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June 23, 2011 


This week's issue highlights the following significant developments here and in the Middle East:


Remember to check out our blog to keep up with current events, op-eds, reproductive rights information, sort fact from fiction in your inbox about Israel, and Presidential Ponderings - Gail's thoughts and observations.



unbreakableObama: Israel-United States Bond is 'Unbreakable'
Seeking to reassure Jewish donors amid questions over his support for Israel, President Barack Obama pledged Monday that his administration would "devote all of its creative powers" to trying to bring about Mideast peace.


Multilateral Cooperation between the United Sates and Israel: Fighting Delegitimization, Moving Forward Together
The United States continues to work against attempts to delegitimize Israel at the United Nations. As President Obama put it, Washington "will stand up against efforts to single Israel out at the United Nations or in any international forum. Israel's legitimacy is not a matter for debate."

Michael Oren: Gaza blockade is 'matter of life and death'
Israel's Ambassador to the US Michael Oren on Wednesday defended the blockade of Gaza as a "matter of life and death" and said that it fully comports with international law, as a flotilla prepares to attempt to reach Gaza.

Here Comes the Judge
Amidst his other pronouncements on Mideast peace in late May, President Obama warned Palestinians they couldn't get their state by a show of hands at the United Nations. Soon after, Israeli officials predicted that the Palestinian Authority would pursue its case at the U.N. in September. It's a safe bet that the Israeli government has a better understanding of Palestinian intentions than the Obama administration.

Apple removes 'Third Palestinian Intifada' app at Israel's request
Computer giant Apple removed an application called the "The Third Palestinian Intifada" from its App Store for iPads and iPhones, CNN reported Thursday.

Protesters take to streets in Syria after Assad speech
Protesters swept into the streets in cities across Syria on Monday, following a speech by President Bashar Assad that left anti-government demonstrators frustrated, and officials in the European Union threatening to widen sanctions against his regime.


Memo to the Administration: You Can't Be Pro-Choice Unless You Support Equal Access
If recent statements are any indication, the Obama Administration would very much like to rewrite what it means to be "pro-choice." The Administration continues to claim that it supports the right of a woman to make her own decision about whether and when to have a child. But it turns out that the Administration only stands firm when that woman has economic resources.



Editorials Criticize Attempts To Defund Planned Parenthood
Two recent editorials discussed legislation in Indiana and Louisiana that aims to block funding to Planned Parenthood because the organization provides abortion care.



New Act Prohibits Minors Traveling for Abortions
Teens crossing state lines to get an abortion are the target of a new bill introduced today. The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) looks fairly comprehensive and serious so far, though full text of the bill (S.1241) has not yet been released. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), however, did provide a joint press release that outlined the bill's main points.

GOPabortionGOP Hopefuls Divided Over Anti-Abortion Pledge
For the first time in memory, every Republican candidate running for president in 2012 proclaims him or herself to be anti-abortion. But just how anti-abortion are they?


Colorado Board of Education Being Sued by Three Civil Liberties Unions
Three civil liberties unions plus some Douglas County parents filed a lawsuit this morning against the authorization of funds by the state treasurer to a lottery program created to subsidize scholarships to private schools--many of which are religious schools.

harrisburgPA Mayor, Religious Leaders Unite to Fast and Pray for Harrisburg

Mayor Linda Thompson of Harrisburg, Pa., is united with religious leaders and fasting for three days starting Wednesday for the good of the city amid a financial crisis.


religionInterfaith Head Calls on GOP Candidates to Leave Religion Out of Campaigns
In a letter to the presidential candidates, a progressive Baptist minister warns that religion is being manipulated and misused in the 2012 race as a political tool.


narrativeThe truth should be taught about the 1948 war
Just as nobody, even in German schools, would dream of teaching the German 'narrative' regarding World War II, the 1948 war should also not be taught as a battle between narratives.  In the final analysis, there is a historical truth.

Al Schweimmer, An American Unsung Hero for the State of Israel

I was extraordinarily privileged to  know Al Schwimmer, a former transport pilot in World War II,, who helped create Israel's air force in the 1948 War of Independence, and then was chosen to build the nation's military might at Israel Aircraft Industries, a government-owned enterprise responsible for the defense of Israel and the export of weapons ever since.

The Jewish Woman with Journalism's Biggest Job
That Jill Abramson, the next executive editor of The New York Times, is Jewish does not distinguish her from many in the long line of top editors in whose footsteps she follows. Including her, four of the paper's last six executive editors have been Jewish.
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Gail Yamner, President
Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Executive Research Director