Living Life in the Divine Flow The Divine Flow
 in Action
March 14, 2010
 Dear Friends,

I have been teaching the basic principles for living life in the divine flow since 1995. In 1998---a good three years before I began to write my book on the subject---I wrote a lyrical poem about the divine flow that I titled, "River of Life."  Here is that poem:
Traveling down,
Turning corners round,
You're rowing down the river of life.
Gliding along,
Hear the river's song,
You're rowing down the river of life.
Let go and feel the flow.
Make your plans, then let them go.
What you want is round the bend.
Use your oars, but let God lend
A helping hand.
Moving ahead,
No fear, no dread,
You're rowing down the river of life.
Now fast, now still,
Feel the flow of God's will.
You're rowing down the river of life.
Let go and feel the flow.
Do what you can, then let it go.
What you want is round the bend.
Use your oars, but let God lend
A helping hand.
Rowing downstream,
Heading toward your dream,
You're rowing down the river of life.
You're rowing down the river of life.
You're rowing down the river of your life.
Well, at a conference last August, I ran into a good friend of mine named Jeanette Alexander.  Jeanette is an award-winning composer/pianist from Seattle, Washington. Although Jeanette's compositions have all been instrumental up to now, she told me that she would like to start writing and performing songs.
It occurred to me at the time that perhaps Jeanette would be interested in turning my poem into a song---something that I had long desired.  But it wasn't until a few weeks after the conference was over that I was suddenly motivated to email my poem to her.
Guess what? The very same morning that I sent my poem to Jeanette, she awoke with a brand new melody in her head.  All she needed was some words to make it into a song. When she opened my email, she was thrilled by what I had sent, and she immediately sat down at the piano to see if my poem would match the basic structure of her music.  It was a perfect fit!
And there you have it, friends . . . a nice little example of the divine flow in action: Through divine inspiration and divine motivation, two people---many miles apart---were synchronistically brought together to help fulfill each other's desires . . . effortlessly, and in this case, instantly.
This week, in lieu of a "lesson," I simply offer you our song. To listen to "River of Life," just click on:
This is a simple MP3 file, so your computer should be able to download and play it easily.
If you want to know more about Jeanette and her music, I invite you to visit her website at

My original poem is also available as a Free Bookmark on the Order Page of my website.  Just go to and scroll down to the Free Downloads section.



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� 2010 by Steven Lane Taylor
Author of, Row, Row, Row Your Boat:
A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow


Friday, April 30
Saturday, May 1
Sunday, May 2

Sedona, Arizona

I will be conducting
my popular Divine Flow Retreat
all weekend long.

For more information,
and to find out how to register
for this event, click here.

My Divine Flow
Retreats for 2010
In Sedona,

Divine Flow Retreat
First Retreat Is Now
Scheduled For:
Friday, April 30
Saturday, May 1
Sunday, May 2

As most of you know,
Sedona, Arizona
is one of the most
beautiful and mystical
places on the planet.

People flock daily to this divine destination
to enjoy the healing
and uplifting energies
of its unique
Red Rock formations.

For more information, and to find out how
to register for the
first event of the year,
click here.

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