Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
 News From Dempsey's Resolution Fitness 31 JAN 09
Hi Everyone, 
Here is the Fat Loss Honor Roll for this past week.
Haley lost 2.9 % body fat and is fitting into her pre-pregnancy jeans again.
She has been progressing rapidly and also bench pressed 85lbs. Great Job Haley !!!
Latonya lost 1.7 % body fat. She has been doing killer workouts and
doing an awesome job on her meal plans. Great Job Latonya !!!
AJ lost 1.8 % body fat while gaining 4.5 lbs of lean body mass.
 He has also been doing killer workouts for his SFAS prep. Great Job AJ !!!
Shelley has been doing fabulous things this week during her workouts.
I didn't get to see her on friday but on wednesday, she did shoulder machine presses
in the 110lb-115lb range which is incredible for her. Great Job Shelley!!!  
You are all doing an awesome job!!! Keep at it. Don't let the momentum stop.
I'm very proud of all you. Set some goals this week and blast through them.
Have a great weekend and rest up.
Some MSG iNFO: Try to avoid or cut way back on
MSG is bad stuff and it is everywhere, in all types of processed foods.
Current research links MSG to neurodegenerative
diseases like Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Here is a brief list of common effects of MSG and some curious statistics published by
national organizations.
Heart maladies- More than 70 million
Americans have one or more forms of
cardiovascular disease and 43% of all deaths in
the U.S. are related to these problems. The
number of cardiovascular operations went up
287% from 1980-1990.

Alzheimer's disease, not an identifiable
healthcare cost in 1980, now ranks third after
cancer and heart disease among the most costly
health problems in America. Four million
people afflicted at a cost of $47,000/person/
year, is $188 billion/year in healthcare costs.
Headaches & Migraines- $2.2 billion/year
are spent on drugs to treat headaches, with a
74% increase in these chronic conditions
between 1980-1990.

Asthma, which was on the decline until
the mid-eighties, now shows a 100% increase
in the death rate among children and seniors.
Incidence has increased 600% in the last 10
years. The FDA recognizes that
"uncontrollable asthma" can be caused by
MSG, but stops there, unfortunately.

Tumors- There has been an 88% increase
in tumors since 1982.

Birth Defects and Reproduction
Disorders - MSG is a known
"mutagen" (mutates fetuses) and causes
significant damage to intellectual development,
growth patterns, reproduction and gonadal

Neurological/Emotional Disorders - Lab
studies show devastating effects on brain
development including dyslexia, autism,
attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity,
schizophrenia, violent episodes (rage), panic
attacks, seizures, paranoia, depression, and
cerebral palsy. Humans are 5 times more
sensitive to MSG than rats which were used in

Obesity is one of the most consistent
effects of excitotoxin exposure and is a
growing problem, nationwide, that knows no
age or sex boundaries. In fact, scientists feed
glutamate to young laboratory animals as a
reliable way of inducing obesity. MSG triggers
an insulin/adrenalin/fat storage/food craving
response. This depletes seratonin levels which
trigger headaches, depression, fatigue, and
leads to more food cravings.

Fibromyalgia is a growing epidemic.
Fibromyalgia patients who eliminated MSG
and aspartame during a study conducted by the
University of Florida reported complete relief
of symptoms (2001).

Parkinson's, ALS, MS, and
Huntington's diseases, like Alzheimer's, are
all progressive neurogenic diseases showing
brain/nerve cell damage.

Other symptoms of MSG sensitivity include:
swollen throat and tongue, racing heart, joint
pain, vertigo, skin disorders, sleeping
disorders, burning, tightness or redness on face,
and gastrointestinal compla ints.

 Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, is called a
"flavor enhancer". It is not a preservative and it
has no nutritional value. It does nothing to food,
but it does affect the person using it.
It's called an "excitotoxin" or neurotoxin by
leading neuroscientists because of its degenerative
and deadly effects on the brain and nervous system.
Neurons are over stimulated to the point of
exhaustion and cell death. MSG first goes to the
brain through membranes in the mouth and throat,
and also enters the blood stream as MSG laden
foods are digested. It tricks the brain into thinking
it's getting something tasty.
MSG is not a naturally occurring substance.
It's man-made from glutamic acid, which is an
amino acid found in all complete proteins.
Other Names for MSG
Monosodium glutamate
Hydrolyzed "anything"
Autolyzed "anything"
Natural flavor/flavorings
Caseinate (sodium or calcium)
Yeast extract or nutrient
Seasonings, Spice
Commercial soup or sauce base
Soy, wheat, whey protein
Soy, fish, or bean sauces
Malted barley flour
Malt extract
Corn byproducts: corn syrup, dextrose,
cornstarch, citric acid

Check out this article:

Remember to do your cardio in between sessions.
Here is the targeted fat loss cardio routine again: 

Dempsey's Resolution Fitness


Plan your meals. Failure to plan is planning to fail. Do your HIIT cardio in between sessions. Keep at the food. Stand Tall and be Proud. Believe in yourself. Put yourself on top of your priority list. You are worth it and deserve it.
Train Hard and Eat Right,
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
In This Issue
Fat Loss Honor Roll
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