Welcome to the PEOPLESWAY Product Report.

This is the second issue of our Product Report from PEOPLESWAY. Please feel free to forward this report to anyone you may know who cares about health and wellness.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about your health and wellness options.
Sugar Facts: Hypertension

Is your sweet tooth harming your health? A number of studies suggest that sugar not only contributes to obesity but also to a number of illnesses. Most recently, a paper presented at the American Society of Nephrology's Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition indicated that a diet high in fructose contributes to the risk of developing high blood pressure. The researchers looked at 4,528 adults with no history of hypertension and calculated their intake of fructose. Participants who consumed more than 74 grams per day (the equivalent of 2.5 sugary sodas) had an increased risk of hypertension.

Sugary Colas Tied to Gestational Diabetes... Study found drinking five or more per week prior to pregnancy increased risk by 22%  
Women who drink five or more servings of sugar-sweetened cola per week before they conceive increase their risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy, a new study indicates.
"Previous studies have shown an association with other chronic metabolic problems," said study author Dr. Liwei Chen, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, in New Orleans. "This is the first to show an increased risk among pregnant women."

Gestational diabetes, known as glucose intolerance during pregnancy, is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. It increases the chances of lifelong diabetes for the woman and also can have permanent effects on the unborn child, Chen said. The report appears in the December issue of Diabetes Care.

"Other studies suggest that babies born to women who are diabetic during pregnancy have higher weight at birth and also higher rates of obesity and diabetes early in life," she added.

Chen, working with researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, studied 10 years of medical records on a group of 13,475 women from the Nurses' Health Study II. After adjusting for known risk factors for gestational diabetes, such as age, family history and smoking, the researchers found that women who had more than five servings per week of sugar-sweetened cola beverages had a 22 percent higher risk of gestational diabetes than women who had less than one serving per month.

No such association was found for consumption of other sugar-sweetened beverages or artificially sweetened drinks.

It's not clear why only cola drinks are associated with the increased risk, Chen said. One explanation could be "the tremendous popularity of cola in the United States," she said.

The results are not conclusive, and "we need other studies to confirm our findings," Chen said. "We plan to study other populations, and we hope that other investigators start such studies."

But meanwhile, "I suggest that women reduce their intake of sugary beverages," she said. "Women need to be aware of the possible risk not only for their pregnancy but also of the long-term consequences for their babies."

Maureen Storey, senior vice president of science policy for the American Beverage Association, which represents soft drink companies, said she was skeptical about the findings.

"As with all epidemiological studies, the data do not show a cause-and-effect relationship," Storey said in a statement.

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has not been among the risk factors for gestational diabetes identified by "leading scientific bodies," Storey added.

"The key to a healthy pregnancy is seeking good medical care and having a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy," the statement said. "This includes eating a variety of foods and beverages in moderation along with getting regular physical activity."

According to the journal report, there are several potential explanations for the association. For example, sugar-rich foods or beverages can overload the body with glucose, which can impair the function of the beta cells of the pancreas, which make insulin that metabolizes glucose.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the leading source of added sugar in the American diet, Chen said. The U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that soft drink intake more than doubled between 1977 and 2001 among 19- to 39-year-old Americans, going from 4.1 percent to 9.8 percent, and that those in this age group had the highest rate of soft drink consumption.

SOURCES: Liwei Chen, M.D., assistant professor, epidemiology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans; Dec. 1, 2009, statement, American Beverage Association, Washington, D.C.; December 2009, Diabetes Care
Matt and Lindsay 2Rip it, Mix it, Drink it, Love it, Pass it on... "EFL is your Multi-Vitamin with no added sugar, 0 fat, and sweetened with Stevia... the healthy choice!"
Just ad EFL to your favorite drink, and enjoy the increased stamina and enhanced mental clarity you need to be at your best.
EFL is loaded with vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. It also includes Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. But the real benefits come from its proprietary herbal formula which includes Yerba Mate and Green Tea Extract. And it contains just 10 calories, 0 fat and less than 1G net carb.
The convenient packets (15 per box) are easy to take wherever you go and the subtle orange flavor tastes great. Add it to water or any favorite drink and experience the benefits for yourself. Just rip it, mix it, drink it, love it and get energy for life. Then pass it on.

Member Price: $25.00 US / $35.00 CN 
Direct Customer Price: $33.95 US / 47.50 CN
Darla Schneider Shares Her Story of Wellness and Weight Loss
Matt and Lindsay 2
From a size 22 to a size 6

Total weight Loss: 103 pounds

For as long as I can remember, my "job" in the family was to be the chubbiest child.  When I was 8 years old my mom decided to join T.O.P.S.!  She did it for me.  They wouldn't let children join on their own; but my mom thought that if we went together, it might help me lose weight.  When I was a teenager, mom and dad decided that each of us girls would get a new coat for Christmas.  She had to take dad shopping with her when the time came to pick out my present.  You see, dad weighed about 190 lbs. and mom was only 125.  I was much closer to Dad's weight and bulk so he had to try on all the coats.  That way mom could pick one that would fit me.  Thinking back, that must have been some sight in the store-this man modeling an endless line of woman's coats.

Shortly after my son was born, I began having problems going up and down the stairs.  Doing the last few steps was a struggle; sometimes it felt like I was climbing a mountain.  I couldn't remember the last time I didn't feel completely played out and tired.  I just didn't feel well.  Worse, my self esteem was "in the toilet".  I didn't like how I looked.  I hated always being the "big" sister.  My mom had been saying that it was time to take charge of my health.  I knew then that she was right. 

I decided on my PEOPLESWAY personal wellness package which included PRO-TEC, PRO-TRIM and EFL.  The blend of botanical ingredients in PRO-TRIM is a healthy way to boost my metabolism and reduce my cravings.  EFL lived up to its name - Energy for Life!  EFL is another spectacular blend of botanicals!  It gave me energy as well as replenished the nutrients my body was using up.  Because my body was replenished, I didn't crave the old standby snacks.  In fact if I decided I needed something, I actually found myself wanting something that was a healthy choice.  Even with healthy choices in mind I decided to limit the number of snack breaks in a day.  Ron, my husband, and I prepared meals with healthier food choices in mind.   I applied "portion control" at meal times.  Now it's second nature.  I listen to my body instead of looking at what is still left on my plate.  If I'm no longer hungry, I don't try to "clean my plate"!

Being a young family with only one of us working, joining a gym just wasn't going to fit into our budget.  I had a baby; we went for walks; going further and walking at a brisker pace each day.  When Ron was home he would join us.  This change in our lifestyle was healthier for the family and provided us with quality, fun times together.  It's amazing how much you learn about each other when you walk together. 

Ron made it so much easier to make this decision and see it through.  His support, encouragement and participation were so wonderful and so welcome.  By making the decision to listen to my mother I not only feel good about myself, but I have had a positive impact on the health and wellness of my husband and most importantly our son!

Now when he calls me "babe" he not only means it in his heart, he sees a real babe standing before him.   I've always been sure of his love; but I know how proud he is of the NEW ME!  I am now the person I always WANTED to be.  My husband is extremely proud that I accomplished my goal.  When I started I was a size 22PLUS and today I pick from the other end of the rack.  TODAY I wear a size 6!

The truth is that in addition to the new "babe" me, I found another, wonderful, NEW ME inside.  It's the new self image that emerged when I started feeling so much better about the way I looked.  It grew and grew as I met with more success in my goal to lose the weight.  People say I sparkle!  I feel like ME!

People tell me I look great!  I know I feel great!  I am delighted that I have so much more energy.  I know I am much more confident when I meet new people.  Although I have always enjoyed talking with people, the NEW ME doesn't worry about my body image and their opinion of my physical shape.   

My Mom and Dad are wonderful people who have always accepted me for who I am.  Mom told me that they are extremely elated that I finally feel good about myself.  She said, "The old Darla always put herself down.  The new Darla is now the happy person we always wanted her to be.  We are simply delighted that she now has such a positive outlook and great self esteem.  We are so proud of her!"

Each of my three sisters is excited about my success.  They are all very proud of me.   Lisa has said that I look awesome.  Mitch congratulated me on sticking to it.  Deanne has the title in the family of being the very health conscious sister.  Watch out Deanne!  I am the new contender for that crown!   Seriously, she has told me how happy she is for me.  In fact I see that happiness for me written all over their faces whenever we are together.

Other family members have said things like "Where did you put the rest of YOU?  You look amazing!  You look so good!  Wow did you every shrink!"  And I'm just loving it!  At work, the staff of course notices the physical changes but also see that I am more confident in performing my duties as a senior associate in our management team.

Going!  Going!  Gone 103 lbs!!

Matt Monroe is the President and Founder of PEOPLESWAY.  I first met Matt at a meeting in 2007.  In Sept 2009, he spoke at a meeting in Saskatoon, Canada.  My mother had told me that I needed to be there.  I made every effort to get the time off from my job.  I don't think he even recognized me at the start of the meeting.  After the meeting Matt chatted with my sisters and I, telling us that we could be very successful doing this business.  I believe Matt is the most approachable person.  He's a good listener and answers everyone's questions.  What he said to us was down to earth.   He made me feel like I can do the business.  I was impressed! 

I left that meeting MOTIVATED to grow the business.  I had seen firsthand the teamwork and support available to help me.   I was proof that the products work.  I know people that need to try the products and I am impressed with the money I can earn.  Look out world here I come!

Before too long my son will start school.  I don't want him to have to go to day care before and after school.  I want to be able to take part with him in school activities and be home when school is over.  I can't do that with a job working for someone else.  My goal is that by Sept. 2010 my PEOPLESWAY business will replace the income from my job so I can stay home.

I know that my earnings with PEOPLESWAY are unlimited allowing our family take advantage of so many more opportunities.  It would be wonderful to be able to travel, and do things that we haven't even dreamt about yet.  Of course, Ron and I want to be in a position where we can support our son's choices for his future.


"It is always a blessing to see customers transform their lives with wellness. Thank you Darla for sharing your story of wellness, weight loss, and the feeling of the new you. Everyone at PEOPLESWAY is so proud to know you and will continue to support you all the way."

Matt Monroe
Grape Seed Extract - PROTEC delivers a clean botanical formula.  
PROTEC is effective in both men and women of any age. Just as the name suggests, this antioxidant-rich supplement is specially formulated to 'protect' against free radicals, which is what can destroy cells and speed up the effects of aging. It also supports the delicate hormonal balance and maintains proper pH of the blood, keeping it from becoming acidic which can lead to chronic disease.
PROTEC helps:
  • Strengthen and protect the cardiovascular system
    reinforce connective tissue in your joints and muscles that break down as we age
  • Prevent absorption of toxins
  • Support hormonal balance to maintain the proper Ph of the blood
  • bring your system into the proper pH balance
  • and much more

Our special formulation includes Grape Seed Extract, Wild Mexican Yam and Aloe. It is the unique combination of these plant-derived components that work together to promote stronger vascular and connective tissue integrity while increasing absorption and elimination of the toxins that can cause pain and cellular destruction.  

Member Price: $25.00 US / $35.00 CN
Direct Customer Price: $33.95 US / $47.50 CN

Read more articles about PROTEC and the benefits CLICK HERE

For some women, trans fat could be deadly... 
For women with heart disease, eating too many artery-clogging trans fats may increase their risk of dying suddenly from cardiac arrest, a new study suggests.

Trans fats, found largely in commercially prepared baked and fried foods, have become notorious in recent years because they not only raise "bad" LDL cholesterol -- as the saturated fats in meat and butter do -- but also lower levels of heart-healthy HDL cholesterol.

High trans-fat intake has been linked to coronary heart disease, in which fatty plaques build up in the heart arteries, sometimes leading to a heart attack.

But whether trans fats raise a person's risk of dying suddenly from cardiac arrest has not been clear.

Sudden cardiac death is usually caused by rhythm disturbances in the heart's upper chambers that render the organ incapable of pumping blood to the rest of the body. Some research suggests that trans fats could promote heart-rhythm abnormalities, but there is only limited evidence that they raise the odds of sudden cardiac death.

In the new study, researchers found that among nearly 87,000 U.S. women followed for 26 years, trans fat intake was not linked to the risk of sudden cardiac death across the whole study group.

However, when they looked only at women who had underlying coronary heart disease, there was evidence of an increased risk.

In this group, women who ate the most trans fats -- typically getting 2.5 percent of their daily calories from the fats -- were three times more likely to die of cardiac arrest than those who ate the least -- getting less than 1 percent of daily calories in the form of trans fat.

Still, so few women with coronary heart disease died of sudden cardiac death during the study -- 100 over 26 years -- that the study lacked the statistical weight to clearly show that trans fats were a risk factor.

Researchers led by Dr. Stephanie Chiuve, of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, report their findings in the American Heart Journal.

Trans fats are formed during food processing when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil to make it solidify; foods that list so-called partially hydrogenated vegetable oil on the label contain trans fat.

Traditionally, that has included most commercially prepared baked and fried foods -- including cookies, crackers, chips, breads and french fries -- though, in recent years, manufacturers and restaurants have been increasingly reducing trans fats in their products.

The current study included 86,762 U.S. women involved in a long-running Nurses' Health Study. Beginning in 1980 and every two to four years thereafter, the women completed detailed dietary questionnaires. Over 26 years of follow-up, 317 women died of cardiac arrest.

Among women who had not been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, there was no evidence linking trans-fat intake to sudden cardiac death once the researchers accounted for heart disease risk factors -- like smoking, high blood pressure and excess weight.

When it came to women with coronary heart disease, however, the link between trans fats and sudden death held up even after other heart risk factors were weighed. The findings, according to Chiuve's team, suggest that trans-fat intake "plays a greater role" in the risk of sudden cardiac death when coronary heart disease is already present.

The American Heart Association advises all adults to get less than 1 percent of their daily calories from trans fat -- which amounts to about 2 grams for the typical American.

SOURCE: American Heart Journal, November 2009.

PRO-HM - Your Hormone Makeover!
Pro-HM provides a healthy, natural solution to the hormonal imbalances that can occur in women. This natural, balancing cream is applied topically to the skin, which helps increase product absorption as it passes through the skin, directly into the capillaries.
It has been especially formulated to address the symptoms women often experience throughout their life including pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause.
You've probably seen news media reports about the benefits of bio-identical hormone treatments. Now it's time to experience it yourself. Try Pro-HM today and feel like you again. Then share it with all the important women in your life. 

Member Price: $ 25.oo US / $35.00 CN
Direct Customer Price: $33.95 US / $47.55 CN

CLICK HERE for more information on PRO-HM...
Seniors May Need Help Overcoming Holiday Blues
For many seniors, the holiday season can trigger melancholy as they think about lost loved ones, struggle with health issues or worry about money problems, according to the American Geriatrics Society.

To help overcome the seasonal blues, the AGS Foundation for Health in Aging offers the following advice:

  • Get out and socialize or invite family and friends over. Those who find it hard to get around should ask relatives and others for help traveling to parties and events.
  • Volunteering can help improve mood. Contact the United Way or call local schools or religious organizations to ask about opportunities nearby.
  • Don't drink too much alcohol because it can actually lower your spirits.
  • Accept the fact that many people feel blue during the holidays and there is nothing wrong with not being "merry."
  • Talking to someone about your feelings may help you understand the reasons why you feel sad.
  • Watch for warning signs of depression. While holiday blues are temporary and mild, depression is more serious. Signs of depression include: persistent sadness; lack of interest; frequent crying; changes in appetite, weight or sleep; constant feelings of fatigue, restlessness, worthlessness, or guilt; suicidal thoughts.
  • If you're depressed, contact your health-care provider. Depression is treatable.

The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging also offers tips for people with older loved ones who experience sadness during the holidays:

  • Invite them out and to gatherings. Remember to take into account their needs, such as transportation or special diets.
  • Lend a hand by offering to help with shopping and preparations for get-togethers in their homes.
  • Encourage them to talk about their feelings. Acknowledge their sadness, including a sense of loss if family or friends have died or moved away.
  • Suggest your loved one talk with a health-care provider. Many older people don't realize when they're depressed. Let your loved one know depression is a medical illness and there's no shame in having it.

SOURCE: American Geriatrics Society, news release, Nov. 19, 2009

Matt and Lindsay 2 
Membership Has Benefits
PEOPLESWAY has a plan for everyone. You decide what's right for you. You can save money on our complete suite of products or you can make money with the business or do both.
Direct Customer Benefits:
Sign up as a Direct Customer (FREE) and enjoy our full suite of wellness products at a 15% discount.
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Business Member Benefits:

Register as a Business Builder and get unlimited income potential.
  • Plus, you'll receive incentives
  • Up-line training, support and recognition
  • Low start-up costs - $300
  • Personal Bonuses up to $250
  • Multi-Level bonuses up to $150 on 12 levels
  • All the tax advantages of having your own business
  • Ability to live the life you want to live and the satisfaction of helping others do so too
To get started today at one of the above options contact your local PEOPLESWAY representative and ask how or go directly to your sponsors web page and click on A Plan for Everyone.
In This Issue
Sugar Facts
More Studies Find...
Darlene Schneider Story
Trans fat could be deadly...
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Check us out on our new BLOG Page with more information about PEOPLESWAY plus a special Holiday Video Message from Matt Monroe and Donna White on Holiday Stress...


Matt and Lindsay 2

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If you would like to RSVP a product presentation or business presentation please email customerservice@pe We would be happy to schedule a presentation in ASAP.
To RSVP email customer service and let them know the number of attendees, two dates you prefer, two times you prefer, and any additional information about your guest that may help the presentation. You will receive a notice back with a confirmation for your presentation.
Check out the end of the year product special at the bottom of the page...
Customers and Direct Customers receive 1 Month Free on the Priority #1 Autoship!  Call your member representative now to get your 1 FREE Month.
Business Members End Of Year Tax Specials:
  • Order 3 cases receive not 6 but 7 free products*
  • Order 6 cases receive not 12 but 15 free products*
  • Order 12 cases receive not 24 but 36 free products*

HUGE SAVINGS ON CASE ORDERS... Take Advantage of these savings now.

 * For the FREE product you may select any of these items: Oil of MInk, PRO-TEC, PRO- TRIM, PRO-HM, PRO-MC, PRO-GCM, and PRO-GCM PLUS.

Team Leader Support.
In The USA Call: Phyllis Johnston - (910) 947-2933  or Greg and Lucy Williams (919) 403-8060
In CANADA Call: Pat Krupa - (403) 932 - 1785, Lucretia Hughes - (306) 978- 2113 or Darcy and Ranchelle Alexander - (780) 679-7275 
US: 1- 866-762-7599
Canada: 1-800-268-3910
We're open from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (ET), Monday -Friday. Email
[email protected]
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USA: 2969 Interstate Street
Charlotte NC 28208
Canada Headquarters Address
163 Guelph Street Suite 204
Georgetown, ON L7G 5X7