Thanks for subscribing! Below is a review of the inspirational, idea-generating links I found in my travels of the Web in July 2007.

Chuck Green

P.S. The July 2007 bestseller in the store is still the InDesign Ideabook (there are also versions for PageMaker and Quark). If you don't have a copy yet, check it out here >


1 > Graphics Tech > Unlimited screen real estate

In case you have not seen it, Seadragon and Photosynth are two mindboggling bits of technology that will very likely (and yet again) change the way we deal with images and information. Take a moment to watch this presentation by Blaise Aguera of Microsoft Live Labs at the 2007 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conference.

The presentation...

Other activity at Microsoft Live Labs...


2 > Web Design > Making ugly work for you

If I am unable to come up with a sound solution to a design problem, it is typically because I am not looking outside the room. With Magnetbox, Ben Tesch proves that letting go of the designer's instinct to create elegant, smooth imagery can result in something that is truly unique.

Elegant ugly...


3 > Illustration > Literal fantasy

One reason some motion pictures are so compelling to so many is the fact that they effectively mix reality with magic. This illustration by John Maggard is a wonderful example of how the mixture of fantasy and fact can be used to demonstrate how products work and how services are rendered.

Maggard's illustration (isolated)...

Within the context of the page on which it was found...


In the Ideabook Design Store: > Before & After: Graphics For Business...


4 > Graphics Tech > For your web toolbox

Web Developer is a FREE web browser add-on (Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, Seamonkey) that allows you to view just about every element of a web page in any way you choose.

For example, selecting "Images" then "View Image Information" produces a list of all of the images that make up the page along with the name, location, width, height, and size of each. Choosing "Miscellaneous" then "Edit HTML" adds a box to the page that allows you to edit the code on the page to see effect changes make to the layout.

Web Developer is a great tool for both serious designers AND those who want to learn about what makes a web page tick. Just promise me, if you download and use this tool, that you will make a donation its developer, Chris Pederick--such a wonderful tool deserves the support of its users.

Chris Pederick's Web Developer...


5 > Marketing PR > is on HOW Magazine's Top Ten

We were happy to be on HOW Magazine's Top 10 Web Sites list in July. Welcome HOW readers! Check out our tutorials at, design links at, and a view of design and marketing from low altitude here at

The current list...


6 > Color > Fluorescent colors

Here's proof that color contrast can produce real drama. The bright colors here juxtaposed with a deep, dark background struck me as having an almost neon-like quality (similar to the fluorescent ink colors that made Wired Magazine covers so distinctive).

Fluorescent colors at


In the Ideabook Design Store: > Tintbook CMYK Process Color Selector


7 > Print Design > Am I innovating?

When I see the work of a young designer like Jamie Wieck, I can't help but ask myself, "Am I innovating? Am I pushing hard on every project?" You can't help but admire this guy's thinking.

One of Wieck's many innovative designs...

The list of projects...

My two-cents on "jolt thinking"...


8 > Marketing PR > Need a web site?

How do you sell your web design skills? This may not have... no, make that, this has not occurred to you...

A little low tech high tech marketing by Freedom Interactive Design...

The front door...


9 > Typography > Type landscapes

If you love type, you'll love two wonderful hybrid films created by Brand New School (it seems to me that labeling them as advertisements doesn't afford them proper respect). While you're there, have a look around. Brand New School has a stunning portfolio of work.

Toyota Slippery Styling (click on "Images" below the screen to see stills)...

Toyota Sportivo...

Gush, gush...A marvelous mural installation they created for Adobe...

The Brand New School montage...


10 > Print Design > The new newspaper

Even though profits of newspapers have fallen, I am told profits still exceed those of the average corporation. Obviously, publishers are looking for ways to build on what they've got. Here is an interesting example of where things may be headed.

A demo of the Guardian and Observer Digital Editions...


11 > Marketing PR > Kind words

Will you indulge me for a moment? Here are some of many kind words received about,, and

Kind words about,, and


In the Ideabook Design Store: Design-It-Yourself: Graphic Workshop...


12 > Illustration defined

My first job in design, a stint as the news artist for WTTG TV in Washington, DC, established a my deep-rooted interest in information graphics. Here is a wonderful series that illustrates the chronology of the Museo Nacional Centro De Arted Reina Sofia in Madrid.

Click "Cronologia" and use the arrows below the text to step through...

If you don't have time for a visit, here is a virtual tour of the museum...'es'


13 > Web Design > Sideways

A few nice things happening here: The amorphous logo, the horizontal page orientation, the color-coded city sites. And, of course, I will be forever in their dept for introducing me to the Swedish Street Knitter site.

Urban Outfitters...

The Swedish Street Knitter...


14 > Illustrators > Greg Newbold

Greg Newbold is a storyteller. His illustrations have a warmth and spirit that make them an obvious choice for fiction and editorial projects, so I especially like seeing them used for commercial application. It's unexpected.

An example of one of Newbold's illustrations used for advertising...

His portfolio...


15 > Print Design > Jolt your thinking on business cards

Here is a wide and deep collection of out-of-the-ordinary business cards compiled by Kariann at Below that: sources for variations on the theme.

The collection...

Business cards with detachable labels...

Metal business cards...

Plastic business cards...

Books of business cards...


About the briefing

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information I share here. Unless otherwise stated, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples.

Comments? Suggestions? Write me at [email protected]

> Chuck