Weekly Updates 

March 30, 2011

Vol. 1. Issue 9       


Hello Friends,  


 The CRC would like to invite you to join the Community Development Graduate Group at UC Davis for the spring quarter Doing, Debating Development seminar series which will focus on highlighting the thesis work of their graduating masters students. The talks are free and open to the public, on every Wednesday from April 6th to June 1st, at 12-1pm in room 3201 Hart Hall.  See here for the full schedule and tentative titles the students will be presenting. Please circulate to anyone you think might be interested.



Center for Regional Change

In This Issue
CRC Activities
Request for Proposals & Call for Papers
Jobs & Employment Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Regional Change in the News
Special Reports on Regional Change
Expanding the Circle on Regionalism

CRC Activities

- Join our community partner, Fathers & Families of San Joaquin, for a Boys and Men of Color Summit on April 22 at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton. The summit seeks to demonstrate how serving the needs of fathers and young men can translate to greater social prosperity for Stockton and California. See more info here.

- Don't miss the chance to j
oin colleague, Tara Zagofsky, along with Ron Dwyer-Voss and Mike Green in an upcoming Asset Based Community Development in Action Learning Event on April 27-28. See the event info here.

Request for Proposals & Call for Papers

- USDA is seeking RFP's for their Community-Oriented Connectivity Broadband Grant Program designed to provide financial assistance to furnish broadband service in rural, economically-challenged communities. See more info here.  

Jobs & Employment Opportunities 

- The Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center is seeking a health educator to educate youth and the public about tobacco control. See more info here.

- The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) is seeking a communications volunteer. See the opportunity here.

Upcoming Events

- Join the Cross-Cultural Center and Native American Student Union at UC Davis for the 39th Annual UC Davis Contest Pow Wow this Saturday April 2. See more info here.

- The Western Center for Ag Health and Safety's monthly seminar series on April 4th will be discussing the Children in the Fields Project: Educating the Public on Child Labor Conditions and their Effects. See more info here.

- SF State University & UC Berkeley will be holding a Community Based-Participatory Research and Health Equity Summer Institute August 8-12. See more information here.
Regional Change in the News
- California's Indian tribes are commissioning a high-profile study designed to show the economic benefits of tribal casinos. Find the article here.

A mandate that California utilities increase their use of renewable energy sailed through the state Assembly on Tuesday and is headed for the governor's desk. Read the article here.
Special Reports on Regional Change
- Read Joint Venture's report on government-regionalism in the Silicon Valley which discusses local government efforts to consolidate and streamline operations and services. Find it here
Expanding the Circle on Regionalism
- Cal Corps Public Service Center is seeking to have a panel discussion with current faculty about their experiences with funding for community-engaged scholarship, and their advice for grad students. See more info about the opportunity here.
 See all of this information and more on our website: regionalchange.ucdavis.edu. We invite any input on or contributions to these announcements.  Also, if you are interested in providing a post for our blog, please let us know.  To unsubscribe, click the "unsubscribe" button below. Thanks for your time!


Serina Correa

UC Davis Center for Regional Change