Weekly Updates 

May 25, 2011

Vol. 1. Issue 17

Hello Friends,

Youth Voices, a collaborative project of the CRC, the Art of Regional Change (ARC) and other community partners, was featured in Sacramento Press (an online local newspaper).

This youth-driven project documents the neighborhood conditions in West Sacramento that affect youth's lives and expresses their hopes and aspirations for the future. Together, these youth generated a web-map featuring photos, audio and video recordings to help policy makers design programs that better reflect the voices, concerns, and dreams of typically underserved youth. The research project was funded by Sierra Health Foundation and The California Endowment.

You can view the Youth Voices story map on the CRC's website under the "Youth Voices" tab or by clicking here.


Center for Regional Change

In This Issue
CRC Activities
Request for Proposals & Call for Papers
Jobs & Employment Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Special Reports on Regional Change
Regional Change in the News
Expanding The Circle On Regionalism

CRC Activities

- The CRC, the Coalition on Regional Equity (CORE) and other important partners are sponsoring a workshop on June 13th about how to turn your community into a healthy community through people power, politics and policy strategies. See more info here.
Request for Proposals & Call for Papers

- There is a call for papers for the Federal Reserve's small business and entrepreneurship during an economic recovery conference. See more info about the opportunity here.

Jobs & Employment Opportunities 

- The Center for Global California Studies at UCSD is seeking applicants for a health disparities postdoctoral position. See more info about this opportunity here.

- Policy in Motion, an emerging small business focused exclusively on federal & state climate policy analysis, education and implementation is seeking interns. Read more about the internship here.

- The South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL) is accepting applications for the position of Executive
Director. See the job announcement here.

Upcoming Events

Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers who may have experienced discrimination from the USDA are urged to attend a claims resolution process meeting in Indio, Fresno or Stockton on June 7, 8, or 9. See more details here.  


- Taller arte del nuevo amanecer (TANA) will be holding it's spring open house & 2011 graduation exhibit on June 3rd. See the event details here.   


- There will be an Atlas Ti workshop in Berkeley on June 18th & 19th. See more info here. 


- Youth- Plan, Learn, Act Now! (Y-PLAN) will be holding a National professional development institute: school-community partnerships for college & career readiness on July 20th & 21st. See more info here.  

Special Reports on Regional Change
- San Francisco Planning & Urban Research Association (SPUR) released a report addressing how the Bay Area can adapt to climate change. See the report here.

- A new report examines the role of small and urban manufacturers and implications for coordinating federal policies and programs to support urban economic development. Find the report here

Strong fuel economy standards and vehicle emissions standards will drive economic growth - and the stronger the standard, the greater the growth. Read more here
Regional Change in the News

 - News10 & the Sacramento Bee highlights online videos from Youth Media Forum 2011. See links to the videos here.   


- Google is helping to invest $55 million to help finance part of the Alta Wind Energy Center in Kern County, one of the largest wind installations in the world. Read the article here.  


- Will PG&E's rate increase hurt the most vulnerable populations in the Valley? Read the op-ed on this topic here.

Expanding The Circle On Regionalism

- the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings developed a database that provides the first look at transit coverage and connectivity across and within the nation's major metro areas. See more info here.


- From the Community to the Classroom, a youth-directed documentary of how Davis young people led their community closer toward educational equity, is now free to download! Find the download link here


- The Formula Fairness Campaign seeks to eliminate unfair and discriminatory treatment of small and rural districts in the formula for distributing funds to local school districts. See more about this campaign here.  

 See all of this information and more on our website: regionalchange.ucdavis.edu. We invite any input on or contributions to these announcements.  Also, if you are interested in providing a post for our blog, please let us know.  To unsubscribe, click the "unsubscribe" button below. Thanks for your time!


Serina Correa

UC Davis Center for Regional Change