BayNVC Bulletin
June 2009
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication is working to create a world where everyone's needs matter and people have the skills to make peace.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

- Charles Darwin

Dear Friends,
I am writing to you feeling warmth and gratitude for this last opportunity to connect with you via this newsletter.  Next week I step down from my position as BayNVC's director/celebrator after more than 5 years.  For most of my time there I was worried that someone would discover that I loved the job so much that even if my paycheck were gone I would continue doing I can 'out' myself regarding that thought!  What a relief.
If you feel curious about where I am focusing my energies post-BayNVC, read this interview
I am happy to announce that Erica Grevemeyer, a Leadership Program graduate who has served as our Associate Director since 2006, will become our Interim Director.  Erica has been offering BayNVC her amazing dedication, humor, presence, authenticity, and vision for years, and I am grateful for her willingness to step into more leadership and support our organization through a transition period.  She will be supported, in turn, by an active team of staff, board members, and volunteers.  In the coming months we will continue to explore how our organizational structure, as well as our myriad activities, can best serve our mission.
As I reflect on this period, what I feel proudest of has been helping to build a culture of celebration as part of BayNVC's social change journey.  We now look for and appreciate what's working as an integral part of how we function.  Gratitude and celebration are fuel for the human spirit!
Keep reading to discover ways to connect with this energy in your life.  We've got 4 retreats happening this summer, support groups for people wanting to eat more consciously as well as for those who have lost their jobs, volunteer opportunities, and learning opportunities with one of the largest and most diverse groups of NVC trainers in the world, all at your fingertips.  Enjoy!
This comes with love,
Kit Miller
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication
PS.  BayNVC is a proud co-sponsor of a FREE event called Cities of Peace: Building a Culture of Peace in the Bay Area.  This event is a fundraiser for the Summer of Peace and features eco-pioneer Joanna Macy, Watts peacemaker Aqeela Sherrills, SF First Lady Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Summer of Peace ED Lawrence Ellis, author Stephen Dinan, spoken word from YouthSpeaks, art from Favianna Rodriguez, music and more. Get involved in making the Bay Area a pioneer of peacebuilding and a shining example of collaborative community!  June 10th 7-9 pm, San Francisco, Unitarian Universalist Church.  RSVP to save your seat!
Institute of Noetic Sciences landscapeTreat Yourself This Summer:
Retreats for everyone!

Passion and Compassion:  An NVC Retreat for Couples
June 26 - 28, 2009 near Petaluma, CA

with Kathy Simon and Inbal Kashtan
This weekend retreat is intended for couples with NVC experience who are trying to integrate NVC into their relationship. The weekend will include teaching and practice time, along with significant time for couples to focus on their relationship with support from each other, from Kathy or Inbal, and from assistant trainers.  

NVC and Diversity:
Focus on Race, Ethnicity and Social Class in North America
August 2 - 7, 2009 in Ben Lomond, CA
with Nancy Kahn, Roxanne Manning, and Edmundo Norte
At the NVC and Diversity retreat, we hope to support exploration and practice of the following:

* how NVC can support greater connection among persons from diverse groups, especially around issues of inequity and injustice
* how NVC can support healing of wounds from painful experiences associated with race, ethnicity and social class
* how NVC can support greater effectiveness in social change efforts
...and much more.

Women Saying YES to What Is:
A Retreat for Inner Peace and Transformation
August 14 - 19, 2009 in Petaluma, CA
with Miki Kashtan and Anne Bourrit

Are you up for living more courageously?  Do you want to increase your trust in yourself and in life?  Are you drawn to being with a group of women to delve into deep work for yourself and others? Are you longing for confident, gentle support in becoming more fully yourself?  Then this women's retreat may just be for you.

Inbal KashtanMore Summer Learning Opportunities
Daylongs with Inbal Kashtan

Self Integration:  Building the Inner Relationship You Want          
Sunday, July 12, 2009
9:30am - 5:00pm, Oakland

Join BayNVC co-founder Inbal Kashtan in a daylong workshop for experienced NVC practitioners to explore how NVC Self Integration can support you in taking full responsibility for your life, making decisions, changing habits, transforming judgments, loving yourself, and more. 

"Oh my goodness! This process so worked for me. It was like a restorative justice circle between my many inner voices." 

Truth and Dare: Nurturing Authentic, Courageous Relationships                                                                                    Sunday, July 26, 2009
9:30am - 5:00pm, location TBD  

In this daylong workshop we will explore how to use small and big challenges in your intimate relationship as opportunities to grow in courage for sharing your truth honestly - without blame; opening yourself to vulnerability - without losing power; and choosing compassion - without losing authenticity.  We especially welcome people who are new to NVC to join this workshop - so please invite your friends!

Arnina Kashtan - smallAnger, Anger, What to Do?
(and Guilt, too...) with Arnina Kashtan
Sunday, June 14, 2009
10:00am-5:30pm in Oakland

A special workshop for NVC practitioners.  With a profound inquiry process based on The Work of Byron Katie we are invited to explore the core (and many times unconscious) jackal-thoughts and beliefs, which hold our old, painful inner-structures in place, in spite of our conscious efforts to let go of them.

Visiting trainer Arnina Kashtan, sister of Miki and Inbal, has been teaching NVC for 17 years in Israel and the Bay Area.  A senior facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, Arnina has developed a special path of working with needs through weaving these two modalities.  She brings deep empathy and a rare sense of humor to the process.


Peacemaker Chamila Udagama Speaks About Chamila UdagamaNVC Experience
Last month 45 new and existing BayNVC supporters gathered to meet Chamila Udagama, a peacemaker from Sri Lanka who is a participant in BayNVC's North American Leadership Program this year.  Many thanks to Kristin Hull for hosting this event for our donor community!

Bob YamtichBob Yamtich Brings NVC to a Bay Area School
"For the past year, I have been bringing my NVC training to Baywood Learning Center, a small alternative school near Merritt College in Oakland. My job title at Baywood is "mentor", which means I get to invite everyone to prioritize connection and work to develop the inner resources of our entire community..." read more here.
Get Involved!
Represent BayNVC at the Harmony Festival

BayNVC will have a booth at the Santa Rosa Harmony Festival, June 12th-14th, 2009.  We are looking for a few volunteers to spend some time in our booth in exchange for free admission, a $30 value for each day of the festival.  Overnight camping is available.  If you can volunteer on June 12, 13 or 14, contact Itzel right away.

Volunteer for or Appear Live on The Conflict Hotline!
BayNVC's TV show The Conflict Hotline is looking for volunteers to appear on its Thursday, June 4 show (or in later shows) and share their conflicts.  The show's host and cast members will demonstrate how using NVC can transform each situation and support the volunteers and viewers in learning about making things work for everyoneThe show airs on BETV at 7:30 p.m. You'll be asked to arrive at the studio in downtown Berkeley at 5:30 p.m. and stay through the end of the show at 8:30 p.m.  If interested, please e-mail for more information.

We also need a call screener for the show on Thursday, June 4 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at our Oakland office.  This job involves talking to callers before they go on the air; determining if the content is relevant; explaining to callers how to participate on the show; and transferring calls to the studio.  Please e-mail if you are interested.

Write a Review of BayNVC
Let people know how BayNVC has helped you.  We have a listing on the Great Nonprofits website where you can add your personal review of our organization.  You can also write a review on our Yelp listing, or join us on Facebook.
Taking NVC to a Wider Audience
Check out the Connection Project, an effort to bring NVC to Bay Area neighborhoods and communities.

The Empathy Caf�s series will bring people together to discuss and explore the importance of empathy in society and see how we can take action.

Loan Your Unused Bike

Nina Koevoets, an intern from the Metta Center's Metta Mentors will be joining us for the summer (June-August).  Contribute to a BayNVC intern's ease and autonomy by offering your unused bike on loan June - August.  If you have a well-functioning bike you'd like to loan, please email us.

Chinese Translator Needed

BayNVC is looking for help in translating some of our materials into Chinese.  If you can help or know someone who can, email

We are excited to offer some new ways to support BayNVC's mission.  In addition to in-office opportunities, we have many new outreach tasks we'd love help with.  Many of them require as little as an hour a month of your time and can be done from home.  Your commitment can be as large or as small as you want.  See our Volunteer Opportunities page for more details. 

BayNVC is in need of the following:
  • We've outgrown our phone system!  And we're looking for a small business system with a minimum 8-line capacity.  Please email newphonesystem.
  • 2 flat-screen 19-inch monitors
  • A heavy-duty paper shredder
  • New or gently used office chairs
  • An industrial paper cutter
  • An air purifier (our office is near the freeway).  Something like this: 160R2 Room Air Purifier.
    -please contact BayNVC.
  • A laptop PC, less than 3 years old, for trainers to use at retreats - please contact Francois.
Miki's Practice Group Reunion!

 Miki's Monday Group

During Arnina's visit to the Bay Area, Miki and Arnina will hold a one-time meeting of the former Monday group.  The meeting is only open to those who have previously attended this group.  The purpose of this gathering is twofold.  One is for connection and closure.  The second purpose is to come together to strategize about alternatives - how best to meet needs that were met by the group.  Monday, June 8th, 7 - 9:15pm at Carol Wolfley's home, 2713 Ellsworth St., Berkeley (between Derby & Ward).


Other Series

6/9 Conscious Eating - Oakland

6/12 Support for People Seeking Work - Oakland
Upcoming Intros
Classes and Workshops

6/10 NVC Tools for Multicultural Work - Oakland

6/13 Interdependence in the Face of Cultural Imperatives - Oakland

6/14 Anger, anger - what to do? (and Guilt, too) - Oakland

7/12 Self Integration - TBD

7/25 Witnessing Humanity - Oakland

7/26 Truth and Dare - TBD

Intensives / Retreats

6/26 Passion & Compassion: NVC Retreat for Couples - Petaluma, CA

6/10 NVC & Abundance Consciousness - WI

8/2 NVC & Diversity - CA

8/14 Women's Retreat - Petaluma, CA


For a list of practice groups in the bay area and beyond,

More Information & Registration

 Since many of our
events fill quickly,
please consider pre-registering to ensure your space.  Occasionally, events are canceled due to a low number of registered participants.  If you are planning to attend, pre-registering will help ensure that the event will take place.  If an event is canceled, all pre-registered participants will be notified and you will have the choice of refund or transfer to another event.

  You may
pre-register by clicking the "Register Now" button at the bottom of most event descriptions, or by contacting our office at 510-433-0700 or  You will receive a confirmation email with driving and public transit directions.
  Parking is free at BayNVC's wheelchair accessible
 building near Piedmont Avenue in Oakland. 

HERE for a complete, up-to-date listing of
our retreats, study series, workshops
and practice
 groups in the Bay Area and beyond.
Managing Your Emails from BayNVC
If you would like to receive emails from us less frequently than once a month, email BayNVC with YOUR FULL NAME and the desired frequency in the subject line as follows: "BayNVC List - Periodic" (with this option you'll receive 4-6 emails per year; no monthly newsletter, just special announcements) or "BayNVC List - None"
If you received this email from someone else and would like to receive this free emailed newsletter each month, please email your full name, address and phone number to BayNVC and include the words "BayNVC List - ALL" in the subject of your email.
Thank you.  We look forward to seeing you at some of our events! 
Contact Information

Click here to email us: BayNVC
Phone: 510-433-0700 or toll-free at 1-866-4-BAYNVC (1-866-422-9682)
Address:  55 Santa Clara Ave., Suite 203, Oakland, CA 94610

BayNVC Trainers are available for mediation, counseling, full and half-day workshops, audio/video presentations, and trauma and conflict response.

Bay Area Nonviolent Communication is a non-profit organization and all financial contributions are tax deductible. For more information, or to donate online, click here.
You can also support BayNVC whenever you shop online.  Through BayNVC's page at, a percentage of everything you purchase goes directly to BayNVC.  Matthew Blom has created an instructional video to show you how it works.

To learn more about what people are doing with Nonviolent Communication worldwide, sign up for the CNVC Network News e-newsletter.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC)
Phone: 505-244-4041 or 1-800-255-7696
Address:  5600 San Francisco Rd. NE Suite A, Albuquerque, NM 87109