Welcome to our new Member!

NACY would like to welcome another member to our growing network of organizations dedicated to promoting the wellbeing of children and youth.


Agincourt Community Services Association A non-profit, multi-service agency at the heart of Agincourt addressing needs and empowering children, youth, newcomers, homeless and underserved communities to build a better tomorrow.  website


Join NACY's SuperSearch Network 

Within our Taking Stock project, one activity is to provide sector colleagues with a more robust NACY website to: share project and sector solutions; provide a central access site for the child and youth sector; and profile a catalogue of child and youth sector nonprofit agency best practices. The NACY website has been updated and enhanced with additional features, such as the SuperSearch engine.  


NACY's SuperSearch feature enables users to search through child and youth sector and other relevant websites using just one central search engine. It is a one-stop solution to search for useful information and resources on issues that impact (or are relevant to) the sector specifically and the nonprofit world in general.


NACY is asking organizations to join our SuperSearch network. For more information about NACY's SuperSearch we invite you to read the factsheet . If you are interested in joining our SuperSearch network please fill out the form.


Call for e-Digest Contributions

A vital part of NACY's mandate is its unique ability to bring together a wide variety of child and family serving organizations. This monthly e-Digest presents an excellent opportunity for NACY's members to communication with one another and to keep fellow activits updated on their organization's activities.


Whether you are preparing a press release, applying for government grant, or planning a workshop or conference, NACY wants to hear about i! This e-Digest is here to profile the invaluable work of NACY's members. Please send your contributions to


Child & Youth Sector News

National Family Week campaign - Invitation to contribute

The Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP Canada) invites youorganization to contribute to their fall public awareness campaign - National Family Week. This year, National Family Week is October 1-7 and the theme, The Grandparent Connection / Les liens entre les générations, celebrates the role of the grandparent - as nurturer, caregiver, role model, historian and so much more.


Over the years, National Family Week has given family members, organizations and agencies across Canada an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of families and the important role families play in society.


If your organization is interested in contributing a bilingual one-page e-resource related to the grandparent theme, please contact Jackie Scheffel at or 613-237-7667 ext 224 for further details. Examples of past partner contributions are archived in the Resources section of and Mid-July deadline for submissions.


Rural child care: Supporting farm families and their children (Vanier Institute of the Family)

Article examines the unique challenges rural farm families face when caring for their children on the family farm.


Community Collaborations and Pathways to Youth Employment Resources 

The White House Council for Community Solutions conducted extensive research and outreach in the areas of community collaboration and pathways to employment for youth. The Council, in collaboration with researchers and other third parties, has created a series of tools and resources for leaders across sectors in communities, including business leaders. Read more


Bernard van Leer series on Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Issue 7 of Early Childhood in Focus from the Bernard van Leer Foundation aims to "better understand and critically evaluate reports of new findings from the expanding and increasingly important field of developmental neuroscience". Have a read of their series on ECD.


New online survey will make a difference for ECEC
May/June brings the launch of an exciting online survey that will shed new light on the working conditions, wages and benefits of ECEC staff. The survey, You Bet We Still Care!, is sponsored by the  Child Care Human Resources Sector Council. 

It is the first time in 15 years that the sector will be collecting and analyzing data on centre-based, full-day, licensed child care programs for children aged 0-6. The survey will include employers, administrators, owners, all staff in supervisory positions, and all staff who work directly with children.

You Bet We Still Care! will help paint an accurate picture of the workforce. The new research will be invaluable to our advocacy efforts to increase the wages in ECEC-a critical component of quality services. The results of the survey will help us push for change. Make sure you check out the website for more information and complete the survey if you are eligible. 

Letter from CCCABC to Honourable Mary McNeil, Minister of Children and Family Development  

New Brunswick: Amendments proposed to Early Learning and Childcare Act (Government of New Brunswick, May 16, 2012)
"Amendments have been proposed to the unproclaimed Early Learning and Childcare Act to establish a single piece of legislation called the Early Childhood Services Act. The amendments are subsequent to the transfer of early childhood services to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. The new act would combine all early childhood programs and services such as preschool autism intervention, prenatal support, early learning and childcare, and early intervention.... Changes to the section of the act detailing curriculum frameworks are proposed so that licensed childcare facilities use only one of the two frameworks provided by the department." Read more.


Provincial Government Allocates Five Hundred New Child Care Spaces Across Saskatchewan (Government of Saskatchewan, May 10, 2012)
"Education Minister Donna Harpauer, today announced that the Saskatchewan Government has allocated 500 new child care spaces to 15 communities across the province. The allocation is based on the 2012-13 provincial budget which provided $2 million to develop 500 new child care spaces across Saskatchewan, and an additional $4 million to cover the
capital costs of those new spaces." Read more


Children's Aid Foundation Funding Opportunity (Due: June 8, 2012)

The Children's Aid Foundation is seeking information from organizations about programs and services provided to new Canadian children, youth and families for a potential funding opportunity. The information provided in response to this RFI will be gathered from agencies across Canada and will be used to develop and distribute a Request for Proposal. Read more.


Ontario: Special Education Report (People for Education)
Ontario's auditor general and the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario have been calling for changes to special education for a number of years. The new data in our report shows that the need is urgent. It's time to begin reviewing special education services in Ontario. Among the findings in the report: An average of 18% of elementary students and 24% of secondary students require some form of special education assistance. These numbers have increased steadily over the last decade; 47% of secondary schools and 50% of elementary schools report there is a cap on the number of students who can be recommended for special education assessments. Read more


Births and Babies in 2009 (Vanier Institute of the Family)
In which month were the most babies born in 2009? Where do we find the lowest fertility rates in Canada? This month's fact sheet includes statistics on births, fertility and more.


Newfoundland: Partnership to explore integration of early childhood learning programs (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, May 8, 2012)
"The Provincial Government has entered into a partnership with the Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation and the Jimmy Pratt Foundation to study innovative ways in which to integrate early childhood learning programs in Newfoundland and Labrador with a view to enabling the smoothest possible transition to school. "This partnership will begin with a six-month research study, conducted through Memorial University, which will include an examination of different early childhood learning programs in the province, and the identification of specific best practices which lead to a seamless transition to Kindergarten," said the Honourable Clyde Jackman, Minister of Education..." Read more.

The Federal Budget and Women

CCPA blog by Angella MacEwen asks "what specifically in this [federal]budget impacts women?" and "what's left out?" 


Child Care is a Right
Check out what's been added to the CHILD CARE IS A RIGHT project.


Working for a Living Wage 2012 (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
"Families who work for low wages face impossible choices - buy food or heat the house, feed the children or pay the rent. The result can be spiraling debt, constant anxiety and long-term health problems. In many cases it means that the adults in the family are working long hours, often at two or three jobs, just to pay for basic necessities. They have little time to spend with their family, much less to help their children with school work or participate in community activities. The frustration of working harder only to fall further behind is one many BC residents can relate to." Read more.  


New tool provides easy access to charitable information -

Imagine Canada has long asserted that charities themselves are committed to ensuring ease of access to information that Canadians want to see, and just as importantly, that donors should not focus on financial results alone. This webinar will show you how your organization can further demonstrate transparency by updating your profile on CharityFocus.

June 4, 2012
1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time


The Impact of the 2012 Federal Budget on Political Activities by Charities

An important webinar about the impact of the recent Federal Budget on political activities by charities in Canada. Know the rules, what is permitted, what is not and what has changed. As the recent federal budget states, "Given their unique perspectives and expertise, it is broadly recognized that charities make a valuable contribution to the development of public policy in Canada." This webinar will help you to understand what your charity can and cannot do to become part of that process. 
June 19, 2012
1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Guest Speaker: Terry Carter, Managing Partner, Carters Professional Corporation
Register today. Space is limited. 


Nonprofit Newswire 
Sign up and receive daily emails on the latest sector news stories.


There's Strength in Numbers: Join the Community Data Program!
For over 15 years, the Canadian Council on Social Development's Community Data Program has served as a gateway for community networks of municipalities and voluntary sector organizations to access customized data from national statistical agencies in order to monitor and report on local social and economic trends. What can your organization do with data from the Community Data Program? You can generate neighbourhood maps, provide research for long-term social plans, and create poverty profiles of targeted populations! CCSD is now accepting applications from organizations or community networks interested in joining the Community Data Program for the 2012-2017 Membership Agreement.


Updated Fundraising Guidance

The updated "Fundraising by Registered Charities Guidance" was recently released by Canada Revenue Agency. These guidelines will help your organization be transparent, properly allocate your fundraising expenses, and ensure you are operating in accordance with federal standards. 


Capacity Building Webinars
The HR Council is pleased to partner with the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation to present a series of free webinars at the end of May. Sign up today and join the conversation.

May 29: The value of developing Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
May 30: Capacity building: Examples of strong investments in not-for-profit effectiveness
June 1: What is corporate responsibility and how does it impact my not-for-profit?

Charities Information Spring 2012 Sessions
The CRA's spring sessions  are now open for registration. These free sessions will take place across Canada in May and June, and cover topics such as:
  • gifting to other organizations;
  • keeping books and records;
  • filing your T3010 (don't forget to use our T3010 QuickPrep tool!); and others.
These sessions are open to all registered charities and are great professional development opportunities for new board members, finance staff or volunteers.





3rd National Symposium on Child & Youth Mental Health

Calgary, Alberta - May 30-June 1, 2012

Themes: Access, Wait Times & The Role of Schools in Mental Health

Event website  


Critical Crossroads: Youth Criminal Justice and Literacy

Toronto, ON - June 5, 2012

The goal of Critical Crossroads is to raise awareness of the link between literacy and young people's involvement in the criminal justice system. This conference will focus on engaging stakeholders, practitioners and policy makers in a dialogue regarding promising program practices, current research and policies.

Register online


Models of Early Childhood Services 

Montreal, QC - June 5-6, 2012

What does it take to implement effective early childhood programs in Canada or in another country? How can countries maintain and fund these programs? What are the challenges met and the lessons learned? Through keynote presentations, workshops and discussions, discover the challenges that governments and foundations of Canada, New Zealand, Finland, Brazil, Ireland and Great Britain have faced while implementing best ECD practices. The conference Website will soon be available. For more information, visit and


CCCABC Annual General Meeting
June 13, 2012 at 5:30pm
Rhizome Café, 317 East Broadway, Vancouver
Please RSVP to 604-515-5439 

CCCABC is a volunteer led and directed organization, in which Board members work collectively to provide ongoing leadership to BC's child care advocacy movement. This has been a very busy and active year for CCCABC. For their AGM this year they are planning a relaxed summer gathering. Read the AGM agenda


Canada's Premier Bullying Prevention Conference Hosted by PREVNet

You are invited to PREVNet's 6th Annual Conference on June 19th, 2012 in Toronto, ON. This year's conference theme is "Creating Healthy Relationships to Prevent Bullying: Get the Tools to Take Action". Official conference brochure


EUSARF 2012 - "All our children: positive experiences, successful outcomes for looked after and other vulnerable children"

Thistle Hotel, Glasgow - September 4-7, 2012

This conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, managers and policy makers, to address topical issues facing vulnerable children and young people, and their families. The programme will highlight three overarching themes: perspectives of children and young people; organisational change and effective intervention. The call for papers will be available shortly and they will be accepting abstract submissions from the 31st January.


Children's Mental Health Ontario's 40th Anniversary Conference

Toronto, Ontario - November 18-20, 2012

The Conference will provide an opportunity to share knowledge, new experiences and build community networks that will lead to a better mental health system for children and youth.

Theme: Partnering and Leading in Innovation and Transformation. See flyer here

The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY) 

is Canada's national umbrella organization creating a collaborative network dedicated to all children and youth. NACY is able to advance shared goals with the combined voice of its members, by providing leadership dedicated to linking practice and research to policy development on a pan-Canadian basis. Our unique mandate brings together a wide variety of child and family-serving organizations from across all sectors including health, education, child care, justice, community, family and social services.

Add your voice to NACY's network by becoming a member today!

National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)

130 Albert Street | Suite 1705 

Ottawa, ON | K2P 1G4 

613.292.0569 | |