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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs

EZ Read

JACPAC's News & Opinion Digest

April 27, 2012  

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It does make a difference who is in the Senate!   
The recent passage of VAWA proves that. 
How the Senate will vote if similar legislation comes up next year depends on who wins in November.  
JAC is working to reelect  vulnerable Senate incumbents.
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This week's issue highlights the following significant developments here and in the Middle East:



Remember to check out our blog to keep up with current issues and opinion and to sort fact from fiction on the Internet.  Be sure to read Presidential Ponderings, thoughts and observations from JACPAC President Gail Yamner. 

Israel & The Middle East
What Did the Israeli Army Chief Actually Say About Iran?
A Washington Post headline this morning states: "Israeli Military Chief: Iran Will Not Build Nuclear Bomb."
prosorStatement by Amb Prosor to the UN Security Council
"The Situation in the Middle East" - I would like to use today's debate as an opportunity to address just a few of the myths that have become a permanent hindrance to our discussion of the Middle East here at the United Nations.

Op-Ed: Iron Dome is an investment in Mideast stability, by Rep. Howard Berman
This is a unique time in the Jewish calendar, a period when bitterness and sweetness are mixed together.

Tell Me about the Future of the Jews
Imagine it's January 1946. Imagine, too, that you are exactly who you are now: thoughtful, educated, worldly, rational. And then, someone says to you, "Tell me about the future of the Jews."
1948: Palestine Betrayed
Zionist Jews were not interlopers in Palestine. The creation of the Jewish state was not an "original sin" foisted upon the Arab world.
Journalistic Malpractice
Christian leaders, Middle East experts, and observers on Capitol Hill are crying foul on a CBS News report that they say erroneously blamed Israel for the persecution and migration of Palestinian Christians.
Reproductive Rights

vawaViolence Against Women Act passes Senate after heated rhetoric
A new version of the Violence Against Women Act, the legislation that Democrats used as a backdrop to accuse Republicans of waging a "war on women," passed the Senate Thursday afternoon 68 to 31.

Oklahoma House fails to act on personhood bill
The so-called personhood bill failed to get a necessary hearing Thursday before the House of Representatives adjourned for the week, but its demise was anything but quiet.

Fetal heartbeat bill killed by Miss. Senate chair

A Mississippi Senate chairman on Thursday killed a bill that could have led to a homicide criminal prosecution for anyone performing an abortion once a fetal heartbeat is found.

Political Bytes
House, Senate candidates dodge questions on hot-button issues
Candidates for Senate and House seats are refusing to say how they would vote on key issues facing Congress, claiming they shouldn't have to make up their minds until after they're elected.

moneyMoney Won't Win Presidency but It Might Buy Congress
President Barack Obama's re- election campaign is likely to have more money than any presidential campaign in history. Republican Mitt Romney's campaign, when you factor in the super-PACs supporting him, could have even more money than that.
Yom HaShoah

Remarks by the President at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Good morning, everyone.  It is a great honor to be with you here today.  Of course, it is a truly humbling moment to be introduced by Elie Wiesel.   More...

Harper's address to Holocaust remembrance ceremony
At a national Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa yesterday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave a keynote address to the Jewish community and honoured the families of Karolina Juszczykowska and Klass and Jetske Dreijer, two of the Righteous Among the Nations.
independenceYom HaAtzmaut

For Our Creative Survival: Liberal Zionists Speak Out, by Rabbi Eric Yoffie 

I am a Zionist.

Zionism is the belief that the establishment of a Jewish and democratic state in the Land of Israel is essential for the creative survival of the Jewish people.


What Zionism Does (Not) Mean: Liberal Zionists Speak Out
Yes, I am a Zionist. Wholeheartedly. If at all, I am now more explicitly Zionist than I was in my younger years. I am sorry and troubled that it has become so hard for so many to describe themselves in these terms.

innovationsMade in Israel - The top 64 innovations developed in Israel    

To celebrate Israel's 64th birthday, ISRAEL21c brings you the country's top 64 innovations - developments that are transforming and enriching lives across the planet.  


 Underrated: Cyrus the Great
Anyone who knows Handel's Messiah will be familiar with Isaiah's vision of the new Jerusalem. But how many know that the man referred to by the prophet as the Lord's shepherd, even as His anointed ("messiah") is actually Cyrus the Great, King of Persia?

Our members count on JACPAC to provide information on current events, candidates, and elections.  JACPAC depends on membership support to make this possible.


If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Gail Yamner, President
Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director 

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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a national network committed to the special relationship between the US and Israel and a social agenda that includes reproductive rights and separation of religion and state.  JACPAC supported US Senate and House candidates who uphold this agenda and maintains ongoing dialogue with those it helps elect.  In addition, JACPAC serves as a political resource for the Jewish community, furnishing information about candidates, elections and issues.