To my clients: you guys and gals rock and are the best. Never give up, never quit, no retreat, no surrender. The journey is long and arduous but to prevail, we must press on.
You will be successful by following the plan. The more thoroughly you follow the plan the better you get -faster.
New Blog Posts
Check out Haley's New
Before & After Pic. She looks great. Haley
overhead pressed 125lbs Wednesday on the seated shoulder press machine. The only time you are authorized to say anything other than "wow, that is awesome" is when you can do more. Not many women can even come close. Not only has she
lost 11 pounds and 8.1 % body fat in the last two months but she is a strong lady. Great Job Haley !! I'm giving her 3 free sessions for her pic.
I want more pics. Who is next ?
Haley is another great example of real people getting real results, using my "crazy methods".
If you are interested in the warp speed fat loss program, I offer it in two ways. 1) i take you through it personally for 28 days or 2) you can do it yourself in 28 days. The program is complete and is a blueprint for success. Remember that this is a 28 day program to jumpstart your progress or break a plateau. It is very similar to my standard program but it uses low calories and carb cycling for rapid short term results. You can check it out here:
Your success depends on how close you can follow the three phases of my proven program:
Metabolic resistance training (what you do with me during our sessions), Targeted fat loss cardio / high intensity interval training that you do in between sessions and the nutrition plan.
Remember to do your cardio in between sessions.
Here is the targeted fat loss cardio routine again: