Child & Youth Sector News
National Family Week campaign - Invitation to contribute
The Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP Canada) invites your organization to contribute to their fall public awareness campaign - National Family Week. This year, National Family Week is October 1-7 and the theme, The Grandparent Connection / Les liens entre les générations, celebrates the role of the grandparent - as nurturer, caregiver, role model, historian and so much more.
Over the years, National Family Week has given family members, organizations and agencies across Canada an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of families and the important role families play in society.
If your organization is interested in contributing a bilingual one-page e-resource related to the grandparent theme, please contact Jackie Scheffel at for further details. Examples of past partner contributions are archived in the Resources section of and Mid-July deadline for submissions.
Children's Aid Foundation Funding Opportunity (Due: June 8, 2012)
The Children's Aid Foundation is seeking information from organizations about programs and services provided to new Canadian children, youth and families for a potential funding opportunity. The information provided in response to this RFI will be gathered from agencies across Canada and will be used to develop and distribute a Request for Proposal. Read more.
2011 Census
Statistics Canada report detailing up-to-date population trends. Findings show the highest increase in number of young children since the end of the baby boom.
Healthy living guidelines for early learning and child care centres in PEI Report from PEI Healthy Eating Alliance suggests guidelines and practices to facilitate nutritional eating habits for children and staff in childcare centres.
Measuring child poverty: New league tables of child poverty in the world's rich countries New report places Canada's efforts at eradicating child poverty in an intentional context. See Canada Country profile for an overview of findings.
Need for a National Child Care Strategy
Blog Post by Candace Maxymowich
Children and families in Canada have a right to access quality, affordable child care services. Yet, only 20% of young children today have access to a regulated space and, in many regions, child care fees are the second highest expense for young families.Read More
Early Years Study 3
Have you read the Early Years Study 3? Great way to find out what is happening in your province/territory with regards to public policy and practice. Really reinforces the need for political leadership for ECE.
Public perceptions of early learning and child care Based on a series of focus group discussions in five major metropolitan areas across Canada, this report summarizes key insights into the public's (including parent) current perceptions and future visions of Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada.
Call for nominations to FRP Canada's Board of Directors (deadline June 22)
All materials including two nomination forms, nominee's consent form, biography, personal perspectives and nominee's résumé with contact information for two references must be received by the Elections Officer by 5:00 p.m. your local time on June 22, 2012. Read more.
New Targeted Adoption Subisidies in Ontario
Beginning on June 15th, Children's Aid Societies in Ontario will be providing targeted subsidies to support families who adopt sibling groups or children aged ten or older. This is a welcome change that will go a long way towards ensuring that the families best suited to caring for these children in need can afford to do so. Read more.
Unicef releases Report Card 10 on child poverty
Measuring Child Poverty, Innocenti Report Card 10, 2012, places Canada's child poverty rate at 24 out of 35 "economically advanced" countries, behind countries such as Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom.
The sad, sad story of the UNICEF Child Poverty Report and its critics
David Morely, UNICEF Canada's Executive Director, has issued a bold challenge. "It is clearly time for Canada to prioritize children when planning budgets and spending our nation's resources, even in tough economic times," says a press release announcing the publication of a report on child poverty. The UNICEF Innocenti Report Card is the 10th in a regular series on child poverty in rich countries, each report hitting the headlines every second year or so. Read more.
Modernizing child care in Ontario: Sharing conversations, strengthening partnerships, working together Discussion paper from the Government of Ontario identifies long term goals and medium term actions for modernizing the child care sector. Make sure to check out how you can provide feedback to the discussion questions on the government website.
Fathers in Canada Factsheet from the Vanier Institute of the Family reveals that "men are much more likely than those who came before them to take parental and paternity leave with the birth of a child, to participate regularly in unpaid housework and child care and to leave the workforce behind altogether as a stay-at-home Dad".
CWLC and UNICEF Canada webinar series
The CWLC and UNICEF Canada launched an exciting webinar series that took place in May and June 2012 to inform and discuss the value of the United Nations Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in child welfare policy and practice. This four-part, bilingual webinar series was brought to you by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). All webinars will be archived on the CWLC's website for future reference; all 5 webinars held to date are already uploaded (see them here).
Sign on for a child care system in Canada (Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada) In the lead-up to the upcoming UN Child Rights Review this fall, where representatives of the Governments of Canada will respond to the Committee's ongoing review of developments in our country, we all have an opportunity to advance our call for a Child Care System in Canada. You can help build momentum by adding your organization to the list of endorsers for the Declaration. Forward this information to your networks and spread the word." Read more.
Year 2 Research Report on New Brunswick Early Childhood Centres (Health and Education Research Group) This report describes the ongoing evaluation of the integrated platform of services being demonstrated at the New Brunswick Early Childhood Development Centres, and presents selected outcomes from the first two years of implementation.
Encyclopedia on ECD Updates (Centre of Excellence in Early Childhood Development)
Update on Attachment Topic: A new parent information sheet, "Parent-child attachment: A bond of trust" has been added. "When your baby cries or shows other signs of worry or distress, he is communicating his discomfort to you. If you react quickly to your infant needs by being loving and caring, he will feel more trusting and more secure with you. This is the basis of attachment. This emotional bond is essential to become a well-rounded individual. To learn more on Attachment, a topic recently updated by Dr. Marinus van IJzendoorn, read the experts' texts and the synthesis in the Encyclopedia."
Update on Temperament Topic: This topic has been updated by Mary K. Rothbart, PhD, "Temperament refers to individual characteristics that determine the individual's affective, attentional and motor responses in various situations. For example, temperament can affect young children's mood and emotions, how they approach and react to situations, their level of fear, frustration, sadness and discomfort. These responses also play a role in subsequent social interactions and social functioning."
Are we Killing Creativity (Early Childhood Education)
An interesting piece about the creativity of children. Read more.
Putting children first: Positioning early childhood for the future Framework for integrated early learning released by New Brunswick's Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
A day without childcare Video produced in the U.S. provides a humorous look at what life might be like if child care disappeared.
KidSKAN Newsletter
This special edition o fkidSKAN News includes coverage of the Imagine our Future conference in Moose Jaw. Read more.
Inequality of income, opportunity must be addressed (Herald, Opinion by Scott Brison)
Recent national polls have found that more than three-quarters of Canadians believe income inequality is a problem in Canada. I introduced a private member's motion (M-315) in Parliament this spring which asks the Finance Committee to undertake a study on income inequality in the country. I believe that income inequality and the growing inequality of opportunity have become significant threats to Canada's economy and society. Read more.
Joint Declaration of Support for for Jordan's Principle
Dr. Cindy Blackstock, member of Evergreen's Drafting Committee, is drawing attention to Jordan's Principle, included in Evergreen's values as important to Human Rights in Canada and key to health and mental health. Please help support Cindy's advocacy work by signing Jordan's Principle.
The Curse of the Perfect Mother
Poll says Canada is the best country in G20 to be a woman. Do you agree? Good time to revisit a popular story on motherhood. |