Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
      News From Dempsey's Resolution Fitness 18 JAN 09
Hi Everyone, 
If you haven't seen the latest blog entry,  
Check out the my blog link to the right.
People are getting motivated and making great stuff happen. After a normal seasonal lull, the Fat loss Honor Roll is ramping back up. Here are some updates from the last few weeks.
Haley lost 1.4 % bodyfat
AJ lost 1.7 % bodyfat and did 4:40 on the modified plank
Shelley raised her bench press 20lbs
Latonya has consistently lost an inch off of her waist for the last 3 weeks in a row. She is also not far from being the next member in the bench press club. 
Let's get super motivated and start getting your name back on the honor roll.  Remember the rules of the honor roll, you have to make progress to get listed. Breaking even (which is not bad at all) or stepping backwards doesn't get listed. The honor roll is for complimenting hard work and it's resulting achievement. I want to see everyone on the honor roll as much as possible. My long term clients have been there before and need to get back there sooner rather than later. You have all been doing great so let's start getting the recognition you deserve.
Check out the article below for something different to consider.
Precision Nutrition
Plant Based Meal Plan - (new key fitness word) (politically correct for vegans)

This is a vegetarian style meal plan without the term vegetarian in it - politically correct. Anyway for those interested in minimal animal products or the option of rotating through a wider range of stuff, here you go. Use as an example and make your own versions. Bottom line is regardless of where you get protein from, you still need protein, so if you want to chew on the bark of the nasty root tree as opposed to a bison steak, go for it. Now if you notice, the only real difference in this meal plan, from my standard recommended plans, are the sources of the proteins. Minus the eggs - DR Berardi likes his eggs, he tried to use plant based stuff. 
 Before Breakfast
5 tablets BCAA (Biotest - 5g total)
2 capsules Resveratrol (Biotest)
1 multi-vitamin (Genuine Health)
1 tablet vitamin D (Webber Naturals - 1000IU total)
1 serving sublingual B-12
500 ml water
3 whole eggs with 1 slice cheese
2 slices sprouted grain bread
1 cup vegetables
500 ml water
1 cup green tea

Snack #1
2 cups home-made granola (mix includes pumpkin seeds, unsweetened coconut, whole oats, almonds, pecans, cashews, pistachios, and dried fruit)
1 tbsp honey
1 cup unsweetened soy milk
1/2 cup home-made hummus
2 whole wheat tortillas
1 cup veggies
1/2 cup mixed beans (not canned)
1 sweet potato with cinnamon on top

Snack #2
2 cups home-made granola (mix includes pumpkin seeds, unsweetened coconut, whole oats, almonds, pecans, cashews, pistachios, and dried fruit)
1 tbsp honey
1 cup unsweetened soy milk
Workout Drink
2 tsp BCAA (Xtreme Formulations - 14g total)
2 servings carbohydrate (Avant Labs - 22g total)
1000ml water

After Workout
1 cup mixed beans
1 cup quinoa (measured uncooked)
2 cups green veggies
2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp flavored flax oil
1 tbsp curry powder
1 multi-vitamin (Genuine Health)
1 tablet vitamin D (Webber Naturals - 1000IU total)
Bedtime Snack
2 scoops protein (Genuine Health Vegan)
1 scoop greens (Genuine Health Perfect Skin)
Handful raw nuts
1 natural peanut butter and honey sandwich on 1 slice sprouted grain bread 
Precision Nutrition is on my top list of references and is a must for any serious health & fitness library. I use alot of DR John Berardi's Stuff in my program because I believe he is one of the best in the business. His manuals are great and full of awesome info, recipes and meal plans. Precision Nutrition V3 was just released recently. If you want to check it out, look here: Precision Nutrition


Plan your meals. Failure to plan is planning to fail. Do your HIIT cardio in between sessions. Keep at the food. Stand Tall and be Proud. Believe in yourself. Put yourself on top of your priority list. You are worth it and deserve it.
Train Hard and Eat Right,
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
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Get me a good before and after photo that I can use as a flyer and post on my website and  / or help me make a video of you training and I'll give you 3 free sessions for each. So if you did a video and a photo, you would get 6 free sessions. You can't beat that. Everyone is complaining about the economic woes and how money is tight. This would help you and me alot. Take advantage of these simple offers and save money while helping me expand my business.
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