The Good News - This Week
Alpharetta Presbyterian Church

July 15, 2011

In This Issue
Ollie's Offerings
Hospitality Workshop
Ecumenical Picnic
APC Search Committees
School Supplies Drive
Update on Lewis Lectures
To Kill a Mockingbird
Military Service
Disciple Bible Study
Ushers Needed
Ladies Night Out
Career Transition
Youth Ministry News
Children's Ministry
Sympathy & Celebrations
Ministry Quicklinks
This Sunday
Fellowship Breakfast
8:00-10:30 AM
Worship Services
8:30 & 11:00 AM
Preaching this week:  
Rev. Jamie Butcher
Youth Group, 
Youth Group this week meets at 12:15 PM to go offsite
The Good News Email Information

  The Good News - This Week is a publication of Alpharetta Presbyterian Church for its members
and friends.

Send your comments and suggestions to connections
Ollie's Offerings 

Have you been caught up in the excitement of the FIFA women's world cup soccer tournament?  I made the mistake of watching just a few minutes of one game last week and now I'm hooked.  The US team has earned a spot in the finals against Japan.  They play on Sunday afternoon.  While I coach girls' recreation soccer, football is the game I know far better.  So watching those who play the game well is not only exciting entertainment, it is helpful training for novice coaches like me. 


I'm not writing today about soccer, but about the importance of teamwork.  As on the soccer field, success comes from dedicated and talented individuals committed and contributing to the "team."   Good passing (communication and cooperation), energetic and talented play (employing your gifts with effort), enduring through fatigue and opposition (overcoming challenges and not giving up), developing strategy (planning and organizing) and working as one to put the ball in the goal (having a common mission) are all essential parts for any organization to have success.  I believe it is no different for the church.


The Apostle Paul likened the church to the human body with different parts that labor together in unity for the common good.   Even though the individual body parts are very different, they must work together in harmony and as one for the body to be healthy and productive.  In many cases, the stronger parts work extra hard to compensate for weaker ones (a red card means the US team will be playing "one player short" but they'll cover for her!).  There are times in all of our lives when we need the support, prayers and encouragement of others.  At other times, we have the surplus and are able to serve the needs of others.


Teamwork: individual players working for a common goal, helping each other, encouraging each other, caring for each other, cooperating with one another to achieve their goal.  One body, many parts.  One Lord, one faith, one body, one baptism.  It took teamwork to have a successful VBS this week and it will take the same for hosting the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta meeting tomorrow.  Go Team APC!

Hospitality Workshop

Taking Your Hospitality to the Next LevelHospitality is a spiritual gift that every church must exercise and nurture. Hospitality is what makes members and visitors walk away from a church experience saying, "There seems to be a place for me there." Hospitality is inviting, welcoming, caring and sharing. Join us on Saturday, July 30 from 9 to 12 in the Fellowship Hall for workshop with Rev. Penny Hill. We will discover biblical, theological and practical reasons to extend hospitality at church. We will take a hospitality inventory of Alpharetta Presbyterian, and learn and practice practical tips for increasing hospitality. This workshop will be helpful to all members, but is a must for greeters, ushers and anyone on a welcoming or hospitality team. No RSVP necessary, contact Jamie at [email protected] with questions.


 Ecumenical Picnic

Please come and join St. James Methodist, Alpharetta First United Methodist, and Alpharetta Presbyterian at St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, 13560 Cogburn Road, Alpharetta, on August 7 at 1:00pm for the First Ecumenical Picnic.


Alpharetta Presbyterians will need to bring chairs and/or blankets and a dessert for the event.


Each church will be providing a musical group for our enjoyment and there will be games for all ages.


If you plan to attend we will need you to RSVP to Carol by Thursday, August 4, at the APC church office [email protected] or 770-751-0033.


APC Search Committees

Please pray for APC's search committees.Our Director of Children's Ministry search committee is composed of Dianne Berry (chair), Richard Boston, Amy Erickson, Kristin Hicks and Nancy Hill. Our Organist search committee is composed of Pat Chisolm (chair), Polly Hyatt, Becky Peterson, Art Pashayan and Ted Lynam.  Both search committees have already begun their work and are advertising these positions throughout greater Atlanta.  We hope to have positions filled by September!

 School Supply Drive


APC School Supplies Drive July 16 - August 7 to benefit APC Whiz Kids Tutoring Program, North Fulton Community Charities, Foster Care Support Foundation and The Place of Forsyth.


Please consider donating any of the following supplies:

Backpacks - no wheels

3-ring binders 1" and 2"

College and wide- ruled paper

Colored pencils

Crayons - 24 piece regular

Index cards -3x5

Paper napkins

Paper cups -  5 oz

Dividers for binders

Erasers - Pink Pearl and pencil top

Folders (2 pocket) with or without prongs

Glue sticks

Hand-held calculators


Markers - washable

Notebooks - wide-ruled spiral

Pens - all colors


Pencil boxes



Snack size ziplock bags

Plastic school supply pouches


The Mission collection bin will be in the lobby next to the School Supply Drive display. If you prefer to make a cash donation, please show "school supplies drive" on the memo line of your check.  Thank you for your support. Questions-call Sue White at 770-772-4667 or email [email protected].


C.S. Lewis Lectures UPDATE

2011 Adult Summer Sunday School

Don't miss this!  C.S. Lewis Lecture Series - A summer lecture series on the life and works of C.S. Lewis has been underway for the past six weeks. APC member and Lewis scholar Jim Motter is leading this series that is being held during the 9:45 a.m. Sunday School hour in the theater.  The remaining schedule is as follows:

July 17: The Problem of Pain (Part 2)

July 24: No session this week

July 31: No session this week

August 7: No session this week

August 14: The Weight of Glory

Philosopher Peter Kreeft, says Lewis's classic "theodicy," The Problem of Pain, is the greatest response ever given in answer to the singly most challenging question atheists raise against belief-the "problem of pain and evil."  Last Sunday we reviewed the background and key premises of Lewis' The Problem of Pain, including his insightful description of The Fall of Man.  This Sunday we complete our review of this great book by looking closely at the Aristotelian approach Lewis used to respond to the argument.  In addition, we will review Lewis' profound answers to such difficult questions as:

(1) Why does God grant us free-will"

(2) Why does God permit evil?

(3) Why does God use pain

(4) Why does God allow humans to suffer? and

(5) Why is there a Hell?

After Jim and his son, Brandon, return from Oxford and Cambridge, Jim will do a final summer session on Sunday, August 14.  For this closing presentation, Jim will review and provide commentary on C.S. Lewis' extraordinary sermon, "The Weight of Glory." If you have not yet read it, you can access and download a PDF copy of his sermon text on-line at You need not read it prior to the review, but Jim's commentary will be more meaningful if you have.

This is believed by many to be Lewis' most inspirational work, and some experts consider this to be the greatest sermon ever preached.  This one is not to be missed!

ACT1 TheaterTo Kill a Mockingbird

ACT1 steps back in time for the important story of To Kill a Mockingbird based on the book by Harper Lee, dramatized by Christopher Sergel. Scout Finch lives with her brother, Jem, and their widowed father, Atticus, in the sleepy Alabama town of Maycomb.  Wide-eyed Scout is fascinated with the people of her small town, but from the start there's a rumble of thunder just under the calm surface of the life there.  Racial tensions in Maycomb come to a head when a black man is accused of a grave crime against a white woman. As Scout's attorney father fights the case, Scout learns valuable lessons of humanity, compassion and what it means to be a good neighbor.

Performances are every Friday and Saturday now through August 7 at 7:30pm with Sunday Matinees on July 24, 31 and August 7 at 2:00pm. 

SPECIAL PRICING FOR APC MEMBERS!  Adults - $10, Children (under 12) and Seniors (over 60) $8.  Use coupon code "APCCC" online at or call 770-663-8989.  

Military Service

Members Serving in the Armed Forces: Do you know of an APC member or have a loved one or friend currently deployed, serving in our Armed Forces?  In addition to keeping them in our prayers, we are gathering contact information so we can minister to them with cards and care packages.  Please email Carol in the church office at [email protected] with the information. 


Disciple Bible Study

Disciple Bible Study has had another rewarding year of study and fellowship. We have preliminary plans to offer these classes next year:  Disciple I (Monday morning and Sunday evening), Disciple II (as needed),  Jesus in the Gospels, Christian Believer, and short term classes as interest indicates.   Contact Mary Dantzler at 404-754-1763, [email protected] with questions. Registration is now open now for all classes. Materials will soon be ordered, so please let Mary know of your interest as soon as possible.  


Ushers Needed

Looking for a place to serve? APC is looking for new ushers to serve at the 8:30 and 11:00 services. The Lord, whom we worship, is our model for ushering. He put in order our environment, welcomed us when we arrived, helped us find our place, taught us and showed by example what it means to serve others in a way that brings them closer to the Father. If you would be interested in serving, please call the church office. 


Ladies Night Out

Take a break from the heat and join us for a game of Po-Keeno on Thursday, July 28 at 7:00pm. Hosted by Pam Heydinger and Anne Peer at 11000 Egmont Drive, Johns Creek 30022. This exciting game is like a jazzed up game of Bingo with prizes and prize stealing. Bring a prize valued at $10 or under in a brown paper bag and an appetizer to share. Friends and relatives welcome! RSVP and questions to [email protected].


Career Transition
APC Career Transition Program - With Metro Atlanta's unemployment rate still hovering around 10%, many members and friends of APC find themselves unemployed or underemployed. When those who have given up are no longer job hunting, as well as those who want full-time jobs, but still work part-time, the real total unemployment rate leaps to 16.7%.

If your organization is seeking candidates to recruit, please contact Elder Bill Harris at [email protected]. It's possible that some of our own members could be a good fit for your opportunity. Thank you for keeping our Career Transitions Ministry and the lives it touches in your prayers. For more information, or how to be involved with this ministry, please contact Bill Harris.

Youth Ministry News

There are great events happening over the next few months.  Please take time to look over and if there is an event that you would like to participate in please let us know, especially offsite events.


Sunday, July 17 Youth Group  will be held immediately after the 11:00am service when we will travel to Craig and Donna Molnars' Lake Lanier home.  There will be eating, swimming and tubing, relaxing and conversing.  Bring your own flotation device (some are available), towel, etc. Departure time from the lake will be around 5:00pm with return to APC at or shortly after 5:30pm.


Please bring a picnic item to share:

Salad and/or veggies - Last name A to F

Chips and/or dip - G to M

Beverage (12 oz cans or water bottles - to be recycled) - N to S

Dessert - T to Z


Youth Ministry will provide the hamburger and hot dog fixings''. Please email us if you will be able to attend so that we make sure we have enough seat belts!   If your parents are able to volunteer to drive, let us know that as well.  Any questions?  Please call or email Michelle Burton, 770-442-1122 home, [email protected].


We want to invite ALL YOUTH to Destination Unknown (DU). Destination Unknown will take place August 3-August 5.  This is a very fun trip, where we take the youth to many different places and they do not know where they are going until they get there.  This is a wonderful opportunity for ALL students to form relationships with people in youth group. The price is $175 and is due July 17.  Please email Lisa Gould [email protected]  or sign up on the board located on Kelly Edwards' office door. We hope you take this opportunity to get your children involved in our wonderful youth group.


Please pray for our Youth and Adults that are at Camp Hope this week.  Camp Hope exists to help change the lives of prisoners' children and to break the vicious cycle of incarceration. We help them rise above their circumstances, teach them to become leaders and provide a life of hope through Christian programming and a fun environment.


Youth Group for rising 6th graders thru 2011 high school graduates will meet for the balance of the summer as follows:

July 24 - ACT1 matinee / early dinner / Mission Sunday planning

July 31 - Mission Sunday Planning

August 7 - Pool Party at the Anton's

August 14 - Mission Sunday services at 8:30 & 11 am / Church-wide picnic

August 21 - Kick-Off and Parent Meeting


We typically meet during the summer from 6 - 7:30 pm.  Dine ahead of time as we give our volunteer chefs the summer off!


Watch the bulletin, Good News, Facebook and email announcements for more details as specific events near.


          Please invite a friend to APC!   

If you have any questions, concerning Youth Ministry at APC,

 please contact Kelly Edwards at [email protected] or 770-751-0033


Children's Ministry News

MANY, MANY THANKS to all the VBS volunteers this past week that helped make it a HUGE success!!!  We could not have done it without you!  

NEW Sunday Schedule for Children at APC starting August 28, 2011

Parents make the commitment and see your child's faith and your joy increase.

9:30am - 10:00am  (NEW TIME) Children's Choirs Practice for ages 3 - K, 1st -  5th grade    

9:45am Opening Warm Ups for Elementary Sunday School in Solid Rock Theatre

   * Gathering and Sharing Time for Preschoolers in Room 106

10:00am - 10:45am Preschool Sunday School Lessons and Elementary Workshops

Sunday school for children at APC is not only an educational tool for faith development but it is a fun time to spend with friends. Children and adult volunteers really enjoy the workshop rotation model that we use in Disciples' Village (Sunday school for children).  The elementary children every five weeks learn a new Bible story and how to apply it to their lives. Children go with their age group each week to one of five workshops where they learn the Bible story in creative ways. This year our theme is "Hello God, Are You Calling Me?" We will explore call stories from both the Old and New Testaments.

Adults that would like to help with Sunday school for children can contact Dianne Berry, Children's Ministry Elder at [email protected]  You can volunteer to assistant teach in the preschool classroom, shepherd a group of elementary children, or teach elementary children in the art, game, mission/science, storytelling, or cooking workshop. We welcome new volunteers. You do not have to be a parent of preschool or elementary children to volunteer. It is fun and heart-warming.  Ask Pat Hudson, Kathy Davis, Sheryl Wentworth, or Sue White.

Children's Choirs will begin their new practice time on Sunday, August 28 from 9:30am - 10:00am. The preschoolers ages 3-5 will practice in room 105 and then move across the hall for Sunday school at 10am.  The elementary children will practice in room 109 from 9:30am - 10:00am and will then be escorted to their age group's workshop. Sunday school ends at 10:45am. Parents will pick up their children from designated rooms and workshops. Maps are available in the children's ministry hallway. 

Nursery care is provided on Sundays from 8:15am - 12:15pm for ages 0-3 in the nursery and red room.  (all year long)

Promise Class is provided on Sundays from 9:30 am - 12:30pm for our special needs students in the Rainbow and Noah's Ark Room.  (all year long)

Kinderkirk (Children's Worship Education for children ages 3 - First Grade) meets in room 108 for the 8:30am service and room 105 (Preschool) and 108 Kindergarten & First) during the 11:00am service. Children are escorted back to Kinderkirk by their Kinderkirk teachers. Parents pick up children from the designated rooms  after worship.

Fun Wednesdays plans are in the making for a new enrichment program for children that involves drama, music, art, Bible study, and games. Dinner will start at 5:30pm followed by new and exciting activities for children from 6:15pm - 7:15pm. Our first Fun Wednesday will be August 24. Stay tuned for more details.  

APC Sunday School Kick-Off is August 21, 2011 at 9:45am in the sanctuary. All ages will gather in the sanctuary to kick- off the year, to celebrate, and to introduce all the teachers. Age groups will be dismissed gradually.  Children will walk with their parents to tour classrooms and meet teachers. Youth will meet their teachers in the classrooms upstairs. Adults will go to the Fellowship Hall to meet class faciliators, learn more about their class offerings, and fellowship with other adults.   

Sympathy & Celebrations 

Sympathy - To Melody Cookson and her family, at the death of her father, Mel Younglove, who died Tuesday, July 12 in Clearwater, FL. Services will be held Saturday, July 16 in Tampa, FL.  


Sunday Volunteers
Serving as greeters this Sunday: Volunteers Needed
Serving as ushers this Sunday: Kim and Valerie Fulkerson, Sybille Johnstone, Alan Crowell at 8:30 & Ed and Ppat Rea, Jeff Stewart, Ralph Pollifrone at 11:00
11:00 Kinderkirk volunteers this Sunday: Nell DeVore & Cameron Gaines
11:00 Promise Class volunteers this Sunday: Trish Kent
The Good News - This Week
Alpharetta Presbyterian Church.
You can visit the church on line at or contact the office during regular business hours at 770-751-0033.