on our promise.
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About Us
Trident Health Resources, Inc. is an international leader in perfusion contract services and has been under the same management for 21 Years.
Perfusion management and staffing, as well as coordination of supplies
and equipment, are available on a long-term or locums basis. Why
Trident? Because the patient always comes first.
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Ralph E. Jordan CEO & President
Unique Staffing Conditions in Hospital Heart Programs and the Dedicated Perfusionists Within Them
- By Ralph E. Jordan, CEO & President |

a conundrum of sorts... Hospitals NEED perfusionists, LOVE their loyal
staff, but what should they do during economic downturns or when case
counts drop?
It's not just about the bottom line-- certainly not in our business so focused on patients and employees.
Many hospitals report having an outstanding staffing situation within their cardiovascular surgery programs. They have exceptionally competent and loyal perfusionists who work in synchronicity with surgeons and anesthesiologists. This has been an ideal situation. It's not taken for granted, rather, it's appreciated by those who have it.
Yet, things don't always stay the same. The market changes. Caseload statistics shift upwards or downwards. It is prudent for managers to have a Plan B in the event things change. And I'm seeing more and more, that heart programs are preparing for changes.
Over the years, especially in this economic downturn, hospital administrators are taking a hard look at the choices they have regarding staffing for their open heart programs. If case loads drop by way of market trends, special circumstances, or in response to effects of a national recession, sometimes jobs are cut and it's unlikely a facility can rehire the same staff when things return to normal. This is due to the natural evolution; by then, the perfusionist has gained employment elsewhere.
As a specialty contractor, Trident Health Resources, Inc. can do things that many hospitals can't. When we manage a client hospital, we have resources to respond to market changes. In unique situations, we have answers and solutions. We are able to retain perfusionists and ensure nobody is left without a job or a hospital without staffing. And in the end, we always remain friends. It's what we do..._________________________________
Not too many companies tout the years of practice that Trident Health Resources, Inc. has in Perfusion Staffing. Now in its 21st year under the same ownership, and with a long history of positive reports and referrals by client accounts, it only makes sense to consider Trident. Based on our track record, performance and consistency for 21 years, you get the best -- AND MORE!
Call us at (800) 888-8408 or request a quote at
"An Association of Excellence"

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Heart Quips & Blips
Heart Quote of the Day:
When man is serene, the pulse of the heart flows and connects, just as pearls are joined together or like a string of red jade, then one can talk about a healthy heart.
-The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, 2500 B.C.
Cardiovascular Health Fun Fact
Nitric oxide plays such an important role in the maintenance of healthy blood pressure and, in turn, cardiovascular health. If our research results continue to support a link between consumption of flavanol-rich cocoa and nitric oxide synthesis, there could be significant implications for public health.
- Norman Hollenberg, M.D., Ph.D. Harvard Medical School ________________________________________
 The Summer Heat Is On!
When your staff perfusionists take vacation, you need immediate relief! Call Trident Health Resources, Inc.
for all your emergency perfusion staffing solutions
We'll beat all locums bids.
Call us today ~ (800) 888-8408
Managed by proven business professionals Staffed by exceptional professional perfusionists
Visit TRIDENT HEALTH and complete the contact page letting us know how to best reach you.
Please Have a Safe & Happy
4th of July
