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March 25, 2011 


This week's issue highlights the following significant developments here and in the Middle East:
  • A bomb near Jerusalem's main bus terminal is the latest round in the escalating violence between Israel and the Palestinians. 
  • Two Senate Republicans say no to ending funding to Title X family planning and Planned Parenthood.
  • Rep. Randy Forbes has introduced a bill to reaffirm our national motto as "In God We Trust."
  • More than a year after the Citizens United ruling, a telecommunications lawyer proposes asking the FCC to disclose sponsors of political ads. 
  • Following the tragic attack in Itamar, Israelis & Palestinians are able to come together for a football championship.


Remember to check out our blog to keep up with current events, op-eds, reproductive rights information, sort fact from fiction in your inbox about Israel, and Presidential Ponderings - Gail's thoughts and observations.



jerusalembombBomb blast kills one in Jerusalem
The first bombing to rock Jerusalem in four years killed an Israeli woman and wounded two dozen people Wednesday, the latest sign of escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians since short-lived peace talks collapsed last year.


Gaza: IDF tank-shield intercepts missile
'Windbreaker' defense system intercepts missile fire on Merkava 4 tank; IDF responds with artillery fire; Palestinian injured. Hamas: Reaction will be severe if attacks on Gaza continue.

Are the Palestinians Ready for Peace?
Genuine peace between peoples requires far more than signed agreements. It requires bona fide mutual trust, respect, and a psyche of peace to prevail throughout all levels of society, and must emanate from the leadership.

The Fate of Muslim Moderates
The recent uprisings in the Middle East seemed, at least at first, to send a reassuring signal to Western observers: not only did genuinely moderate Muslims exist, and not only were they capable of finding a political voice, but there was reason to hope that, given time to organize and grow in strength, they might succeed in winning out against the voices of repression and Islamist extremism.

Egyptian Voters Approve Constitutional Changes
Egyptian voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum on constitutional changes on Sunday that will usher in rapid elections, with the results underscoring the strength of established political organizations, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, and the weakness of emerging liberal groups.

Syria Protests Call for Strong U.S. Stance
March 24 marked the sixth straight day of protests against Syria's Bashar al-Asad regime in and around the southern city of Deraa, where the regime crackdown thus far has claimed at least sixteen lives, with unconfirmed reports putting that number much higher.


titlexTwo Republican Senators Announce Opposition to Title X, Planned Parenthood Defunding
Two Senate Republicans have begun speaking out against using the budget process to eliminate the Title X family planning program and defund Planned Parenthood of America, Politico reports.



Opinion: Don't touch funding for Planned Parenthood
by Governor Christie Whitman
AS A FORMER governor, I understand that this country faces a growing deficit and we must exercise fiscal discipline. As a Republican, I also understand that women, no matter their party affiliation, are concerned about the health of their mothers, their daughters and their sisters.



Women Seeking Abortions in South Dakota to Get Anti-Abortion Advice
The sign out front advertises free pregnancy tests, information about abortion and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. But it is not an abortion clinic - it is home to the Alpha Center, an organization in Sioux Falls, S.D., dedicated to encouraging women to bring their babies to term.

Idaho, Kansas and Alabama All Begin 20 Week abortion Bans
Three more states have focused their legislative efforts on restricting abortion after 20 weeks, with Kansas and Idaho both passing the bill through the senate, and Alabama considering theirs in committee.


forbesU.S. Rep. Forbes' 'In God We Trust' bill sent to full House
U.S. Rep. Randy Forbes' bill to reaffirm "In God We Trust" as the national motto and encourage its display in all public schools was approved by a House committee Thursday after a sharp partisan debate.


How to Protect Foreign Aid? Improve It
A Bloomberg National Poll says that more than 7 in 10 Americans think that Congress can find major savings in the federal budget by slashing foreign aid.  It's a new poll, but this is old news.



fecThe Influence Industry: Opponents of unlimited outside election spending take issue to FCC
Democrats and public-interest groups have been trying for more than a year to limit the impact of a Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited outside spending on elections. So far, they haven't had much luck.




footballIsraelis, Palestinians play as one
Only week after Itamar massacre, championship game of American football league in Israel again brings together people from opposites sides of political spectrum - this time in celebration.

Better Place unveils plans for 9 stations in Israel 

Better Place announced yesterday details of its plan to open a series of electric-vehicle charging stations in Israel.

The company offers EV charging stations that, through a subscription service, give electric-vehicle owners the option of a quick battery swap instead of plugging in and waiting for their car's battery to charge over time. Most stations also offer fast-charging plug-in spots for nonmembers. It takes only a minute to make the swap. The depleted batteries are then recharged and used in other cars, according to Better Place.

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If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive choice, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!


Gail Yamner, President
Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Executive Research Director