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Here's Briefing 63: An overview of stuff of interest to the design mind.

Chuck Green

P.S. Please check out my template collections:

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Web Design > My drug? Sideways web pages

I must get some kind of endorphin rush from "different." I like to see people break the mold, send the conversation in another direction, turn the tables, innovate, and so on. Web pages that scroll sideways are no longer revolutionary but I still love the fact that they are so counter-intuitive. Here is yet another excellent example pointed to by my brother Jim (thanks buddy). Music ain't bad either.

Here > Elvis Costello's site...

Here > If you're curious, here's the background image...

Here > The illustrations are by (the strange) Tony Millionaire...

Here > I encourage you to comment on these posts


NEW BOOK: Graphic Design, Referenced...
Here >


Typography > Interesting typefaces, interesting navigation

In addition to the fact that OurType offers some interesting typefaces, their web page offers some unique ideas about navigation. I must admit it took me a couple of beats to figure out that you click and drag the orange arrows to move up and down, but other than that I like how the designer has made everything accessible from one screen. The only downside being I can't point you to specific information--no variable URL.

Here > OurType...

Here > Have a thought about this post, comment to all here:


Recently on

The AIGA Year in Design (2008)

Amazing, amazing twitter tool, EVERYTHING in one place, brilliantly intuitive UI

The now famous Google Maps alphabet (via

Interesting greeting card idea

Just for love of great images, check out British printmaker Angie Lewin


Color Harmony Guide...
Here >


Basic Design > Brevity and graphic design

There is a theory that pose that making something complex makes it seem more valuable. But that is not always the case. This web page--a single page--is a great example of how effective it can be to tell a complex story in simple terms.

You condense your message to its essence and in doing so show respect for the fact that I don't necessarily have the time to read ten or twenty pages and condense it myself. That (in many cases) is what you want your reader to come away with correct? If you can do the condensing for me if would seem I am far more likely to get an accurate account.

Here > The First Twenty...

Here > Have a thought about this post, comment to all here:


Typography > Great typographic inspiration

Art director and designer Kent Henderson has assembled a wonderful collection of type specimens via Flickr under the umbrella of Depression Press.

Here > Kent's "Typecase" set...

Here > More print- and type-centric sets...

Here > Have a thought about this post, comment to all here:


Before & After: Page Design...
Here >


Learning > Get the most from Google's search tools

Occasionally I find a shortcut for simplifying a process and I kick myself thinking, "Why didn't I take the time to figure this out before?"

If you know Google well, will seem elementary--but if you use Google for nothing more than simple word or phrase searches you will find this information quite useful.

Here > The Google Guide for Experienced Users...

Here > A cheat sheet for making informed searches...

Here > Another easy way to get the most from Google: Advanced Search...

Here > Have a thought about this post, comment to all here:


Recently on

Anti-marketing 101: Build your advertising campaign around an irrelevant joke, a repeated phrase, an unrelated controversial issue.

Anti-marketing 101: Create an ad that belittles the philosophies or actions of a group or public figure I care about.

Anti-marketing 101: Deny responsibility. Punish the messenger. Hide names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

Anti-marketing 101: Write your web copy to maximize the use of keywords.

Anti-marketing 101: Newspaper replaces TV supplement with 7-11PM list. Asked why? "To reduce costs." (And customers?)

Anti-marketing 101: Drove to visitor center for brochures of area attractions for several friends. "One per customer, no exceptions."


Design-It-Yourself: Graphic Workshop...
Here >


Illustration > Turning your graphic designs into products

Catalina Estrada is an illustrator who has turned her illustrations into a small industry. Some applications of her intricate repeat patterns and icons are used to draw attention to another product, service, or idea--others make her illustrations the product itself. An important distinction.

If you've read this blog for more than a few months you know that, to me, commercial graphic design is not self-expression. This is an excellent example of the exception--how a designer or illustrator can successfully segregate professional and personal focus.

Here > Catalina Estrada...

Here > Estrada's bio and some downloads are featured on her rep's site...

Here > Estrada's clothing line for Levis...

Her web site...

And another fashion site...

Here > Have a thought about this post, comment to all here:


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About the briefing

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless otherwise stated, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples.

Comments? Suggestions? Write me at [email protected]

> Chuck