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Washington: Buyer's remorse over end of state stores as liquor prices rise

June 5, 2012


Washington State's new liquor-privatization law is challenging the basic idea that competition leads to lower prices.


Less than a week after a historic change to liquor sales in Washington, many customers are complaining about bigger-than-expected prices, while retailers say the change has been popular among others.


In an informal, unscientific survey conducted online over the past several days, The Seattle Times found that liquor prices on the whole increased for 13 of the 20 most-popular brands in the state.


Nearly 90 of 170 prices reported by Times readers were higher than they were at state liquor stores before privatization. Slightly fewer prices - 82 - were lower.


Although privatization has been in effect only since Friday, some consumers say they already miss the old system of state-run liquor stores.


Voters last fall approved Initiative 1183, leading the state to give up its control of liquor sales after 78 years. More than 1,600 supermarkets, pharmacies and other private retailers have applied for liquor licenses, nearly four times the number of state-owned and state-contracted liquor stores.


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Source: Seattle Times

Washington: State lawmaker says stores should list full cost of liquor

June 6, 2012


State Rep. Gerry Pollet, D-Seattle, says private retailers aren't doing enough to prevent sticker shock among consumers under Washington's new liquor-privatization law.


And if stores don't disclose the full, final prices to consumers in ads and on display shelves -- just as the state's liquor stores did before privatization -- he'll introduce legislation next year requiring them to do so.


Many consumers have complained of sticker shock at checkout for liquor since privatization took effect last Friday. Unlike the old state liquor stores, private retailers are advertising pre-tax prices.


But because taxes are much higher for liquor than for other merchandise, the difference has led to widespread confusion in the past several days.


Washington charges a 20.5 percent spirits sales tax plus a $3.77 spirits liter tax ($2.83 for a 750-milliliter bottle and $6.60 for 1.75 liters).


"The public shouldn't have to bring a calculator to know the final price and comparison shop for liquor under our new law," Pollet said in a statement.


Voters last fall approved Initiative 1183, ending the state's 78-year control of liquor sales in Washington.




Source: Seattle Times

Overseas forgers' fake IDs can fool even the experts 

June 11, 2012  


Not even fake IDs are made in America anymore.


Overseas forgers from as far away as China are shipping fake driver's license and other IDs to the United States that can bypass even the newest electronic digital security systems, according to document security experts.


The new IDs are "an affront to the very sovereignty and dignity of the states that issue them," says David Huff, a senior special agent in enforcement for Virginia's Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control, which has investigated some of the frauds.


Most troubling to authorities is the sophistication of the forgeries: Digital holograms are replicated, PVC plastic identical to that found in credit cards is used, and ink appearing only under ultraviolet light is stamped onto the cards.


To view the full story, click this link:

Source: USA Today 

Pennsylvania: Pa. may allow sale of craft beers at farmers' markets, food expos

June 5, 2012


A bill that would allow craft breweries to sell their beer at farmers' markets and craft beer and food expositions will be considered by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.


House Bill 2429, sponsored by Pa. Rep. Dante Santoni, D-Berks Co., was reported unanimously out of the House Liquor Control Committee on Tuesday.


"The craft brewing industry has grown at an astonishing rate in the past several years," Santoni said. "House Bill 2429 would allow these small businesses to participate more fully in the niche markets that exist for their products."


In 2007, craft brewers had 3.8% of the market, compared to 5.68% in 2011, Santoni said.


"That's a fast growing segment, and I expect my legislation will allow them to expand even further," said Santoni, the Democratic chairman of the House Liquor Control Committee.


With the appropriate permits, craft breweries would be able to offer tasting and sales of their products for off-premises consumption.


To view the full story, click this link:  

Source: WFMZ

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