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Chuck Green's Design Links Briefing 35

Lots of interesting finds this month--links that (to my way of thinking) feature ideas and inspiration for designers and marketers.

Chuck Green

P.S. Coming soon, a new


1 > Learning > The Art Directors Invitational Master Class

No only is this an interesting design--the conference it represents is touted as the "essential hands-on instructional gathering where top art directors, designers, illustrators, and photographers come together to learn about the hottest creativity tools and techniques using Adobe products as well as the latest technology from Apple Computer." Past instructors include some Adobe heavyweights--Russell Preston Brown, Adobe's Senior Creative Director, Julieanne Kost, Digital Imaging Evangelist, and Adam Pratt, Application Engineer.
Here >


2 > Design ideas

Great energy on this page--the burst stripes draw your eye to the center--the imagery is interesting and fun.
Here >

Haven't seen this pale yellow, gray/green combination for a while. It provides a great neutral palette.
Here >

A good example of how to fit a lot of information in a small space. (Download the 3MB document to get the full effect.)

Roger Black continues to reinvent his signature palette to great effect: Giza and Interstate typefaces and black, red, and white space.
Here >


3 > Layers Magazine: The Assertive Palette

I contributed a column to the November/December 2006 issue of Layers Magazine--The How-To Magazine for Everything Adobe. The magazine is published by Photoshop guru Scott Kelby's KW Media Group. A good publication run by folks who understand the art of teaching. Hope you'll check it out. Here >



4 > Photographer: Thomas Herbrich

What does it look like when you combine an interest of motion picture special effects with conventional photography. A world that is too fantastic, to be real, and too real to be fantasy. On the inside menu choose "photos" and be sure to click "how it was done" at the top left of each image--fascinating.
Here >


5 > Illustrator: Kristain Olson

About his work, Kristain Olson says, "I want my work to look alien, or
foreign, or just beautiful, to remind (the viewer) of a world they
don't understand but are fascinated by." He hit the nail on the head.
Here >

A closeup showing some of the mind boggling detail
Here >


6 > Presentations: Cartoons for presentations

Great idea. Spike your next presentation with The New Yorker sense of humor. You can also license these smart, funny cartoons for newsletters, websites, and other print and electronic marketing materials.
Here >


7 > Illustrator: Noli Novak

Noli Novak is one of the artists behind the Wall Street Journal's
signature stipple illustration style. She's been creating portraits for
the paper since 1987.
Here >

An exhibit surrounding the WSJ style at the National Portrait Gallery
Here >


8 > The Design Store

Enjoy the briefings? Your purchase at the Design Store makes it possible.
Here > 

About the briefing

I try to remain as objective as possible about the information we share here. Unless otherwise stated, I receive no compensation from the organizations and people mentioned except for occasional product samples. 

Comments? Suggestions? Write me at

> Chuck


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