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This is Briefing 70: Ideas, links, and articles of interest to the design mind. Don't miss the Circus Museum posters, they are phenominal. 
Enjoy! Chuck Green
P.S. Please check out my template collections:
How do you improve on Helvetica?
This site, to me, is interesting on at least three different levels. First, it uses a standard metaphor-the printed page-in a slightly different way. When you click "Preview" at the top right of the screen, the entire page shifts to reveal the surface underneath it.

Second, I like the subtleties of the folds and light manifest as different shades of yellow.

And third, the icons ain't bad either!

Royalty-free vector icons, glyphs, and symbols based on the Helvetica Bold typeface...
Here >

A great wealth of posters, photographs, and print from 1880 to 1930
That is the beauty of the web-every so often you stumble on something really phenomenal. My latest happy discovery is this amazing collection of posters, photos and prints from the collection of Jaap Best, the Netherlands' largest collection of circus memorabilia. 3,500 colour lithographs and thousands of other pieces. Amazing stuff. collection of Jaap Best, the Netherlands' largest collection of circus memorabilia...
Here >

The cover page...
Here >

indesign ideabook
Meet Aaron Horkey. Artist? Illustrator? Typographer?
I don't have a clue about the subject matter here but Aaron Horkey's illustrations and hand-lettered word groupings are fabulous.

BTW, anyone know of an official term for the assembly of individual words into a composition-the process of putting together the pieces of the puzzle? Seems as if there should be a term for it other than "word grouping."

His portfolio on Rock of Eye...
Here >

NEW: The Brands In Public Project-Your favorite brands and what the world is saying about them

This morning, Seth Godin points us to a new project-Brands in Public-"a collection of interesting, accessible, public-facing dashboards for your favorite brands - from Zappos to Virgin America to In-n-Out Burger. Each dashboard organizes a hot list of what's being said about the brand around the web, via Twitter and blogs and YouTube and Google Trends and more. As well as polls and debates and commenting for people who want to do more than just watch."

What is most interesting to me is the fact that the owner of the brand is invited to control a portion of the page contents.

It gets right to the heart of the questions I posed in my recent post, "The most important design and marketing questions of a generation."

They are: Can your client's product, service, or idea survive virtual scrutiny? When it is illustrated, diagrammed, and dissected-revealed for its true self-will it continue to command the audience it commands today?

Brands In Public could be the type of consumer/corporate coexistance necessary for brands to honestly, publicly address the inevitable, increasing scrutiny they will encounter in the days to come.

The Brands In Public cover page...
Here >

Example 1: The Home Depot...
Here >

Example 2: The MiniCooper...
Here >

The brand owner's interface....
Here >

The most important design and marketing questions of a generation....
Here >

The SEED Cribsheet series: A model for using illustration to explain complex ideas
Beginning in 2005 Seed Magazine began publishing a series of what they label "cribsheets." The formal explanation goes like this: "Scientific issues and innovations are figuring into everyday conversation more than ever before. Recognizing that we could all use some brushing up, Seed offers its Cribsheet."
It appears the last edition (#18 Biofuels) appeared in 2008. The series is both interesting and innovate for its content and design.

Cribsheet #9 String Theory...
Here >

Cribsheet #11 Plate Tectonics...
Here >
Most of the illustrations (all those I point to here) are credited to Cybu Richli who shares a practice with Fabienne Burri at C2F...
Here >

SEED Magazine...
Here >

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iStockphoto Will Soon Start Selling Stock Logos
I've had Dom Trapp's Color Harmony Guide in my store for a long time. Here is his latest project

Is this for real?

Interview with Jos Buivenga, designer of the Museo typeface family. (by MyFonts)

Two words: Personal Blimp

"Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half" John Wanamaker

New font family from Hoefler & Frere-Jones: Tungsten

Haha... Have trouble keeping folks out of your cubical? Cubicle Message Barriers
Graphic Design Referenced

Designing with data

While we're on the subject of innovative informational design (my previous post), take a look at Newsmap-an application that "visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator."

It is the brainchild of design engineer Marcos Weskamp.

Here >
The Newsmap Blog...
Here >

Marcos Weskamp's web...
Here >
Not surprising Weskamp is also a Senior User Experience Designer for the Adobe Index group...
Here >
See some stunning typographic illustrations

Just when I have fooled myself into thinking I have some type of handle on the scope of what designers are designing, I come across something like this. These organic, three-dimensional typographic illustrations by designer Luca Ionescu of Like Minded Studio redefine (to me) what is possible. Old dog. New trick?


Like Minded Studio...
Here >

Looking for a prior issue of the Design Links Briefing?

About the briefing

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless otherwise stated, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples.

Comments? Suggestions? Write me at [email protected]