Anointed Messages

Recently I've experienced many turns and twists in my life story, so God has been reminding me about this message from 12/7/09. I believe I'm not the only one who needs this reminder that God's promises sometimes move out of sight but they are still moving towards us.

Even when you lose sight of the blessing, don't lose sight of the promise.


A Message from Anointed Messenger 


Recently I returned home on an airplane. Following is an excerpt from my journal which reminded me that just because something moves temporarily out of my line of vision doesn't mean it isn't still moving towards me. I pray you will be blessed, and I pray you'll hold on to what God says regardless of what you see.


God continued to encourage me at the airport. When I was waiting for my bags I sat down for a while as I was tired. When they posted my flight at a luggage carousel I positioned myself at the end so I could be right at the belt to claim my bags. I had to check in late because of rushing and delays so I figured my bags would be near the front. Sure enough I saw my first bag on the belt. I had a sense of relief, hope and expectation because I could see my blessing was on the way. It was a reality. At one point my bags were out of my sight as they rounded a corner in the many twists and turns in the conveyor belt. I smiled because God was preaching.


Sometimes you may lose sight of your promise, or rather your promise may move out of your sight, but trust that it's still coming. Trust that God has positioned you to receive your blessing. And even though that very positioning may cause your blessing to be out of view for a short time, it's that position that allows you to receive the promise. If I'd gone and stood somewhere near the beginning of the conveyor belt I would've been behind a bunch of other people all vying for bags/position. True I was near the end of the belt but there was no competition where I was positioned. All I had to do was bend over and pick up my bags. I got them both and was out of there quickly, long before many people who were positioned near the front of the line. God is good. Even when you lose sight of the blessing, don't lose sight of the promise.

For we live by believing and not by seeing.
2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.

Hebrews 10:23 NLT

Jesus Culture:Come Away (Lyrics)  

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Anointed Messenger
Anointed Messenger is an ordained minister, Nationally Certified Counselor, Stress Management Specialist, and published author. AM left behind home, job, and friends & family and moved to Houston Texas in 2005 at the calling of the Lord. AM is married to Jesus Christ.

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