Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
 News From Dempsey's Resolution Fitness 10 March 09
Hi Everyone, 
Great News - Ryan called me tonight and he is back from graduating from Ranger School with his coveted Ranger Tab. Great job Ryan !!
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Did you watch the Biggest Loser Tonight?
Here is my 2 cent review. You should know by now that I'm not a fan of this show although it has it's good points and motivates many to accomplish great things. Tonight's episode showed the usual mindless 8 hour workouts and unhealthy weight loss stuff like one guy losing like 11 pounds in 1 week - I'm sure that was pure fat with no lean tissue loss. -not!!!
Then it showed a couple of nutrition tips by the trainer gurus. The dude issued his team fiber bars to eat and said that 9/10 people don't eat enough fiber and he asked if they were getting in their protein, then the guru female trainer gave a nutrition tip saying that it is proven that eating carbs, protein and fats together help you stay full longer.
Now you all know the ridiculous nature of these tips. If you follow your meal plans with the proper macronutrient ratio, you will get enough fiber through the fibrous carbs in the fruits and vegetables. And for the tip of eating all three macronutrients together to stay full longer - I won't even bother saying anything. I bet you could skip half your meals if you felt full longer huh? That would really boost your metabolism and blast the fat off - no, not, wrong. You know I had to say something.
Then they did an elimination event where all of these out of shape, extremely overweight people
assumed the static wall squat hold position with a medicine ball in their laps. This is a very difficult exercise and they held it for as long as they could with the winner going over 4 minutes and of course was crippled afterwards. You can imagine the trauma to the quads of these people. They are supposed to be getting better and healthier right? I bet they felt great for their 8 hour workout the next day and of course it showed one guy on the treadmill for two hours - madness!!
I will say at the end, the final big event was pretty cool and very difficult. It was an obstacle course where they had to move 24 medicine balls from point to point. I did like that.
Just keep in mind, when you see this stuff on TV, that you know the right way to do it- the healthy way and don't be swayed by the mainstream media garbage. Keep on doing the right thing and you will prevail.      
If you are interested in the warp speed fat loss program, I offer it in two ways. 1) i take you through it personally for 28 days or 2) you can do it yourself in 28 days. The program is complete and is a blueprint for success. Remember that this is a 28 day program to jumpstart your progress or break a plateau. It is very similar to my standard program but it uses low calories and carb cycling for rapid short term results. You can check it out here:
 Your success depends on how close you can follow the three phases of my proven program: 
 Metabolic resistance training (what you do with me during our sessions), Targeted fat loss cardio / high intensity interval training that you do in between sessions and the nutrition plan.
Remember to do your cardio in between sessions.

Here is the targeted fat loss cardio routine again: 

Dempsey's Resolution Fitness


Plan your meals. Failure to plan is planning to fail. Do your HIIT cardio in between sessions. Keep at the food. Stand Tall and be Proud. Believe in yourself. Put yourself on top of your priority list. You are worth it and deserve it.
Train Hard and Eat Right,
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
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Want to save some more cash? Type me up a 1 page testimonial and I'll give you two free sessions. Tell everyone about what progress you have made, what you think of the training with me, what you think of me as your trainer, how you look and feel now after training with me and why you recommend me to others. I'll post it on the website and you save cash. We both win. This is easy. You should want to do this anyway or you should be wondering why you keep coming to train with me.
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Get me a good before and after photo that I can use as a flyer and post on my website and  / or help me make a video of you training and I'll give you 3 free sessions for each. So if you did a video and a photo, you would get 6 free sessions. You can't beat that. Everyone is complaining about the economic woes and how money is tight. This would help you and me alot. Take advantage of these simple offers and save money while helping me expand my business.
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