Captions and Identification
We need captions to go with each photo, so send us a brief statement saying what the photo is about and if possible who the people are in the photo (names should be listed left to right and so indicated). At the minimum, we will credit your organization.
When you submit your photo to us, you give us permission to use the photo whenever we want as long as we acknowledge your organization as the source. And, you can always rescind the use of your photo in future publications at a later date. You'll just have to let us know.
We can accept high resolution digital photos that are a minimum of 300 dots per inch in a JPEG format. Try to send them in the biggest size you can. Color photos are preferred, but sometimes black and white photos are acceptable, too. Please note that photos downloaded off of websites are not high resolution photos (as they usually are 72 dots per inch).
How to Send Your Photos
As high-resolution photos result in very large digital files, we sometimes cannot receive them via regular email. So if it doesn't work, you can send your photos utilizing a document delivery service called (that has a free use option). We will receive a notification by email with a downloadable link to access your photo. In the "To" field on the site enter the email address [email protected] with the subject "Photo Call Submission".
We will be working on our annual report over the summer. If you would like your organization photos to be considered, we would need the photos to be submitted by the end of June. Otherwise, you can submit your photos to us at any time and we'll add them to the NACY photo collection.