Chuck Green's Design Likes

Thanks for subscribing. This is Design Likes Issue 78: An overview of stuff of interest to the design mind. 

Chuck Green

P.S. Please check out my template collections:
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Integrating typography with moving images

The technique of integrating typography with moving images has always intrigued me. Kyle Cooper and Prologue Films continue to pioneer the medium.

Here > The end titles from Sherlock Holmes...

Here > A television spot that integrates typography...

Here > This is Prologue's site. The navigation is a bit tricky, I almost missed the fact that the FILM, VFX (visual effects), TELEVISION, and so on at the top of the screen were categories. Don't miss the television section...

Here > Here's the post about "Identity design, film and Sherlock Holmes" by Tim Girvin that originally led me to the Cooper and Prologue Films...

Meet typeface designer Jean François Porchez

Jean François Porchez is a well-respected typeface designer and the proprietor of the Porchez Typofonderie. I think of his work as among the industry's top-tier.

Here > Porchez Typofonderie...

Here > I'm a long-time fan of Anisette and Anisette Petite...

Here > Porchez's custom type offerings...

Here > An interview with Porchez at

Meet illustrator Kevin Kelly and Pixel Pushers

Kevin Kelly's illustrations caught my eye. I like them, they feel new and different and are obviously well-crafted.

Here > Example 1...

Here > Example 2...

Here > Example 3...

Here > Kelly's site, Pixel Pusher Design...

Design-It-Yourself: Graphic Workshop...

The FWA 2009 site of the year

The FWA (Favourite Website Awards) describes itself as " industry recognized website award program and inspirational portal based in England and is one of the World's leading website recognitions". Throughout the year the FWA names a SOTM (Site Of The Month) winner and then enlists an impressive panel of judges to discern the web site of the year.

Such judgments are, of course, subjective, but you can bet that the winner is something worth seeing. For 2009, the winner is The concept, design and development is credited to The Martin Agency and Domani Studios.

There is also a People's Choice Award, developed by Herraiz Soto & Co..

Here > The FWA 2009 site of the year:

Here > The 2009 People's Choice Award winner:

Cool: a zoomable map on paper

Designer (and friend) Jeff Russell points us to a pocket-sized map that, as it unfolds, "zooms" in on the information. Pretty cool idea.

Here > Map2's zoomable map on paper...

Here > If you like that, you're bound to like this...

Communicating with Color...

iPad. Thirty years ago this was science fiction...

Today Apple announced a 9.7-inch, touch screen device that gives the user access to the Web, books, music, news, all types of social networking, commerce, plus every type of creative tool you can imagine--and a 16 gigabyte version will sell for $499.

Now pause and take that in. In 1980 IBM produced and sold the first one gigabyte hard drive for $40,000.00. And it weighed 550 pounds. Today--sixteen times the size for $500 at 1.5 pounds.

Makes me wonder how many people had the experience of being on planet earth when the wheel came into being? Or when the dramatic effects of the printing press were first taking hold? And I think how fortunate you and I are to be here at the dawn of an age where computing is becoming available to the billions.

What will it mean in decades to come for so many to have access to so much knowledge? For so many to connect with those so distant from their physical place on the planet? I'm guessing it will produce amazement we can not yet even comprehend.

Pretty cool.

Here > Steve Jobs presents...

Here > The Apple iPad...

Here > Apple's official release...

Here > Video overview...

Here > Coverage and first comments on

Here > Coverage and first comments on

Here > Okay developers let's get started...

The world of 2.5D animation

It is sometimes referred to as 2.5D animation, sometimes as pseudo-3D, this technique involves creating a series of 2D images separated into layers and animating them simulating film moves such as trucking and zooming. It can be elaborate or simple but either way it's eye-catching.

Thanks to Twitter friends Joel Wires, Paul Casper, PJ Cassel, Jean-Claude Tremblay, Filmjr, Harold Thompson, Jesse Gardner, Ken Fisher, and others for helping me research this...

Here > Example 1: This is the sequence that first got me interested in digging into the subject (the opening sequence from the Luck Development Partners site)...

Here > Example 2: Jesse Gardner points us to the VISA "Trip for Life" TV Spot...

Here > Example 3: Ken Fisher points us to a very cool variation using CSS...

Here > Example 4: The opening from the Showtime's United States of Tara...

Here > And here's a tutorial from Chris Gates at Digital Juice that lays out the process of creating a 2.5D animation using Photoshop and After Effects...

Recent tweets from

New (to me) on the font front: HypeForType

I abhore Office 2008--Bill Gates, on the other hand, is a hero

FREE for PC Photoshop users: compare Photoshop PSD files layer-by-layer

Graphic design circa 1926--fascinating!

MyFonts: Top 10 fonts of 2009

Nice of Seth Godin to point to my InDesign Ideabook in his blog this morning also available here

Art Parts Freebie

About the briefing

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless otherwise stated, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples.

Comments? Suggestions? Write me at [email protected]

> Chuck