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Collaboration, service delivery efficiencies and more effective knowledge transfer methods, have become a major focus of the nonprofit sector over the last few years. As part of NACY's Taking Stock project, we have been speaking with organizations across Canada to ask about innovations they have seen, both locally and on a national basis, that highlight best practices across an area of issues that are relevant to the sector. Emerging from these conversations we wanted to share information on Imagine Canada's recently launched Standards Program


Designed to strengthen public confidence in the charitable and nonprofit sector, the program is one of the first-of-its-kind globally at a national level. It offers accreditation to charities and nonprofits that can demonstrate excellence in  five key areas: board governance; financial accountability and transparency; ethical fundraising; staff management; and, volunteer involvement. 


The Standards are available free of charge to download and use. So if you are, for example, a small organization and cannot afford to pay the accreditaiton fee, you can still access the Standards and put this capacity-building tool into practice.


On May 24 (tomorrow!), an information webinar will be hosted to walk interested organizations through the accreditation process and to share the insights and tips learned from the pilot group that were the first to achieve accreditation.


For additional information on the Standards Program, visit Imagine Canada's website or email



The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY) 

is Canada's national umbrella organization creating a collaborative network dedicated to all children and youth. NACY is able to advance shared goals with the combined voice of its members, by providing leadership dedicated to linking practice and research to policy development on a pan-Canadian basis. Our unique mandate brings together a wide variety of child and family-serving organizations from across all sectors including health, education, child care, justice, community, family and social services. 

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