what you say next can change your world

Immerse Yourself
Helping Friends Changed My Life
Hot Picks!
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Immerse Yourself  
woman holding sun

More Compassion, More Power Retreat

with Kathy Simon October 25-30, 2011      

Deepen your compassionate presence while increasing your sense of power and agency. The retreat will focus on developing more power and compassion in particular areas: being a couple, parenting, workplace issues and social change work. Join Kathy and her team for this adventure in NVC! Register!

LP logo
Leadership Program 2012 with Roxy Manning, Francois Beausoleil, Kit Miller, Mary Mackenzie, & Arnina Kashtan      

The 2012 BayNVC Leadership Program creates a nurturing environment for you to grow your vision and deepen your consciousness and skills in community. Please review the detailed program on the LP website, then join us for a free teleconference on October 17th to explore how the Leadership Program can help you meet your goals.

Helping Friends Changed My Life

by Miki Kashtan

Miki Kashtan"How have you been?" I asked Alison. I hadn't seen her in months, and was expecting a short and chatty update on her studies, some joking, and for both of us to continue on. Life as graduate students left little room for more. I never would have dreamed that this question would be the beginning of a change of direction in my life. Alison looked around her to see if anyone was listening, and proceeded to tell me that her relationship was falling apart. I followed her into her office, and listened to her tale and her tears. The year was 1996, and I was still new to NVC, having just been to my first intensive training a few months before. That didn't deter me from offering to meet with her and her partner Jeff. I knew I was still clunky, and I nonetheless had faith in the process. Read Full Article.

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Daring Honesty and Conflict Resolution  
with Lisa Montana   Saturday, November 12th, 10:00- 5:30

Gain skills to stay grounded in the face of anger and intensity, to hear views that are different from your own, and to express what is true for you in ways another person can hear. Work on real conflicts from your own life. Register!

Productive Meetings
No One Left Behind: Facilitating Efficient and Productive Meetings
with Miki Kashtan   Sunday, November 6th, 9:30 -5:00

Have you ever dreaded going to a meeting or watched in dismay as a group collapses into conflict? If you regularly find yourself working with groups, this intensive workshop can provide you with vital tools to support the effective functioning of any group. Register!

Wish List  

Media Projector & Screen media projector & screen

Over the past few months we have noticed a renewed sense of cohesion within our team.  We are feeling empowered and inspired while working together to bring about useful changes in the day-to-day operations of BayNVC.  One of our strategies is to have weekly working team meetings where we accomplish tasks as group within the meeting.  We are now recognizing how useful it would be to have our own media projector and portable screen so all the staff could be looking at and editing the same information.  We also need a projector for some of our presentations and events.  Here is an idea of what we are looking for:    


Mac & PC Compatible Projector -  Like this ViewSonic available on Amazon 

Portable Screen - Like this one available at Best Buy     


Our budget being what it is, we would love to have someone donate these items.  Perhaps that person is you?   

Hot Picks! 

Couples CommunicatingNVC and Couples Class 
with Kathy Simon  Thursday nights, 7-9pm beginning October 6th 

Sometimes we struggle to connect with our partners, to understand them, and to express ourselves both authentically and lovingly. Explore how to use challenges in your relationship as opportunities to grow. Register!

Empathy in the Workplace
Empathy in the Workplace FREE!

with Miki Kashtan    Friday, October 14, 2011    12:30pm- 2:30pm 

Manage your work life! If you are tired of difficult conversations and strenuous meetings join Miki Kashtan for this free workshop where we'll explore basic principles related to empathetic communication and how to bring them into the workplace. Register!

Be A Resource
Be A Resource in Your Community FREE!

with Miki Kashtan    Friday, October 14, 2011    4:30pm - 6:30pm    

Join Miki for this popular workshop where you will learn to stay present in challenging situations and to find the willingness to listen without trying to solve problems. Register!

peace starts at home graphic
Peace Starts at Home - a Telecourse with Miki Kashtan

Free Intro!- Tuesday, 11/8  Full Course- Tuesdays, 10/9-11/20
Through the practice of living in dialogue at home, where the stakes are often very high, you can increase your ability to meet the challenges of life everywhere with empathy, goodwill and authenticity. 

Holiday Stress
Home for the Holidays with Meganwind Eoyang  

Santa Rosa: Thursdays, Beg. 11/10 or Oakland: Mondays, Beg. 11/14   

Winter holidays often bring us home for visits with family where we long to connect deeply with the people love. Explore ways to share heart connections & care for ourselves in moments when the connection may not be what we'd hoped.

Meganwind Eoyang
New Daytime Practice Group! FREE! Alternating Tuesdays,11-1pm

Open, drop-in practice group at the BayNVC office (Oakland) with Meganwind Eoyang. The group meets every other Tuesday starting September 20 through December 13, 2011.  More Info!

Shame guilt anger
Building Internal Resources to Understand Shame,Guilt and Anger 
a workshop with Nancy Kahn  Saturday, October 8th, 10-6 

We will explore what underlies Anger, Shame and Guilt.Lot's of practice in 

pairs, small groups, and within the large group to transform moments of anger, guilt or shame into opportunities for self- connection, empowerment, and healing. Sponsored by -  World School of Massage & Holistic Healing. Contact World School to register: enroll@worldschoolmassage.com  or call 415 221 2533. 
Date Night
The Friday Night Date Series with Nancy Kahn  
Fridays, Oct 14-Dec 16 & a Retreat Day (TBD) 11am-5pm

Are you looking for a Radical Relationship Practice Series for people involved in close relationships (couples, intimate partners, significant others, separated or divorced parents co-parenting children together, siblings, parent/adult child, close friends, business partners, housemates)? If so, this series is for you. Find out more by contacting Nancy Kahn:  Nancy.r.kahn@gmail.com or 415-336-0992.  Individual Rate $650-$850 sliding scale (per person).     

Transforming Oppression
Transforming Oppression with Nancy Kahn  Thursdays 7-9pm from Sept 8th 

Registration open through October 13th!

Learn to relate compassionately and authentically in the face of differences. For more information, please contact Nancy.r.kahn@gmail.com or 415-336-0992.   

Learn NVC  

More fun than physics?

Experiment with an 8-week NVC study series  

First class free!  More Info 

  physics teacher

FOUNDATIONS 1      Starts Wed, Oct 19 in SF   Register!  

                               * Please Note Date Change 


FOUNDATIONS 2      Starts Tues, Oct 18 in SF  Register! 


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