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Dear friends,

Catherine Salzinger, a close friend of Michelle's and MEF volunteer, has had the unique opportunity to live in Lebanon for the past 6 months. It's a beautiful and lively country, rich in natural wonder. It's also a country with a sad, tormented past, which for decades has been marked by human tragedy and environmental destruction. Because of this, reforestation efforts are needed now more than ever.

IBSAR, the nature conservation center for sustainable futures at AUB, is in the process of planning its annual Mother Earth Festival on the Spring Equinox (March 20th-21st), and Michelle's Earth Foundation would like to help! Since tree planting is a major part of MEF's programming, MEF will be hosting a Native Seed Planting Workshop and plans to plant 1,500 seeds at a nursery in the Bekaa Valley. The seedlings planted at this workshop will eventually be planted in some of Lebanon's poorest regions that are in greatest need of reforestation. In support of this worthy cause and inspired by Michelle, Catherine will personally work as an MEF volunteer alongside others and plant all the seeds that are donated in MEF's name. She will also give a short speech to raise awareness about MEF to other IBSAR volunteers at the festival.
Planting a seed may not bring "Peace in the Middle East," but it is part of the long process of rebuilding communities and livelihoods. Indeed, IBSAR named this program, "Seeds of Hope, Trees for Tomorrow." Of course, this project won't be possible without the help of donors and fundraising, so MEF and IBSAR need your help! Everyone can easily donate online by following these instructions:

1. Go to
2. Fill out "Donor Information"
3. Under "Gift Payment Information," enter the amount of money, select "Other" from the drop down box, and specify "IBSAR-MEF-Seeds of Hope."
4. Then just enter credit card info, submit and voila!

Thank you so very much for your help! Every little bit helps! Please feel free to pass this email along to family, friends, co-workers, or anyone who was blessed enough to know Michelle and might like to contribute to this cause.

And remember, as MEF's motto encouragingly states, small actions = BIG CHANGES.

Michelle's Earth Foundation