Dear Blue Ray, Light Bearer, Star & Angelic Being,You,
Amazing times and energies we are in! Please pass this on to other Light bearers you feel can benefit from this information. From my heart, Thank you so very much!
Thank you for posting this channel on other sites, i send you blessings!
love, light, AhnaGodes Shekina
Blue Ray Invocation ~
Empowering the Will of God through your Sacred Divine Feminine
Blue Ray Invocation
Empowering the Will of God through your Sacred Divine Feminine
To awaken all beings in their sacred expression of Holy Power
Shekinah and the Blue Ray Transmissions
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.
*Find out if you are from the Blue Ray here
"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions .
You my dear beloved are from the rays of the spectrum of Light, you are the portal from which Creation comes forth and makes God alive! Born on Earth, you came though a specific ray of creation that would best suit your purpose, soul and planetary evolution. It is time for the dispensation of the Blue Ray Light of Creation that carries the Sacred Divine Feminine of balance and healing for the planet. The violet fire has released limitations and paves the way for the blue ray, as they work very closely together. The violet fire will continue to transform lower vibrations. Many Blue Rays have violet in their fields as part of their sacred mission and purpose of transformation through grace. It is important that the spiritual beings in hiding that carry the encoded frequency of the Sacred Divine Feminine take back their God given right of sovereign power. You are part of the support and foundation of the great shift that will bring the Golden Age. You know within your soul and being if you carry the healing encodement frequency of the Sacred Divine Feminine and you need not be a woman or Blue Ray though many are. Taking back your divine power Many beings have soul scars and group soul energy imprints of fear of being the embodiment of their sacred divine power. You have soul memories of being put to death, isolated, imprisoned, and discommunicated from society if you were found out for the true shining light you are. These memories and encodements were put into place so as to not continue the same pattern of misuse of power here on Gaia. These energetic imprints and frequencies are now being called to be transformed. They have served you and are part of your alchemical equation of your heightened state of becoming your Christ consciousness. 55 Most of the power structures and systems here in the earth reality are not in peace with the Sacred Divine Feminine and Gaia. The Sacred Divine Feminine encoded frequency of the Blue Ray has a holy power that is in complete alignment in Harmony to Source Creation and creates balance on the earth plane. The Blue Star Hopi prophesies, 2012 shift, and the Blue Ray dispensation of Light work together in a synergetic field in returning to the sacred ways and becoming unveiled in your true essence through the Sacred Divine Feminine. When you are truly in your Sacred Divine power, you are in unity with your I Am Presence overlit by your Christ self. To be fully aligned in your Divine power through the Sacred Divine Feminine is a humbling and holy experience. This is where you receive your ascension halo, the Christed light. You have vast resources of source creation serving you completely as you are aligned in your heart to Creation. Taking back your power is the path to ascension; it is done through the Light of the Sacred Heart. The power of the Blue Ray Invocation will increase your divine power vibration in a gentle way through the Sacred Divine Feminine essence of love and gentleness. The time of being in your Divine power in holy alignment with Source Creation is now! Blue ray invocation will assist you to Awaken your purpose and creativity Raise your frequency of light Provide energetic protection and support Be centered and balanced Speak up your truth in love Heal addictions Align yourself to your inner divinity by feeling the intuitive place of God within the Sacred Divine Feminine. Once you have experienced your center, use the power of creation in your spoken word in unification with your spirit essence, your I Am power. 33
Blue Ray Invocation and Prayer "Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Saint Germain, keepers of the Blue Flame, Lords of the Blue Flame from Sirius, Legions of the Blue Lightning Angels, El Morya, Angels of the Will of God, Shekinah, Gaia, and my higher Self, please direct my highest good." Reaching out with both hands, then bringing to your higher heart chakra, begin "Gathering all parts of my core essence, in my sacred heart, in holy reverence of the Sacred Divine Feminine of Grace in me, I invoke the Blue Ray of Creation to strengthen the power of the will of God in my body and being. Power of the Blue Ray, anchor my full expression of creativity and purpose. May I glorify and serve the Divine Plan of unconditional Love and Light. Awaken my voice, that I may speak my truth in the harmony of my radiant I Am presence. Empower my super sensitive nature that it may serve as my beloved master guide to discern and commune with the energies of Creation.
May I be the place of peace, a gift to God in the joy of living. Blue Ray Elohim, wrap me in your enfolding Love of Light of complete protection, for I Am whole, in my absolution as a sovereign being, One with Creation, in perfect unity, an instrument from which God flows I Am." We have much to share and give to you, the whole of Creation. Your star sisters and brothers of light, we are One!
© 2009 Shekina, All Rights Reserved
(13) (444)
*Attention: If you would like to add this information to your page, website or other, your are welcome to do so as it helps other lightworkers please put in the proper author credit and my website link, thank you!!
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Blue Ray Healing ~ Reconnection, Readings &
Power of the Blue Ray ~
Holiday Sale!!! Sacred Activation Amulets Necklaces & Wands |
by Shekina |
Power of the Blue Ray with Lemurian Seed Crystal
Power of the Blue Ray with Lemurian seed Crystal & Labradorite Represents the being of light that the light surround them always it is the temple of the stars assiting one in understanding ones destiny and connection to higher light beings of other planetary systems and evolved galatic energies. Stone of transformations, clear, balance and protect the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success.Price-
Click Here: For more information on Violet - Angelic Comsic Goddess and
Galaltic Federation of Light Sacred Amulets, Necklace Wands |
Shekina Rose ~Angelic Messenger~Harmonic Vocalist
AhnaGodes Blessings Namsate'
Shekina Rose - International Angelic Messenger Harmonic Vocalist in the "Language of Light" for Mother Goddess & Angelic Star Tribes and Channel of the Blue Ray
 Shekina has a special gift of opening to the higher realms and transmuting negative blocked energy instantly. Many have experiences this at her "Concerts of Souls" and performances in the" Language of Light" that activate your "Divine Original Blue Print". A dedicated light worker and healer since 1995, she is also a artist, visionary, spiritual performer, Priestess of the Light teacher, Angelic Light Sound Practitioner, founder of of the God Code Point Activation, 13 Gateways and her school "Shekina's Sisters of the Sacred Rose", initiate women into the sacred lost art of the Goddess.
**Shekina is a spiritual Performer and a local of South Florida can be booked for God Code activation Sacred Sound performances and other Spiritual healing at: expos, conferences, spiritual services, workshops, openings, concerts, benefits, ceremonial events, and festivals Shekina444@yahoo.com information on sacred performances & Workshops
"Thank you Shekina, for your channeling is Beyond Mind, beyond world, bringing the Divine Language and Grace to uplift who so ever has the good fortune and open heart to hear." Susanna Horton, Acupuncturist, Energy Healer and Alchemist in LA, CA. |
Make a Donation |
Your financial support continues the Blue Ray sacred light work in reaching out to your family of light and the planet. In gratitude from my heart for your thoughtful support, thank you for your blessings it is greatly appreciated!
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